
Pokemon- World's 'Strongest' Trainer

[Warning BTW! If you read the reviews before reading, you'll get basically Fake News. One of them is basically 'I dont understand english so the book is bad' so! Just give it a try, if you don't like it, you don't like it. But the reviews are misleading.] A classic Pokemon story with a System. I want Opinions on the story quality, direction, and writing for battles or otherwise. Nobody in the Discord wants to do it, so you lucky fellows will have to do! After beating Radical Red Hardcore Nuzlocke without losing a single Pokemon, Ace was rebirthed in the Pokemon world with a System! Are you sick and tired of everyone and their mother having a Lucario? Grossed out by the borderline Bestiality between Trainers and Gardevoir? Looking for something fresh with Pokemon that are rarely used?! Then this is probably for you! (Uses Radical Red Abilities, they're explained anyway so don't worry about it.)

AgentMonke · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
153 Chs

A Real Man doesn't lie! What? Those were fake truths! There's a difference!!!

They both laughed and Cynthia clapped happily, "That was nice! Well…" she laughed, "The parts I could see anyway." as she walked over with Byron and Diantha.

Byron looked at Ace and Bruno, chuckling, "I can feel my blood boiling." Bruno looked at him and grinned, "Next time, you get a turn?" Byron laughed in disbelief, "And get beaten into an emergency room? You're joking, right?"

Bruno chuckled as Cynthia looked at Ace, "Ok?" Ace nodded and spat out a tooth before grinning, "I'm A-OK!" Bruno slapped his back and laughed, "I know a good spot for food, let's go! Hahaha!"

He looked at the others, "Well, you guys can tag along too." Noticeably, he didn't look at Diantha at all.

She seemed like an outsider here… Which made her very unhappy!

Ace rubbed his nose and asked with doubt, "The Exam…" Bruno rolled his eyes, pointing at Noivern, "That's already a pass, plus you have an Elite Four member vouching for you, can the Alliance say no?"

Ace looked helpless and Bruno thought about it, "But if you really want to participate… There's really only one real test. You get graded on how well you can guide a challenger, so as long as you're there for that test then you'll be fine." Ace nodded and they left, going to the restaurant Bruno knew about.

Mareep ran over and nudged Ace with Noivern laying on her wool, growling. Ace looked down and wiped his face with his t-shirt, smiling at Mareep, "Cool?" Mareep cried out happily, "Reep~!"

A little bit later

Ace was eating and drinking at the restaurant, chatting and laughing with Bruno. 

As they were talking and laughing here, Diantha sat on the side with a deep frown. A little girl came up and touched her fingers together, "Umm.. Are you Miss Diantha?" Diantha looked at her and smiled gently, "Yes? Are you the little princess I've been hearing about?"

The little girl blushed happily and held out a Gameboy, "Can you sign my Gameboy, Miss Diantha?" Diantha took out a Marker and signed it, smiling gently, "Of course."

Cynthia smiled on the side, "You're so popular, Diantha." Diantha turned and snorted with pride, "Of course! I'm a big movie star, you know!" Cynthia's lips twitched and she laughed awkwardly.

It's really difficult getting along with narcissists!

Diantha looked over and sneered, "On the other hand, why do you get along with these kinds of people, Cynthia? If you want I can put you in my next movie." Cynthia didn't know what to say, she wasn't exactly good at dealing with this type of person.

Ace put down the wine cup, looking over at Diantha, frowning, "What's your problem?" Diantha snorted, "What's YOUR problem? You called me useless!" Ace tilted his head, "Are you not? Sorry! I thought that the Champion is supposed to watch over their region and not fuck around making movies all day long!"

Diantha was startled and retorted, "I do watch over my region!" Ace sneered and said, "Sure, whatever you say. Do me a favor, okay? Next time someone comes to challenge you, throw the game. Make everyone a lot happier." as he drank from the wine cup, ignoring her.

Diantha shivered in anger, slapping the table, "How dare you!" Ace snorted and hiccuped, "What? There's no difference anyway. Without bugs you can't win." Diantha narrowed her eyes and showed a cold smile, "You think I'm weak?" Ace looked at her and burst out laughing, "I can slaughter you with one Pokemon drunk, do you believe it?"

Cynthia smiled, "Well, let's calm down…" Bruno looked at Ace with interest as Byron patted his shoulder, "Enough." Ace shrugged and Diantha laughed angrily, "I really really want to see it! I want to see how you're gonna 'slaughter' me! Come on! Right now!"

Ace looked at her and raised a brow, "You serious?" Diantha sneered, "Scared?" Ace stood up as Cynthia sighed, he grinned, picking up the wine cup, "Come on then. Real men keep their word."

He walked to the door, holding the cup, "I said I would slaughter you, then that's what's goin' on." he turned and laughed, "Maybe you should find a secluded place, yeah?" Dianthan grinned coldly, "Scared of being exposed? We'll do it right in front! I'll even Live Stream!"

Ace shrugged and chuckled, "If you want to be embarrassed Live, I have no problem!" as he walked out, humming to himself.

Everyone else ran out quickly to watch the excitement.

Cynthia rubbed her temples with her fingers, Bruno grinned, "This trip keeps getting better and better! Hahaha!" Byron shook his head and followed Bruno out, patting Cynthia's shoulder, "We can't stop it now, just try to mitigate damages."

Cynthia sighed and followed him out, "It's not him I'm worried about…" Byron looked at her in surprise before chuckling, "Then we're thinking the same thing! Hahaha!" Cynthia sighed and shook her head.

Ace took off his shirt, wiping the blood off his face and cleaning up as he waited for Diantha to finish setting up. She finished and let the Rotom Phone float up as the Live Stream began!

Viewers started flooding in insanely quickly, wondering why their goddess started streaming.

Ace threw his shirt behind him and finished the wine in his cup, tossing it aside right in the garbage can on the roadside, making a few people gasp.

An expert!

He wiped his lips with his arm, licking the corners of his mouth, "You ready, Useless woman?" Diantha glared at him and Cynthia stood on the side, "I'll be the referee. It's a one vs one battle. The battle ends when One Pokemon is unable to fight. Mega Evolution…"

Ace waved and laughed, "Let her use it, it doesn't matter anyway." Cynthia sighed and continued, "Mega Evolution is allowed!" Diantha sneered, throwing out a Pokeball, "Come on, Gardevoir! Show this jerk some manners!"

Ace yawned and pulled out his phone, "Come stretch your Data, Porygon2!" there was a gasp as Porygon2 materialized from Ace's phone!

It chirped and vibrated happily.