
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
153 Chs

Dahara City? You mean Ground Zero Legendary Battle Arena!!!!

Ace stood on Noivern with his arms crossed, tapping his fingers excitedly, "Be prepared, Noivern. We're about to brawl, alright?" Noivern growled as they approached a massive City.

It only took a day to get to Dahara, Ace was hoping he didn't miss it… After all, he took Noivern, Genesect, and Roaring Moon with him.

The other Pokemon were still at home…

Other Pokemon: Crying! Why can't I get more screentime?!

Ace: You can't fly bro, what do you want…

He looked out at the huge city as a dark whirlpool appeared in the sky! He tapped Noivern, "Speed up!" Noivern roared and flapped his wings, shooting over quickly!

Ash sat on a Latias and shouted, "Oh no! Legendary Pokemon?!" a little Hoopa on his shoulder was dumbfounded, "Shadow Hoopa learned my Magic!?" 

Dialga, Paklia, Giratina, Groudon, Kyogre, and Kyurem charged up, shooting out all sorts of moves while Shadow Hoopa shot a Dark Pulse.

Ash's scalp was numb, "Dragon Pulse! Pikachu, Thunder!" but then he heard someone else, "Boomburst, Techno Blast, Dragon Pulse!" Ash turned, "Teacher!" 

The beams flew over and created an explosion in the middle!

Shadow Hoopa waved his arm, clearing the smoke angrily.

Ace appeared with Genesect, Noivern, and Roaring Moon, smiling at Ash with his arms crossed, "Such a fun battle, you didn't call me?" Ash scratched his head, "Haha… What are you doing here, Ace?"

Ace turned and looked at the Shiny Rayquaza with sparkling eyes, "Heh… I wonder…" Rayquaza looked at him and roared, "Ray!" Ace smirked and grinned, licking his lips as he flashed, suddenly standing on Rayquaza's head.

Rayquaza was angry, but Ace said seriously, "No time to be angry! Look! They're coming again!" Ash turned and frowned, "Oh man…" as Ace shouted, "Ash! Focus! Just a few scrubs, who cares!?"

6 Legendary Pokemon: …

Ace patted Rayquaza and said, "Dragon's Ascent!" Rayquaza grumbled and soared into the sky as Ace shouted, "Noivern, you're on Groudon! Genesect, take care of Dialga. Roaring Moon, put this Black Kyurem down!"

The three nodded and roared, Genesect morphed into its flying mode, shooting around as Roaring Moon dove down, smashing into Black Kyurem, tackling him through a building! 

Noivern flew towards Groudon, who spat out a beam of Magma from his mouth. Noivern dodged and sneered, sending a Hurricane at him.

Latias and Latios shot into the sky and twirled, Mega Evolving on the spot as Ash said, "Good! Dragon Pulse on Palkia, both of you! Pikachu, Thunder on Kyogre!"

Rayquaza dove back down, Mega Evolving as well as Ace patted him, "Dragon Dance!" Rayquaza coiled, twisting in the air before Ace shouted, "Now! Dragon Rush on Giratina!"

Rayquaza growled and Ace waved, "Don't worry about Hoopa, I'll take care of it! Just hurry up!" Rayquaza was confused and dove down, covering in Dragon Energy, shooting at Giratina, who morphed, flying through the air, shooting a Dragon Pulse at Rayquaza.

Ace said, "Dodge it and use Dragon Cheer before using Dragon Tail behind you." at the same time, he jumped off Rayquaza's head, laughing as he clenched a fist, crackling with black lightning, "Come on!"

Shadow Hoopa turned and Ace's right eye burst into flames as his fist came crashing down!

Shadow Hoopa was dumbfounded as Ace punched him in the chest! There was a pause before a stream of light shot into the ground, blasting out a crater on the road!

Ace laughed in the air, running his hands through his hair!

The Pokemon were dumbfounded and 6 rings appeared around Ace.

