
A little longer

Dust stood in the middle of a clearing with professor Oak and his three companions in front of them.

Anubis was still a Riolu, and Tobi and Yuki were about to take off their everyone bands.

They couldn't progress anymore, Oak called them the peak of their species.

Yuki could now lift eight boulders, the Teleports range increased, and learned the Moon blast.

Tobirama however made the most progress.

Mastering Arial ace, learning Night slash, and has enough experience in shadow sneak to stay in his master's shadow until he's needed, by using mind reader, he can now dodge attacks from Dragonite but the dragon wasn't built for speed unlike Greninja, It was still impressive nonetheless.

Anubis was making progress with detect and counter, Mastering force palm was one of the things that was vital, and His Aura sphere was coming along.

He was proud of them and it showed by the gigawatt smile on his face.

"Now then, let's finish the teat we started a few years ago shall we?".

Dust nodded and motioned to Tobi and Yuki to take off the bands.

The glow of two evolutions simultaneously was blinding, so they couldn't see the process.

When the light finally dimmed he saw the form of his strongest Pokemon.

Yuki, Had short green hair coming down to her shoulders, a red spike coming out of her chest and it looked like she was wearing a white dress.

Tobirama grew in size, his tongue was wrapped around his neck like a scarf, on his legs were four-pointed stars patterns and he grew two ear-like fins on his head.


Tobirama yelled out in triumph as he inspected his changes and started stretching, getting used to his new body.


A calm voice came from Yuki, she looked down at her hands, then her dress looked around at the trees.

"Excellent, Dust, Now could they demonstrate what they can do after they evolved?".

Oak asked, readying a pen to note things down, the last tests showed how powerful the two were before evolution, now it was time to see if getting as strong as one can before evolving affects the Pokemon after the evolution.

"Tobirama, use water shuriken".

Tobi complied, putting his hands on his thighs, where the star patterns were, and taking out two water stars, putting them together thus making a shuriken, he threw it at a boulder nearby.

The boulder exploded, leaving behind only debris.

"... Interesting".

That was the only thing Oak said as he noted down something excitedly.

(...for someone that's starting his journey in a week, I think they're just... too good, maybe I should catch a new Pokemon and try to use them during my travel...Pffft Nah, though I do want a Nidoking).

With a nod, Dust looked over to his Gardevoir and indicated that it was her turn.

Yuki nodded and closed her eyes, as purple energy appeared around the trees boulders and even the small rocks.

Trees were uprooted, Boulders raised, and small rocks were brought together creating two boulders, as if to show off Yuki herself floated, Hers eyes opening was the only signal they got until trees got smashed and Boulders turned into dust.

(Okay... Pokemon are damn scary, In the anime, no one died, but even a Pidgey can kill someone with a good placed Quick attack).


Anubis exclaimed in excitement, happy to see his friends evolve and gained a resolute shine in his eyes, He wanted to evolve.

Dust chuckled at the little guy's reaction and looked over at the professor, who was writing furiously.

"Your Yuki got an incredible boost in Psychic power, while Tobirama destroyed a boulder with a newly learned move, Simply amazing".

Dust looked confused at his words, so he decided to ask a question that has been bothering him for a while now.

"Professor is this that uncommon? surely someone would have experimented with this before".

Oak just chuckled like he just said something hilarious.

"No my boy, everyone wanted to do this but none later as long as you or your Pokemon have, Some get impatient and take off the ever stones, some Pokemon refuse to participate and some Pokemon don't even want to evolve when the experiment is done, so now all I have to do is compare last reports of how strong they got on average and we can compare".

Oak was excited... that wasn't good.