
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
153 Chs

Rainbow Rocket start-up Plan!!!

Giovanni paused and narrowed his eyes, looking at Ace carefully. First of all, he wasn't worried about being exposed… This happened already! Everyone knew he was the Boss of Team Rocket. 

However, Giovanni was still basically untouchable. The reason was because the Underworld must exist. It's impossible to take it out completely. The League, or rather, Professor Oak knows Giovanni and he is assured that despite some goofs, Giovanni won't do anything crazy.

Keeping a stable leader like Giovanni in charge is much better than putting some lunatic there. Don't look at the funny trio. Team Rocket is a Massive Organization. More often than not, they succeed in their endeavors.

For Poaching… Ace was a bit indifferent. Honestly, this will happen anyway! Poaching in this world didn't mean what it meant in Ace's last life. The point of Poaching here isn't to kill the Pokemon for sport or skins, but to sell.

So really, they're illegally selling Pokemon. These are Pokemon that were taken from their habitats. The logical loophole is that all Pokemon go to Trainers in the end, so there's no difference between catching and poaching other than good feelings.

If Giovanni got a License for Selling Pokemon, then Team Rocket wouldn't be criminals anymore. This is why the League tolerates these kinds of organizations. They walk a thin line that was gray.

If they were just killing Pokemon for no reason, there was no need to exist. This kind of brainless operation wasn't cost effective anyway, so the only groups who did this were just sick in the head…

Stealing Pokemon is obviously bad but most Trainers can protect themselves anyway. Giovanni didn't care about this too much, he looked at Ace for a long time before sighing, "Welcome to Team Rocket."

Ace clapped "Awesome!" Giovanni looked at him, "Don't mention what you know to anyone else otherwise…" he glared and Ace grinned, "No problem, Boss! Haha!" this was fun! He became a Team Rocket member, cool!

Do they have merch?

As for 'Super Evil' Ace laughed. This was impossible. Giovanni in his Silver searching arc was a good guy.

He thought of something and grinned, "Boss, I have a plan!" Giovanni pinched the bridge of his nose, why did he feel like he accepted another member of the 'Rocket Trio'...

Ace waved his finger, "Actually, stealing Pokemon isn't cost-effective. It almost never works, you can close this business permanently and set up a series of Breeding Farms. That way, we can take Rare Pokemon and Breed them, then sell the Eggs instead. It's less dangerous than diving headfirst into… like a Salamance's lair and stealing its eggs. I can even supply the eggs required."

Giovanni tapped on his table in thought, "Write a Report and send it to me with all the details. In the meantime, I want you to help those three establish a Headquarters in Sinnoh. Can you do that?"

Ace nodded, "No problem. It's too easy. What kind of Base do you want? I can build it right now." Giovanni waved, "Whatever you see fit. Call those three back." Ace shouted, "You three! Come out!" they ran back, looking at Ace, "Are you a member now, Ace?! That's great! We can be best friends now!"

Giovanni's lips twitched and he said to them, "You'll be working under Ace from now on. Whatever he tells you to do, you do. Other than him, you'll only take orders from me or Matori under my instruction, understand?" The trio saluted, "Yes, Boss!"

Giovanni looked at Ace, who winked at him. Giovanni's face turned dark and he added, "When the base is done, you'll be rewarded." Ace tilted his head, "Rewarded?" Giovanni snorted, "You won't be disappointed." before he hung up.

Ace handed back James' phone with a thoughtful expression. He forgot about it and continued training the Trio, who were now his subordinates.

That same night, Ace looked at the Special Building Creation Token that he got a few months ago.

Originally, he was going to build a Company Building! But now it had a better purpose!

He went into Town and picked an empty building, throwing the Token at it.

A screen popped up and Ace started shaping the building. He added some floors and decorated the outside, adding a large antenna on top. In addition, there was a hidden elevator that went deep into the ground, thousands of meters!

Just like the HIVE in Resident Evil.

Ace was excited just thinking about it. If he could start to turn the Rockets into an organization that is in both black and white areas, this could be a big help to his plan. As his Eggs hatched and gave birth to new improved Pokemon, they would spread across the world. 