He looked around as 6 Fists bigger than his body shot out at blinding speeds. Shadow Hoopa floated up, clearly enraged!

Ace kicked the air and dodged all the fists before kicking behind him, swinging his fists at Shadow Hoopa, who roared angrily with bright red eyes, taking his fists back and punching!

Ace and Shadow Hoopa collided fists extremely quickly as the skyrise buildings around them started crumbling from the shockwaves!

Ash's back was cold as he started sweating, "Come on, everyone! We have to hurry or there won't be a city left!" They turned to the Legendary Pokemon, charging at them as all sorts of moves flew around!

Genesect flipped in the air, falling from the sky as he aimed his Cannon at Dialga, firing a massive red laser, blowing up in Dialga's face before returning to flying mode and shooting back into the sky!

Dialga roared angrily, chasing after Genesect, spitting out a Roar of Time! But Genesect had been training for aerial combat for a long time! He morphed to normal, falling from the sky, dodging the Roar of Time before reforming and shooting towards Dialga, slashing down on his head!

Dialga cried out angrily at this!

Roaring Moon looked at Kyurem Black, "Sala!" Kyurem Black spat out a white beam full of lightning arcs. Roaring Moon blasted a Flamethrower from his mouth, before shooting through the smoke, slapping out a Dragon Claw! 

Black Kyurem spun quickly, colliding the claw with a tail!

Roaring Moon bit Black Kyurem, smashing it down into another building!

Noivern roared at Groudon, letting out a Boomburst as Groudon waved his huge claws, but Noivern twisted out of the way, slamming his tail forward! Groudon smashed into the ground and Noivern dove down, smashing into him as they crushed the streets.

Ash was sweating badly, oh my god! This property damage is gonna cost a lot! Hopefully everyone evacuated already!

They did. Officer Jenny moved everyone as soon as she saw Shadow Hoopa 3 hours ago.

The City was empty.

Ace was sent flying and flipped through the air, landing on Rayquaza again. He wiped his lips and looked at Shadow Hoopa, grinning. He leapt off him, "Dragon Dance again! Then Draco Meteor!"

Rayquaza twisted in the air as Giratina jumped out of Rayquaza's shadow, tackling him. Rayquaza roared and Meteorites fell from the sky, pelting Giratina, who cried out in pain but still delivered a point blank Dragon Pulse, making Rayquaza crash into a skyscraper.

Ace flew over to Shadow Hoopa, bouncing off the air like a pinball, appearing in front of Shadow Hoopa! Ace passed his head, grabbing his neck as he fell from the sky, dragging Shadow Hoopa with him, "AHAHAHAHA!"

Shadow Hoopa roared and exploded with Dark Energy as Ace flipped in the air, slamming Shadow Hoopa through a building, hitting the roof and blasting through every floor into the ground!

The entire building was incinerated as a pillar of Dark Energy exploded, shooting into the sky!

Ace crossed his arms and covered himself in Haki, appearing in the sky above the building as Shadow Hoopa shot through a Ring, covering himself in Dark Energy and using Foul Play!

Ace chuckled and shook his arms as he flickered around, Shadow Hoopa flickered with him, throwing out rings and sending arms through them all as Ace tilted to the side, grabbing a fist and throwing it back, hitting Shadow Hoopa in the face.

Shadow Hoopa grinded his teeth angrily, "Damn Human!!!!!!! AHHHHHHH!" Dozens of Shadow Balls flooded into the rings as Ace said in disappointment, "I thought you were gonna go Super Saiyan…" as he flickered, kicking the air and shooting into the sky.

He raised his leg and fell down with an Ax-Kick, slamming Hoopa through another building!


Jessie, James, and Meowth were running for their lives, "HOLY ARCEUS!" Suddenly, Shadow Hoopa flew by as Ace chased him, punching him into the ground while laughing as they fell into a Ring, appearing back in the sky.

