
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
153 Chs

Allister?! Please! Not good enough!

They ran in the mornings and the people of Oreburgh were surprised to see a new face. Upon further inspection the girl looked similar to Ace himself! The people were shocked and the rumor spread out.


Roark was struggling to keep up as Ace and Bea started racing, leaving the Pokemon and Roark far behind!

Ace looked at Bea and chuckled, "Not so easy now, eh?!" Bea smirked and shook her fist, "You still can't beat me, little guy!" as she exploded with a burst of speed. Ace stepped on the ground and flickered, chasing after her.

Bea looked behind and then up before flipping up, vaulting over a building! Ace looked at her and chuckled, jumping on the cliff face and springing over Bea, swinging off a pole, laughing, "Ah~ You smell that, Sis? The sweet smell of victory!"

Bea looked at him and laughed happily before jumping up, stepping on his chest with a smile. Ace was baffled as she sprang off his body, shooting across the sky, making a V symbol with her fingers.

Ace's lips twitched and he kicked the air, appearing next to her. Bea was dumbfounded before her eyes sparkled, "Oh!" she turned and kicked the air, disappearing! Ace nearly fell from the sky in shock!

Why does every woman he talk to copy his techniques…

In the end, they were sitting on the cliff edge above Oreburgh.

Bea leaned her head on his shoulder, smiling happily, "I'm glad I can see you again." Ace held her arm, pressing on her hand with his thumbs as he smiled, "It's nice to see you too, Bea…" he paused and turned to her, "Wait. Who's at the Dojo?"

Bea replied happily, "Dad… But that funny guy is taking care of the Gym." Ace looked at her, "Allister?" Bea nodded and Ace looked at her strangely, Bea paused and looked at him before laughing and rolling her eyes, "No. But it's my own business, right?"

Ace pouted and hugged Bea into his lap, sighing, "My lovely sister is gonna be Spritombed Away by a Ghost!" Bea giggled and pushed her cheek with a finger, "Well~ Maybe if it's Raihan." 

Ace's face turned black, "What?! That guy and Leon are butt buddies! No! No! No! Impossible! If it's Leon, I can barely accept it!" Bea laughed and retorted, "But Sonia likes him."

Ace nodded, "You're right!" before sighing, "Looks like you'll have to live alone forever and stay with me until you die!" Bea giggled and Ace hugged her happily, rubbing his cheeks on her face as she pushed him away, laughing, "Stop! Hehehe~"

Ace chuckled and tickled her before stopping as he said, "Hey? Volkner is pretty good?" Bea froze and said angrily, "You were serious?!" Ace was baffled and nodded, "My sister's happiness is most important!" Bea's heart warmed and she smiled, but then Ace muttered, "Well, that guy Siebold isn't too bad looking… Well, not as handsome as me of course but… Alas! It's a curse to look so good…"

Bea's face went from smiling to confused, then darker than the bottom of a pot…

This guy… still so shameless…

Ace held his chin and muttered, "Well, there's also that Drayton guy…" Bea was dumbfounded, "Drayden!? The Old man!?" Ace's face turned black, "No, his grandson! What are you thinking? I'll offer myself to an old man before I offer you, right?" Bea looked at him, dumbfounded, before laughing.

Ace smiled and stroked her hair, feeling anxious.

Electric, Water, and Dragon Type Trainers…

As long as it's not that damn ghost kid!

Of course, they'll have to beat me first!

And everyone knows that he's never lost a game!

What? No, you see, Cynthia was clearly cheating! That doesn't count!

What? No, you see, he let Bea beat him up on purpose! That doesn't count either!

What? No, you see, he let Elesa molest him! That definitely doesn't count!

So, rounding up, Ace has never lost in anything ever!

Mhm! Glad we got that sorted out.

Ace sighed and looked at the sky at a 45 degree angle, "It's so difficult being so excellent…" Bea shook her head and sighed, 'This is bad, who is going to like an idiot like him?'



A few days later

Ace stood by Bea, as she trained a newly caught Mankey while eating a Syruppy Apple with a very happy expression. These apples taste like Candy Apples!

Ace turned to the side, seeing Applin salivating at the Apple Trees. He grabbed him and dragged him away. If this guy evolves into Flapple or Appletun, I'll be ruined!

He needed to intensify Applin's training!

First of all, this funny guy needed to absolutely listen to his commands! None of this, 'Only when they want business'. You have to know, Hydrapple's Signature Move's Base Power depends on how many heads it uses to fire the beam.

The Game entry states that 'Sometimes they all shoot in unison, doubling the Power.' It was excusable in the games, after all, that's Data.

But in the real world, that wasn't acceptable, okay?!

Basically, the better understanding they have, the better Hydrapple will be. From what Ace has seen and his own theories on the subject, better cohesion between Hydrapple's heads, the better Hydrapple will be.

For example! Hydrapple can move because tails come out of his apple and push him forward. But those are only 2 tails! There's 7 snakes living in there!

If they all move forward in unison, his speed should shoot up, right? Not to mention, they had to exercise tail strength. 

Imagine when you're fighting, Hydrapple slaps the ground with his tail and shoots into the sky like a rocket.

That must be an exciting scene, right?!

So, the goal for now was to Train Applin's tail vigorously and instill some principles in him. That way, as he continues growing, he won't be so fickle. Ace was pretty sure that Hydrapple was like Hydreigon.

It's not multiple Pokemon but one Dipplin that split into seven based on his own personality… Basically, the voices but everyone can hear them now.

That begs a very important question… If everyone can hear the voices, does that mean you're not crazy?

Something to think about.