

In the previous chapter we can see how Ash, Nancy and Verity participate in the tournament of the so-called "Battle Residence" where the most outstanding coaches of the Indigo League would participate for a prize, we could see how Ash won in his first round with his Charmander while Nancy won against Verity.

With Ash.

"Well, I already have the results, apparently the coaches who have gone to the semifinals are, Ash, Nancy, Richie and Malcolm, these 4 coaches will fight each other to win the award I mentioned earlier, let's see who they will face!" – said Andrew.

The same screen came out again and paired us with who we had to face, apparently I had Malcolm while Nancy had to fight with Richie, this is going to be interesting, Richie was also very talented.

That said, I had to stay on the field while Nancy and Richie went to another, apparently the other coaches were allowed to see the next fights, so even Verity stayed, 3 of them went to see Nancy's fight and two, the aforementioned Verity and Eric stayed to see mine, those perverts...

"Well, the rules are simple, 1 vs 1, the Pokémon that falls weakened, loses, they can start!" – announced the referee.

"Honedge, I choose you!" exclaimed Malcolm as he pulled a Honedge out of his Pokéball.

It would have been nice to choose Charmander again, but he suffered a lot of damage in the previous fight and that Honedge looks very energetic, so...

"Phione, I choose you!" – I said pulling out my Phione.

Phione came out of her Pokéball and looked at me with a smile, what an adorable my god, the last time I saw her was this morning, but she is so adorable, I love it!

"Oh, a Phione, what a particular Pokémon!" – Andrés exclaimed in surprise.

"Wow, I've heard that they're incredibly hard to see let alone catch, as expected of Ash!" – Eric said with emotion.

Wow, I didn't know it was going to cause such a surprise, I even saw Malcolm surprised.

"It may be a rare Pokémon, but that's not why it's strong, Shadow Sneak!"

"¡Dodge it!"

Although Shadow Sneak is a priority attack even here, it is an attack that can be dodged, luckily, Phione has high reflexes and was able to dodge the Shadow Sneak, although with some difficulty, I must say that these trainers are not weak at all, they just lack experience, I have experience in video games and I have seen the anime, So I have that advantage... At least for now, once they improve, it will be difficult to gain even with such knowledge.

"¡Water Pulse!"

I taught her the Water Pulse during breakfast, the girls ate a lot and we had some time left, so I decided to teach it, it was not difficult, she actually learned it the same day, is it because she already learns it or why she is a genius? The second surely, just look at her, she is adorable and talented.

A wave of water shot out towards Honedge.

"Counter attack with Fury Cutter!"

Part of Honedge's body lit up a greenish color and attacked the Water Pulse, completely disintegrating it, but I really expected it.

"Now Phione, Confusion!"

As Honedge made the Fury Cutter, Phione approached Honedge and got close enough that he couldn't dodge our next attack.

"When did he get behind?! skip it!"

Malcolm did not expect Phione's speed and was pleasantly surprised, I could see it in his eyes, but unfortunately for him, Phione was too close for him to dodge and hit him squarely causing him to fall to the ground weakened.

"Honedge cannot continue, Phione wins and therefore Ash is the winner!" – ruled the referee.

"Haa... I shouldn't have used Honedge, the poor guy had just hatched from an egg just two days ago, but, anyway, congratulations for your victory" - Malcolm said as he shook my hand.

Obviously he had already sent his Pokémon to rest.

Naturally, I also shook his hand.

"Thank you, I hope to fight you next time, I'm sure by then it will be a strong Aegislash" – I smiled.

"Take it for granted," Malcolm nodded.

"Congratulations Ash!" exclaimed Verity giving me a hug.

"Thank you" – I said reciprocating the hug.

Malcolm was just looking at us with a smile, although I could see a hint of envy, but as long as it's just that I guess it doesn't matter.

Not long after, Nancy came with a look of disappointment, I think I know what happened, but just in case I will ask.

"How did it go?" – but Verity got ahead of me.

"Bad, that guy Richie is not exactly weak, I almost won, but my poor Nidorina fell in first place" – Nancy sighed.

Seeing her like this, I pulled her into my arms and she plunged into my warm embrace.

"It doesn't matter, next time you'll win, don't worry" - I said calmly.

Many boys looked at us with envious looks, but I ignored them, but this situation did not last long because Andrew, who was arguing earlier with the butler, returned.

"Very well, what exciting shows, my butlers told me that they are coaches of the most talented, but as always, there is always someone better than you, but who is not depressed, this will only serve as a lesson to see your strengths and weaknesses, in order to improve them and not fall into the same mistake again!" – explained Andrés.

In fact, it makes sense, now everyone here already knows that they have done wrong, so when they leave, they will try to improve their combat techniques, getting even stronger.

"This tournament was great, but all good things come to an end, in the last fight Ash and Richie will face, I hope all of you can enjoy the battle between such good coaches!" – said Andrés with a smile.

Then, we got into our posts.

"One last time I will explain the rules, 1 vs 1, the first to weaken, lose, they can start!" – exclaimed the referee.

"Pikachu, it's time to prove ourselves!" – I said with a smile.

