
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
153 Chs

This damn Crow's mouth!!!

The group left Oreburgh, heading for Mt Coronet while Roark brought Machamp to the Pokemon Center…

Ace left the Fossil Pokemon in Oreburgh to patrol the streets, only taking Noivern, Perrserker, and Sirfetch'd.

It wasn't long before they arrived at Mt Coronet.

Ace waved and Noivern shook, shrinking down. He flew to Ace's head and laid down, letting out a little puff of smoke, completely relaxed. Byron looked at Noivern and chuckled. Cynthia looked at Noivern shrinking and smiled before leading the way.

The three walked into Mt Coronet, going through a cave.

Ace looked around as they continued walking, Cynthia lead them deeper and deeper. Ace paused and looked at a little off shoot cave, he walked over and Cynthia stopped, looking over, "What happened?"

Ace sniffed and said, "Should be Lava through this cave tunnel!" Cynthia and Byron looked at him in confusion as Ace looked excited, "Come on! Heatrans live in Volcanic Areas!" before he crawled into the off-shoot.

Cynthia and Byron looked at each other helplessly before following him.

They all appeared in a large room with a wide hallway-like tunnel.

Ace looked over and Cynthia wiped her 'explorer's outfit', brushing through her large ponytail with her fingers as she walked over, "What's that sound?" Byron turned his ear and said with doubt, "Sounds like water?" 

Ace frowned and crossed his arms, "Noivern, make it louder." Noivern's ears vibrated and he roared slightly as a surging sound echoed. Ace looked at the hallway, turning back to the other two, waving, "Come on, I think it's here!" 

The other two looked curious and they all walked through the giant tunnel, walking into a massive room full of magma!

Ace, Cynthia, and Byron locked their eyes on the Magma-like Pokemon laying on a glowing red rock!

Ace took out his Rotom Phone, taking pictures, "It's Heatran!" Cynthia was dumbfounded, "There's really a Heatran here?!" Byron looked at the Heatran in shock before saying, "Does anyone…"

Ace and Cynthia looked at him before smiling, "Come on, Byron!" Byron smiled at them gratefully before stepping forward, pulling out a shovel and sticking it in the ground in front of him, "Heatran!"

Heatran opened its eyes looking at him.

Byron felt the pressure and grinned, pointing his shovel at it, "I want to Subdue you!" Heatran looked at Byron and snorted, standing up majestically.

Byron's eyes flashed and he threw out a Pokemon, "Come on, Aggron!"

Byron's Aggron landed on the ground, roaring with power at the Heatran!

Heatran jumped down and growled.

Ace walked closer and Cynthia grabbed him, dragging him back out of the way. Ace held the Camera on the Battle.

Byron nodded at Heatran, "Let's do it, Aggron! Earthquake!" Aggron stomped on the ground as Heatran jumped up, climbing on the ceiling. It looked down and spit out a beam of Lava!

Byron shouted, "Rollout to the side!" Aggron rolled on the ground as the Lava Plume splashed on the ground at Byron's feet. He didn't even look at it, focusing on Heatran as he said, "Get him down! Rock Slide!"

Heatran lost its footing as the rocks on the ceiling started falling down. It turned and crawled on the walls and ceiling nimbly, spitting out more Lava everywhere. Byron commanded, "Stop playing tricks, Heatran! Surf!"

Ace almost collapsed as Aggron waved his arms, a massive wave appearing in the room, flooding it.

Heatran looked at Byron with an unfriendly look.

This is my home, okay?!

It fell into the water and burst with flames, magma exploded from it, surging in all directions, creating a new floor and canceling the flood. Heatran stood on the hard magma, roaring.

Byron looked at it and raised his shovel, "Mega Evolve, Aggron!" Aggron exploded with light and turned into a Shogun. He roared at the Heatran as Byron commanded, "Heavy Slam!"

Heatran roared and burst into flames, crashing into Aggron!

It bounced back and roared with doubt, looking at Aggron, who smirked. Byron grinned and explained, "Mega Aggron's ability halves the damage from super effective moves, Heatran! Which means…" he laughed and pointed his shovel at it, "Fire won't work anymore! Heavy Slam again!"

Heatran was dumbfounded, good guy! I can only absorb fire! Its expression hardened and he charged at Aggron again!

Bang Bang BANG!

The two behemoths continued colliding over and over again before Heatran jumped, pressing its arm down violently. Byron called out quickly, "Ice Punch!" Aggron met the arm and punched with ice energy around his fist!

Heatran cried out in pain but Aggron roared in pain as well!

Byron was confused and Ace blinked, "Huh? It used Hard Press." Cynthia looked at him as he explained, "Hard Press does more damage the more HP the target has. Since Aggron had been taking less damage than Heatran, the HP difference is huge!"

Byron cursed, "What a tactic! But we're not done yet, right Aggron?!" Aggron shook his body and roared, glaring at Heatran, who frowned, spewing a pillar of flames from its mouth.

Byron shouted, "Hyper Beam!" Aggron unleashed a Hyper Beam, colliding with the flamethrower. They both canceled out as Byron said "Autotomize!" Aggron suddenly started shedding pieces of itself, getting smaller and smaller.

Heatran tilted its head before charging over with surging flames!

Flare Blitz!

Aggron rolled to the side as Byron shouted, "Iron Tail!" as Aggron rolled, he flicked his tail out, sending Heatran flying back! Heatran was stunned, faster?

Byron laughed, "Come on, Heatran!" Heatran picked itself up and roared angrily, Magma bursting from its body, coating the entire Pokemon in it. It growled and charged at Aggron with a Magma Coated Flare Blitz!

Byron said slowly, "Iron Defense." Cynthia thought about it and turned to Ace, "Taking the hit?" Ace blinked and muttered, "Probably…"

Heatran smashed into Aggron as Byron shouted, "Grab it, Aggron! Metal Burst!" Cynthia and Ace looked at each other as Aggron exploded with metal pieces, all of them smashing into Heatran, causing huge damage!

Heatran cried out and used Overheat, exploding with flames as Byron shouted anxiously, "Throw it out, Aggron!" Aggron threw Heatran out as Byron continued, "Now! Smart Strike!" Aggron flickered and hit Heatran with the big horn on his head!

Heatran cried out in pain, flying into the wall and falling to the ground with circles in his eyes.

Byron wiped his forehead and smiled, "Good Job, Aggron!" Aggron roared excitedly before returning to normal and looking exhausted. Byron took him back and walked over to Heatran, squatting in front of him.

Heatran woke up to see Byron, holding a Pokeball in front of it. Heatran looked at the Pokeball before growling and pressing the button in the middle.

Byron held the Pokeball and laughed excitedly!

Ace and Cynthia clapped as Byron scratched the back of his head embarrassingly.

The group left the cave and returned to the path.