
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
153 Chs

Turns out, Favors don't matter in front of serious workers!

As everything settled, the days returned to calm.

Ace sat in the Gym most of the time and the frequency of Challengers dropped drastically! Though, there were still a few. 

One time, even an old man challenged the Gym. Ace had fun battling with him and even gave him the Oreburgh badge, "Not bad, young man!" The old man waved, chuckling, "Thank you, Gym Leader. Haha." Ace smiled and shook his hand, "Your Pokemon are bred very well, I had a really hard time!"

He even wiped his sweat as a little kid peeped on them. The Grandpa smiled gratefully as he nodded, walking away with a cane.

Ace watched him go as the kid ran out, "Wow! Grandpa, you're so strong!" The Grandpa rubbed the kid's head and smiled, "If Grandpa can do it, why can't you?" The kid jumped up and down, "Grandpa is my idol! Haha!"

Ace looked at them in a daze and touched his eyes, "Fuck off…" as he wiped them. He shook his head and forgot about it, smiling as he waited for another challenger.

This continued for an entire year!

During which, there were some goodies!

[Snom Egg]

[Hatenna Egg]

[Rokidee Egg]

[Seastone Cube]

[Dark Magician Card]

Ace looked at the Dark Magician card in his hand and put it in the store next to the Blue Eyes White Dragon Card before looking at the time. He pulled out his phone and looked at the picture sent to him that cost him 1 Billion.

Qin Yuelong- Dead!

Then there was a video of a Poacher throwing him into Sharpedo infested waters. After confirming this guy didn't have some chinese bullshit, he was relieved.

At least, that problem was solved! These Poachers were really efficient! He erased all the traces for him and the Poachers. It was better this guy disappeared cleanly. After all, nobody was coming to look for him but it was better to be prepared.

Apparently when they found him, he was talking to Marnie, who, again, was 9 years old at this time. The Poachers nearly told Ace to keep his money! They all had families, this scum was too much, really!

Finally, Ace texted Inspector Joy, "I'm going on Vacation? Boss? Is that alright?" she replied quickly, "More than a month and you're fined again!" Ace wilted, "What about all the benefits I bring to the world?"

Inspector Joy: ??? RotomMax is good. Reviving Oreburgh is great. But being irresponsible with your Gym Leader position is non-negotiable! AngryLatios.jpg

Ace: I thought you could get away with anything with money!! SadNoibat.jpg

Inspector Joy: In your dreams! SleepingMunna.jpg

Ace sighed and closed his phone, waving at Roark, "I have to come back…" Roark's lips twitched, "Is that something you should be complaining about…?" Ace almost burst into tears, "I wanna go search for fossils! You understand, right Roark?!" Roark sighed and patted Ace's back, "Yeah… I also want to do that…" He smiled happily, "So come back fast, okay?"

Ace jumped on Noivern and cried a little, my own nephew… stabbed me in the back! It turns out you're not flirting with girls but digging for fossils while I take care of the Gym!

Noivern took off and disappeared from Oreburgh as Ace returned to normal, looking at the Map.

He rubbed his chin, "This one should be in Hoenn… But the location. Hm!" he directed Noivern and they flew faster. Noivern growled, "Noivern Noivern!" Ace rolled his eyes, "You think Garchomp will like you if you're so lazy? Let me tell you, Cynthia told me they made more progress!"

Noivern was dumbfounded, "Noi?!" Ace nodded, "Noi is right!" Noivern made a Pikachu face before sighing. Ace rubbed him, "Well, don't worry, you're getting there. One day you'll be able to press down Garchomp and… hehe…"

Noivern nearly fell from the sky before wiping his drool, "Noi!" Ace nodded, "Mhm… I know. I'm a genius!"

Hoenn wasn't that far away from Sinnoh, so the flight wasn't very long!

Only a few days later

Ace was looking at the map as Noivern flew over an island. Ace patted Noivern, "Stop, buddy." Noivern looked at him, "Noi?" Ace jumped off and Noivern grabbed his head, shrinking down.

Ace looked at the map while falling from the sky and landing on a beach. He turned the map around and hummed, "It should be here, right?" A guy with light blue hair said, "Woah! Dude, did you just, like, fall from the sky, bro?"

Ace turned and looked at him, "Huh? Yeah, don't worry about it bro." The guy laughed and gave him a thumbs up, "You look familiar, dude. Are you famous or something?" Ace rubbed his nose and smirked, "Well, when you see a handsome guy like me, it's only natura-" 

The guy snapped his fingers, "Hold on, Bro! I gotta catch this radical wave!" as he ran out with a Makuhita.

Ace looked at the guy and forgot what his name was! He paused and looked around, "Hm? These guys are really beach bros!" he clapped his hands and changed into beach shorts.

In an instant, Ace fit in with everyone as he continued looking at the map, "Noivern, does this look like it's in the water to you?" Noivern looked at the map and spread his wings helplessly, "Noi~"

Ace's lips twitched, "What do you mean you can't read maps?" he paused as a kid bumped into him, "Ouch!"

Ace looked down at him, blinking, glasses? The kid looked up and rubbed his nose, as his glasses bounced into the sand. Ace picked them up, "Here, kid." the kid said, "Gee! Thanks, mister!" as Ace nodded, turning away with the map, sighing, "I guess it's really in the sea…"

He put the map away and muttered, "I haven't tried to hold my breath for so long… Well, never hurts to try!" he walked to the beach and took back Noivern before jumping into the sea.