
Noivern: Those curves, the strength, those... CLAWS~<3

Ace left the Ruin, looking at the Map as he sent the photos to Cynthia.

Not even 5 minutes later

Cynthia called him, "Ace, where did you find that tomb?" Ace studied the map carefully, "Oh, it's in Mt Silver. I marked the chamber but it's a tomb after all…" Cynthia hummed, "Yeah, I get it. Don't worry, I'm not going to go tomb raiding…"

Ace thought of Cynthia dressed as Lara Croft… Seemed… Good? He replaced Cynthia with Elesa and started drooling!

"Ace… Ace. ACE!"

Ace came back to his senses and replied, "Huh? What's wrong?" Cynthia had a funny look on her face, this guy is usually thinking about other things so she forgot it, "Did you take anything from the Tomb?" Ace replied while shaking his head subconsciously, "No, I left everything there, but I have some discoveries…"

Cynthia crossed her legs and picked up her coffee while looking at the pictures on a tablet, "Okay, go ahead." Ace said "Those Armor Pieces that aren't related to the King might have the same effects as Metal Coats on certain Pokemon. They're filled with Ghostly energy, I had my Dragapault sense them."

Cynthia zoomed in on the Guards' armor, muttering, "Is that so…" while writing down on the side, "Is that the same case for the King's Armor? I know that certain Ancient Crowns have an effect for Politoed and Slowking."

Ace nodded and replied, "Yeah, something like that. The surviving Crowns that became King's Rocks and these Armor sets are relatively the same, but the difference between the armors is that one has Ghostly energy while the other doesn't."

Cynthia paused and frowned, "It doesn't?" Ace explained, "It doesn't have Ghostly energy, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have ANY energy. It seems to be the opposite of the previous Armor set. While the Guard one seems Malicious, the King's Armor seems Auspicious."

Cynthia wrote it down, humming to herself, "You're saying, more like a Psychic type feeling?" Ace nodded and smiled, it's so nice talking with smart people who share the same interests. He continued, "Yeah, exactly. But, I want to tell you, Cynthia… I'm only sure that those Armor Sets that belong to the Guards buried along with the king can be confirmed as Ghostly Artifacts."

Cynthia asked, "Because of the Silver Feather?" Ace nodded, "Exactly. I don't know if the Silver Feather had a part in any of the Auspiciousness or not, but it definitely preserved the King's bones. Because from my calculations on the Bone Dust and state of the Malicious Armors, that tomb should be around 4000 years old!"

Cynthia was surprised, "The Silver Feather preserved the King's corpse for 4000 years?" Ace hesitated, "I'm not sure because he was essentially buried in a casket while the Guards were out in the open, but it's possible that his bones survived until now with the help of the Silver Feather. Like I said, possible, not confirmed."

Cynthia slid her finger on the tablet, looking at the Silver Feather carefully, "By the way, Ace… Shouldn't you be in Oreburgh?" Ace froze and just now remembered that Cynthia was technically his boss. He laughed awkwardly, "I am…"

Cynthia smiled, "Yeah? Why were you spotted talking to Red?" Ace burst into a cold sweat as he said, "Krrshhh! What?! Kerrrrsssh! I can't-an't he-hear you! Pzzttt! Blam!" before hanging up.

He wiped his sweat, that was a close one!

Cynthia looked at the phone in amusement before shaking her head, looking at the Unknown Runes again. She was surprised at how professional Ace's archaeology skills were. Even these pictures were perfect.

Of course, he spent 10 years studying and learning!

Since in Galar, you can only travel at 16 instead of 10, he had to keep himself occupied during the time… Besides he got the opportunity to travel around, which was how he got Eiscue and Sandaconda… None of the Archaeologists said anything about this, it was normal.

Not to mention, Ace was the son of a Gym Leader, they weren't even qualified to complain.

Anyway, coming back to the present, Ace looked at the Map in his hand and patted Noivern while putting it away, "We're going to Nimbasa now." Noivern growled and Ace rolled his eyes, "I can call Cynthia later when we go back to Oreburgh…"

Noivern growled a few more times, "Noivern. Noi Noi." Ace rubbed his face, "Yes, I'll get some gifts for you to give to Garchomp!" Noivern nodded in satisfaction, smirking as he thought of the look on Garchomp's face.

Surely she'd be touched by such a handsome guy giving gifts, right?

Thinking of those curves, Noivern started drooling.

Ace had black lines on his forehead as he looked at Noivern drooling… He sighed and rubbed his eyes, "Just hurry up! If we pass by Castelia we can get some Castelia cones." Noivern growled with doubt and Ace nodded, "Guaranteed if you get Garchomp these, she'll definitely be impressed! Maybe even give you a kiss."

Noivern's entire body erupted in flames and he sped across the sky, roaring loudly, full of excitement!

At this speed, Ace sat on Noivern without worrying as he started looking at the map again. He paused and seemed to be forgetting something, but he forgot about it…

Boat in Vermillion: Boohoo…


I don't have anything based to say. Just rate 5 stars, like and subscribe! Don't forget to SMASH that like button with the Might of Zeus!

Speaking of Zeus, there's only 3 more planned Pokemon on Ace's team. Can you guys guess which ones? I GURANTEE you, you cannot guess them all. I swear they are extremely hard to figure out. And from what I've seen, there's no other Story with any of these guys. So go ahead and guess.

There's a hint! Only one of them is a Dragon Type!

Also, a lot of you guys are like 'Where's the Fossil Pokemon Bro' and I get it, the fossil pokemon are cool, everyone loves the Fossil Pokemon. The problem is, if he has so many Pokemon, it'll be difficult to get them all to play, so... for the greater good, the Fossil Pokemon have been moved to the Sub Team.

They'll still be around, just not in the Main slot like Noivern, Dragapault, Hydrapple, Perrserker, Sirfetch'd, and Ampharos... Oh plus the other 3, so 9 Pokemon that'll be switched out here and there. But! Noivern will be in every battle, this is my SOUL!

God I love this fucking guy!

Also, for you Noivern haters... I don't have anything to say, how can you hate him he looks awesome! Yeah... maybe he might explode with an icy wind from a baby Vanillite... but it is what it is! Noivern is still cool as hell!

Plus, there's still Dragapault in the back, right? Don't worry about it... Plus Plus, Noivern isn't that simple, don't worry about it... How can you write Pokemon and have a normal starter? You know, there's a fic where the MC has a Florgess that is like idk God or someshit, it's crazy!

Compared to that guy... I think I'm pretty lowkey here...