After they reproduce with new Pokemon… Over and over, sooner or later, the entire world would have new strengthened Pokemon! Needless to say, Ace was excited. On the bright side, the games taught Trainers how to use tactics and become stronger while on the dark side, the Pokemon would improve the next generation of Pokemon!

This could be considered a foolproof plan!

The only thing he needed to do was make sure that Giovanni wasn't going crazy and trying to blow up the world or something crazy like that. But, Ace had a plan.

Give the Rockets a brand new image. Have them operate something like the Rangers but for Trainers. When Trainers get out of hand, Team Rocket comes to help!

This can allow them to have more legal business ventures, plus even more illegal sides underneath!

Selling Pokemon Eggs is just the beginning. With Ace's plan, they would make so much money, you won't need to control the world.

What will you get? More money? It's already a number! Plus, he can tell Giovanni that this will make Silver warm up to him… After all, Silver hates evil! If Giovanni shows that he changed, maybe Silver will really go find him?

Ace didn't know but it made sense logically!

At any rate, overnight, the Silver Radio Station was built!

Ace called Giovanni and told him, making Giovanni doubt his own reality. It was just a night!

Ace showed him the building and Giovanni's lips twitched.

After that debacle, Ace hung up, telling him, "I'll write out the plan, you won't be disappointed!" before going back to training the Trio.

A few days passed like this.

Finally, when they were all relaxing in the Hot Spring, Ace clapped, "Alright, your temporary training is over." They paused and looked at Ace, "But Boss!" Ace rolled his eyes, and rubbed his fingers together, "Don't you want to keep traveling? Ahem! I mean catching Pikachu!"

Their eyes lit up and they nodded!

Ace nodded and crossed his arms, "Then you guys keep doing that, I got everything under control here. Try and put more bases everywhere, or just keep doing what you were doing, I think it's a good idea anyway. That way you can train your Pokemon and battle Ash more."

They nodded and Ace held out two Capsules, "Ahem! As a Gift… Here you go." as he handed a Capsule to Jessie and James each. They held the Capsule, asking "Boss, is this?!"

Ace smiled and nodded, "Mhm!" Jessie and James hugged each other, "Yippeee!" Ace laughed and got out of the Hot Spring as Meowth cried, "What about me!?" Ace winked, "There's a Side Car on James' RotomRunner."

Meowth cheered, "Boss! You're the best!" Ace pushed him away, laughing, "Alright, now get out of my damn house!" They scattered quickly and cheered, jumping for joy as they left.

Ace relaxed in his Hot Spring alone, "Ahhh… That's the stuff!" before he could relax for long, a voice sounded behind him, "Excuse me, Are you the Oreburgh Gym Leader?" Ace leaned his head back, looking at the kid upside down, "Huuuh?"

The kid looked at him with an indifferent look, "Don't waste my time. I need your Gym Badge." Ace looked at the kid and asked, "You look familiar… Are you Reggie's kid?" The kid froze and muttered, "You know my brother?" Ace turned back and waved, "You need to relax, kid. You're stiffer than a Sudowoodo."

Paul looked impatient, "Whatever! Let's just get this over with!" Ace sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, "What a pain in the neck… Just as I got comfortable too…" he got out of the Hot Spring and picked up Paul by the back of his jacket.

Paul: ?????

Ace jumped off the cliff and Paul was shocked, "WHAT!?" Ace kicked the air and disappeared with a chuckle.


I was saving these 5 for tomorrow since I wrote 5 extra chapters... But then I was like 'Ugh! There's no comments and paragraph comments!' then I was like 'Boring...' then I stared at a wall for 10 minutes and finally posted the extra chapters! Zooweemama or whatever! Anyway, start posting Paragraph comments and entertain me! Immediately!

Also, yes! Larvitar is in... So now it's 11! I honestly write as I go because Beldum and Larvitar weren't in the original team... But now he is because I felt bad for the little guy... He just popped up suddenly and I was like 'Well, I can't just give him away, he's so cute... Whatever I'll keep him I guess...' so now there's a Larvitar!

But there's still two Pokemon left! And you can't guess them. You've all guessed wrong. Completely wrong and you cannot get it right. Honestly I'm kinda disappointed... But anyway, we're ramping up here, soon the plot will push itself forward! Beep Boop Beep Baap!

Give me your Stones too. Mwah~
