
Episode 1

(The episode opens with the sun shining outside)

(Hands are shown stretching)

(A cover comes off)

(Feet are shown to enter Wolf slippers)

(The person opens the blinds fully)

(The person is revealed to be a 10-year-old girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a red shirt, blue skirt, and white shoes named Kate)

Kate (twirls): Happy Birthday to me (jumps)

(Kate makes up her bed, then looks at the mirror)

Kate: Oh no! No! This hair will not do

(Kate is shown putting gel in her hair and combs it in front of a mirror in the bathroom)

(Kate comes out of the bathroom with perfect curly hair)

(Kate goes to her wardrobe, picks four outfits)

(Kate changes into a red shirt, blue skirt, and white shoes and puts her purse on)

Kate (looking at the mirror): Perfect

(Kate looks at the mess on her floor)

Kate: Okay, almost, I can't leave with this room looking like this

(Kate puts four stuff animals: a squirrel,eevee, and a pikachu on the shelf, all her ten books on the bookshelf, and brushes the dust off around the room)

(The screen shows the room sparkling)

Kate: Now, this perfect (by the door) alright, I am ready for an adventure

(Kate slides down the rail of the stairs and lands on her feet)

(Kate's father who is reading a newspaper, puts it down, and claps)

(Kate's father short black hair, brown skin, wearing a brown shirt, and blue pants named Otis)

Kate (bows): Thank you (bats her eyelashes) but, I was expecting something else

Otis: (laughs heartily) Happy birthday Kate

(Kate hugs Otis)

Otis: and that hug is not all since it's your tenth birthday, Dr. Palm wants to meet you

Kate (eyes sparkle): Yes

Otis: But, remember you have to choose wisely

Kate: I will! I will!

Otis: I mean it, don't do anything reckless

Kate: I won't

Otis: Okay, before you go eat, then I will do a bag check.

Kate: Fair.

(Otis and Kate eat breakfast together)

(The screen switches to Kate and Otis facing each other)

Otis: Phone

(Kate shows her phone)

Otis: Money

(Kate shows her wallet with a lock on it)

Otis: Perfect, the key to it

(Kate shows a golden key)

Otis: Good, the key to this house

(Kate shows a silver key)

Otis: Good, healing spray

(Kate shows a spray)

Otis: taser

(Kate shows a taser)

Otis: Bandages, and disinfect spray

(Kate shows a box of bandages and an green spray bottle)

Otis: (clapping) You are passing this with flying colors. Poke treats

(Kate shows a box of Poke treats)

Otis: Great, last one more hug

(Kate hugs Otis)

Otis: (wipes a single tear from his eye) Now, wait tickets

(Kate reveals golden tickets)

Otis: Great, go and have an adventure

Kate: I will (looks at a picture) bye mom, I love you (waves) bye dad

(The picture shows a woman who has long brown hair in a ponytail, brown skin, wearing a brown dress sitting on the grass holding a baby)

Otis: Bye sweetheart

(Kate goes through the door and closes it behind her)

(The screen switches to Kate entering a laboratory)

Kate: Hello, Dr. Palm

Dr. Palm: Kate, there's the birthday girl

(Dr. Palm is revealed as a thirty-year-old man who has spiky green hair, brown skin, wearing a white lab coat, blue shirt, red pants, and white shoes)

Kate: So

Dr. Palm: Calm down

Dr. Palm (shows Chikorita, Torchic, and Squirtle): These are your starter pokemon

Kate: A Chikorita, a Torchic, and a Squirtle, no way!

Dr. Palm: You know your Pokémon well

Kate: Of course, man, which do I choose? My dad to pick wisely, so

(Each of the Pokémon smiles at her)

Kate: The Chikorita

Dr. Palm: Okay (gives Kate a Pokeball) here

Kate: A Pokeball

Dr. Palm: Oh and (gives Kate a box) here, so you can catch more

Kate: Right

Dr. Palm: Now, I know your dad probably already told you this, don't attack Pokémon recklessly

Kate: I won't, by the way are you meeting my dad for y'all annual date?

Dr. Palm (blushes): How?

Kate: Come on, Dr. Palm, I am not dumb, it was obvious my dad liked you and you liked my dad

Dr. Palm: So, you are calm with it

Kate: Yeah, I trust you and I trust my dad's judgement, good luck

Dr. Palm: Are you sure?

Kate: I get it, it's must get lonely for dad, and I don't want him to be unhappy, so if you want to make him happy, I won't stop you

Dr. Palm: Thank you

Kate: Come on, Chikorita

(The Chikorita jumps in Kate's arm)

Kate: Bye

Dr. Palm: Bye

(The screen switches to Kate sitting on the train)

Kate: Take care (looks determined) for now, it's you and me (looking at the Pokeball) Chikorita

A man (holds out his hand): Ticket

(Kate reveals her ticket)

(The man stamped the ticket, then gives it to Kate)

(The man moves on)

(Episode ends with showing the train moving on the tracks)