
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
153 Chs

Pokemon Cemetery

The Screen placed Torterra and Kabutops on each half, before displaying their ability, stats, etc.

Ace snapped his fingers as [Ashes on Fire] Started playing.

The RotomDrone flew around as the Livestream began.

[@RaihantheGreat: Kabutops? This kid provoked my inferior?]

[@Thunderkickstartmyheart: Inferior? You're dreaming?]

[@Red: …]

[@ImLeon: I can't wait for an exciting battle!]

[@MistyMountainSpring: Huh? Is that Ash in the stands? So he's in Sinnoh already huh…]

[@MayflowersPetalburghshowers: I thought Ash was traveling with someone.]

[@MistyMountainSpring: ??? @MayflowersPetalburghshowers And WHO are you?!]

[@FirestartingFlint: Oh man! I wish girls fought over me!]

[@ThunderGodEnvoy: You're not dreaming in broad daylight, right?]

[@FirestartingFlint: …]

The battle started!

Ace smiled, "Stealth Rocks." Kabutops roared and stones flew out, landing around Torterra as Paul said calmly, "Ignore it. Sunny Day." Ace nodded and said, "Toxic spikes. Then Spikes." Paul frowned and said "Solar Beam."

Ace replied calmly, "Dig." Paul countered immediately, "Earthquake." Ace smiled, "Come out with X-Scissor." Before Torterra could react, Kabutops burst from the ground, slashing out with his scythes as Paul shouted, "Now, Protect!" 

The X-Scissors slammed onto the Protect and shattered it as Paul said, "Seed Bomb!" Ace nodded and said, "Double Team, Swords Dance." Swords swirled around Kabutops as he split into dozens of Kabutops, smashing through the Seed Bomb.

Kabutops stood in front of Torterra, "X-Scissor." Paul said calmly, "Solar Beam!" Torterra blasted a Solar Beam at Kabutops as Ace smiled, "Cut it." Paul was stunned as Kabutops cut through the Solar Beam, charging at Torterra, spinning in the air and slashing down on Torterra's head!

Paul shouted, "Protect again!" Ace laughed, "Brick Break!" Kabutops smashed the Protect and Paul said, "Point Blank! Solar Beam!" Ace rubbed his chin and didn't say anything as Kabutops slashed down on Torterra, taking a Solar Beam to the chest.

There was an explosion as Kabutops jumped out of the smoke, landing in front of Ace, rubbing his chest, "Kabu." Ace clapped and a vent turned on, dispersing the smoke, revealing Torterra on the ground, weakly, "Tor…"

Paul said, "Get up!" Torterra struggled before collapsing. Ace looked at Paul and rubbed his chin with interest. Paul took Torterra back and snorted, throwing out another Pokeball, "Ursaring."

Ursaring landed on the stage and was bombarded by all the hazards, crying out in pain. Ace grinned, "Quite ruthless…" before saying, "Flip Turn." Kabutops charged at Ursaring as Paul ordered, "Payback."

Ursaring roared angrily and slapped Kabutops in the head! Kabutops glared at him and Ursaring roared loudly as Kabutops returned to a Pokeball.

Ace waved, "Tyrantrum." Tyrantrum walked out, roaring at the sky!

Paul frowned and said, "Rest." Ace titled his head, "You're going to Snore next?" Paul looked at Ace, who waved his finger, smiling, "Not bad but unfortunately… Dragon Tail." Tyrantrum smacked his tail and swept Ursaring back to its Pokeball, sending out Paul's last Pokemon, Azumarill.

Azumarill was slammed by Hazards and Paul froze, "You!" Ace laughed, "Yep! Dragon Tail!" Tyrantrum slammed Azumarill back before he could react as Ursaring came out again!

Paul clenched his fists angrily, "Damn it!" Ace said lightly, "Bounce 'em back, Tyrantrum. Like Ping Pong." Tyrantrum swept his tail out, roaring and laughing. Paul said, "Enough! I'm done." as he took back his Pokemon, walking away angrily.

Ace looked at Paul and said, "Ash, you get ready for your Gym Battle." as he went after Paul. Ash scratched his head looking at Tyrantrum, who was looking at him.

Ash's lips twitched, "Haha…"


[@Thunderkickstartmyheart: Ah~ My Darling, how refreshing!]

[@RaihantheGreat: Hmph! Just a stupid trick!]

[@Thunderkickstartmyheart: ??? Can you do it? I don't think so, right? Please, don't embarrass yourself comparing with my Darling!]

[@RaihantheGreat: …]

Ace caught up with Paul and stopped him, "Hey, Paul. Hold on a sec." Paul frowned, "What?" Ace waved, "Come with me for a sec." as he walked away. Paul followed him and Ace brought him across a training field, to a cave.

Paul walked inside and froze, "What is this?" Ace sighed and said, "This is a Cemetery of sorts. When Pokemon die, they're buried here." as he walked to three graves, looking at them in silence.

Paul looked at the Pokemon on the Headstones and asked, "Why did you bring me here?" Ace said suddenly, "I was like you once." Paul looked at him and Ace smiled, "No, even worse. Much worse. At least you have some trust in your Pokemons. I didn't treat them as living beings at all. They were just tools…"

He looked at Paul and smiled, "This is what happened to them." Paul looked at the Tombstones and stayed silent, Ace turned back and sighed, "I only cared about strong Pokemon. That Eiscue can block one attack and set up quickly, that Sandaconda can Gigantamax, and Noivern was my first Pokemon ever. These were rare Pokemon I found when I was young… As I grew up, I trained them hard… Probably too hard, but they didn't hate me."

He rubbed his eye with one hand, "I was obsessed with Fossils back then, trying to find my next Pokemon in hundreds of ruins, caves, digsites… And one day I found it." Paul looked at him, "Then…" Ace laughed at himself, "Then, you can imagine. I had to run for my life from a group of bad guys. Sandaconda sacrificed himself to let us escape, burying hundreds of grunts in sand…"

He shook his head, "But a few escaped in the end, my Sandaconda erupted and died with most of them. Eiscue sacrificed herself to block a Legendary Pokemon, but was turned to ashes… and finally, my Noivern sacrificed herself to save my life and end the pursuit. The only thing left is this guy."