"Oh, a Pikachu, then I may, Sparky, I choose you!" – Richie said with a smile.

As I expected him to do, he also took out his Pikachu.

"Let's prove that Pikachu is stronger, use Thunderbolt!" – I said.

"Double team!"

Thanks to his Double Team, Pikachu could not hit a hit on his enemy.

"Quick attack!" – I said.

"Go ahead, use the same attack!"

Both Pikachu collided with each other, but as they arrived, both were sent to fly.

"Rejoin and use Thunderbolt !" – I ordered.

Pikachu threw his Lightning, however, Richie wasn't going to be far behind.

"Quick attack to dodge!"

The enemy Pikachu dodged my attack with great agility and threw himself straight at my Pikachu.

"¡Dodge it!"

But Pikachu could not dodge it, because the other Pikachu was already there and was sent to fly.

"Are you okay Pikachu?"

"¡Pika pi!" – asintió Pikachu.

"Use Quick Attack again"

"Then I'll dodge it using Double Team!" – said Richie.

The attack was dodged by the other Pikachu, which had not received a scratch, while mine had already received damage from the previous Quick Attack, it's funny, we are literally fighting ourselves, but we are better, much better.

"Take this Pikachu!" – I said throwing my cap towards Pikachu.

"Pika pii?" – Pikachu said in amazement, picking up his cap.

"It is a symbol, with this it is clear that we are the best, that we are not equal to others, we are friends, colleagues and above all... invincible!" – I shouted.

"Pika!" Pikachu nodded excitedly as he put on my cap.

"Do you think that by putting on a cap you are going to be stronger or something, use Quick Attack again!"

"Pikachu and I are the best, we will not let ourselves be won by anything or anyone, that is our strength, dodge it"

Pikachu waited until the last moment to dodge it, when he was literally in front of him, he dodged gracefully.

"What the hell?" – exclaimed Richie in surprise.

"Use Thunderbolt!"

"Double Team!"

But this time the Double Team did not save him because the Thunderbolt hit the real Pikachu making him go back.

"What's going on? Before he couldn't get it right, what's the difference? Don't tell me..." – said Richie with a drop of sweat.

"That we are invincible, use Thunderbolt!"

"I refuse to believe it, use Thunderbolt you too!"

Both attacks collided causing a small shock wave that made the others look with amazement at the amazing battle, although that was impossible for Ash to see.

Again with Ash.

Both attacks collided, neither seemed to win, but...

"Come on Pikachu, let's prove why we are the best!" – I said with emotion.

"Pika piiiiiiiiii!" exclaimed Pikachu.

And his Thunderbolt doubled in size causing Richie's Pikachu to lose ground exponentially, until, at last, it hit him squarely, causing him to fall to the ground weakened.

"Mr. Richie's Pikachu cannot continue, Mr. Ash's Pikachu wins, therefore the winner of this tournament is Ash!" – ruled the referee.

"Well done Pikachu!" – I said as I gave him a hug.

"Pika pi!" – Pikachu did the same.

"Congratulations!" – said both girls, who hugged me.

But they forgot about Pikachu, who was trying to survive as both women's breasts crushed him.

Oh god, I remember this scene.

"Pika pi!" - said Pikachu angrily.

"No, wait!" – I said frightened.

But it was late and Pikachu threw a Thunderbolt at the 3 of us, leaving us stunned enough that he could break free.

"I'll be more careful next time" - Nancy said in pain.

"Remind me not to anger Pikachu next time," Verity complained.

"Pika pi" – Pikachu nodded.

But before he could say anything else, the butler, along with Andrew, came carrying a large backpack that looked rather expensive.

"Congratulations on your victory, I'm looking forward to seeing your performance in the Indigo League, by the way, here you have your prize, I'm sorry I can't give it to you in something more elegant, but there are many Pokéballs and they don't fit in a briefcase" – explained Andrés.

The butler offered me the bag and, when I opened it, I found numerous Pokéballs in them, literally they were all the ones he mentioned above, but I do not want to carry such a large suitcase, especially carrying one on my back all the time, besides, I do not want to keep the whole prize, so I gave three pairs of Pokéball to each of the girls, which they accepted and happily stuffed into their backpacks.

"You really don't want to keep the backpack? I don't want to brag, but it's quite expensive" - Andrew asked.

"Definitely" – I nodded giving the suitcase to the butler.

"I wish I could take care of you, but I need to give young Richie his prize, but if you want you can stay overnight" - said Andrew.

"I don't think, there is still enough time, I think we can get to Saffron City on time" – I refused.

"I agree, there is still a day, plus I wouldn't know what to do for so long" - Nancy agreed.

"Yes, I prefer to walk too" - Verity nodded.

"Pika pi" – said Pikachu.

But if you go on my shoulder all the time...

"As you wish, now I must say goodbye, but my butler will guide you to the exit, but first heal your Pokémon with these Potions, Alfred" – smiled Andrew as he indicated to his butler something.

God knows where, Alfred, the butler took out some potions with which we could cure our Pokémon and after thanking him for this, we went with Alfred.

To summarize, Alfred guided us to the exit and, after saying goodbye to us, we headed to Saffron City.