
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
129 Chs

S4E4: Professor Ivy - Part One

So the rest of the trip was a bit more relaxing as Foxx and Joy reclined on the deck of the ship which in turn wasn't that long as just as he was about to finally fall asleep the boat came into port sounding its whistle. As for he Ace Trainer he was in his room plotting his revenge while being watched closely by the crew.

Upon reaching the island Foxx and Joy exited the boat heading for the town's Pokecenter in hope of getting directions to Professor Ivy's lab. It was at this point that the Ace Trainer ambushed him with some of his friends from the ship in hopes of getting back his pokemon but Joy wasn't the only Pokémon Foxx had outside of their Pokeball for Meowleth didn't have one thus was able to help.

Now it wasn't that he needed their help to fight off the trainers but a few of them had brought their Pokémon into the fight and that was something Foxx couldn't just fight himself. Thus Joy and Meowleth took on the Pokémon while Foxx tried to fight the five trainer friends of the Ace Trainer and it wasn't until a group of growlithe charged into the group forcing them apart shortly followed by Officer Jenny and three other officers.

"What's going on here!" called Officer Jenny looking around at the group.

"This man stole my Pokémon when we were on the ship. Just check his bag he'll have more then six Pokémon on him." exclaimed the Ace Trainer.

"He's not lying you will find more then six Pokémon but know this Officer Jenny I didn't steal them but won them fair and square from him. Just ask Captain Namor, Dragon Master Lance or the other judge that was on the ship." explained Foxx, "And if that's not enough ask my father Professor Oak if he thinks I would ever steal a Pokémon."

"Sorry kid but that last one wont help you any since Old Professor Oak has always thought the best of everyone and would more then likely not even think Team Rocket were criminals." teased Fantina as she walked up behind Foxx and placed an arm around his shoulders which lead to Joy glaring at her. "Officer, Foxx here is in the right as I was one of the judges in the all or nothing match on the ship so I can vouch for him."

"Okay Fantina, but if he causes anymore trouble on the islands while he's here I will be sending word to the Sinnoh Poke Gym Council concerning your judgment call here." relied Officer Jenny.

"Understood." replied Fantina as she started to lead Foxx, Joy, and Meowleth away towards Professor Ivy's lab. She only knew this was why he was here because of the discussion after the battle that Lance had with Captain Namor and her.

Upon reaching the lab Ivy greeted them a bit surprised to see Fantina there but still invited her in to join the just completed meal. She then motioned for the table where three of her aids were sitting, one of which was a young female Foxx's age.

"So Fantina what brings you this way my friend?" asked Ivy as the three of them and Joy approached the table. To which the youngest aid, the one the same age as Foxx, rushed to the cabinets and quickly set two more places.

"Vul vul pix vul." huffed Joy with a small puff of smoke when the aid smiled at Foxx.

"Now, now Joy she's just being friendly that's all." replied Foxx shooting her a warning glance. "Or do I have to put you in your pokeball?"

Now Foxx hated to use that as a threat but he also knew how she can get around others who she may think is taking his love and attention away from her. Yet he thinks she's also being protective of Dawn's feelings since they really connected over Christmas, but he can't be sure. As for Meowlth he was just standing off to the one side watching the show. He also shot Meowlth a glance that said he too was to be on is best behavior.

"That's a bit harsh even though I'm not really sure what's going on." replied Ivy with a confused look on her face as her and Fantina found a seat at the table.

"Oh, Joy tends to get a bit jealous of somethings and since she's usually always outside of her pokeball then it's the only way to get her to understand that I'm serious about her behaving." replied Foxx as he took his seat which happened to be next to the youngest aid. Joy then quickly leaped up on his lap and give her a glare.

"So, Foxx if I remember you said that you're looking into the G.S. Ball and trying to figure out how to open it. How can I be of help I'm not a pokeball expert?" asked Ivy as they all started to get themselves plates of food.

"I know that, but you are the one who originally found the G.S. Ball thus any notes on the location may help me in breaking the code to opening it." explained Foxx as he gave Joy a small piece of meat to keep her occupied.

"I see, I may have written that down in one of my journals." replied Ivy.

"What, exactly is a G.S. Ball?" asked the youngest aid who fluttered her eyes at Foxx flirting.

"It is a unique and rare ball that I found while exploring, Silvia. I couldn't figure out how to open it nor would it transfer through the pokeball system thus I had a young trainer Ash Ketchum take it to Professor Oak in Pallet Town which is how Foxx here must've got ahold of it." explained Ivy to the young girl.

"Actually, Pa had Ash take it to Kurt the pokeball expert in Johto, and it was while training under him that I was given the G.S. Ball as a final test and challenge." explained Foxx with a smile as he made a plate for Joy and Meowleth to which he was able to get her to stop glaring at Silvia.