Jessie and James hugged each other, "OH MY ARCEUS! BOSS IS CRAZY!" Meowth nearly fainted, "Meowth… That's… right…"

In the Tower, Clemont, Bonnie, Serena, and the two Arceus believers were working hard to remake the broken Prison Bottle…

You'd think something that holds Hoopa Unbound wouldn't be so fragile… Well! These guys were working hard too.

Clemont looked at his phone, "Holy shit! I just saw a person tackle Shadow Hoopa through a building!" Bonnie was speechless, "Impossible. Don't lie to me!"

Back at the city~

Ace looked over and kicked Shadow Hoopa away, shooting over and catching Ash before he hit the ground! Ash looked at Ace, "That was close!" Ace chuckled, "You can say that again. Go back up. Oh… and don't let Rayquaza do all the work!" as he winked at Ash, throwing him back into the sky as Latias swooped by, picking him up as they flew away again.

Ace looked over as Shadow Hoopa turned to the Tower everyone else was in. He kicked the ground and blasted out a crater, shooting into the sky. Shadow Hoopa turned just in time to catch a Galaxy Impact!

Shadow Hoopa's eyes blurred as he shot into the sea, blasting out a pillar of water thicker than Pallet Town way up into the clouds!

Ace bent his fingers and cracked his fist before slamming down as Shadow Hoopa came through a Ring, "Blue Hole!" Shadow Hoopa flew back uncontrollably, smashing into the seafloor, blasting out a hole that shook the entire City!

Ace scratched his head, "Hm. Maybe I overdid it." before laughing, "Pfft… Nah!" as he dove down into the sea.

Explosions occurred on the water every now and then as Shadow Hoopa burst out, turning around and blasting out a Dark Pulse! Ace burst from the water and covered his hands in Haki, tearing through the Dark Pulse, splitting it in two halves behind him as he punched Shadow Hoopa in the chest, shooting him across the City, destroying several Skyscrapers!

Ace chased him and twirled out of the way as Rayquaza flew by him, tackling Giratina into the streets. He sighed, "Who put all these Skyscrapers here? This is a bit much, no?" 

Suddenly Shadow Hoopa punched through a Ring, hitting Ace in the side, sending him crashing through an office building!

He coughed and got up, looking at an office desk that had a Magazine of Elesa hidden in a drawer. Ace clicked his tongue, "Are you kidd-" before Shadow Hoopa bombarded him with fists, blasting a Crater into the ground!

Ace appeared behind Shadow Hoopa, falling from the sky, dragging Shadow Hoopa's head with him, slamming it into the asphalt!

Shadow Hoopa turned and punched Ace, who caught the fist, throwing it to the side and punching back, smashing Shadow Hoopa flying as he flew through a Ring disappearing!

Ace turned and ran on the street, jumping over Groudon. He landed on Groudon's head and shot into the sky, smashing Groudon into the street, flying towards Shadow Hoopa in the sky!

Groudon: ???????

Ace swung out a fist as Shadow Hoopa fired a Dark Pulse at the Tower! Rayquaza flew over and blocked the Dark Pulse, roaring as he sent a Dragon Pulse back, blowing Shadow Hoopa towards Ace, who turned, sending Shadow Hoopa into the city, smashing into the ground again!

Rayquaza caught Ace, flying over as Ace grinned, rubbing his nose, "Heh~ Forget about going back, just stay with me!" Rayquaza nearly fell out of the sky.

This crazy human set his sights on him!

Bad news!


Well, youre not gonna believe it, but you guys split down the middle with 13 votes each lmfao!

Also, here's a Science fact- Normal People can use roughly 30% of their strength while weight lifters can use roughly 70% because they have a better mind-body connection.

However!! We can't use 100% of our own strength because our Brain limits us. But in times of emergency it lets go, like a mother lifting a car to save her babies. But the reason it limits our strength is because if it didn't we would rip the muscle off our own bodies :)

Also2- I told you this was a real thing btw! PICTURE HERE

Also3- Dont worry about being dumb, there is always someone more stupid than you :) PICTURE HERE
