
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
129 Chs

S4E15: Phone Call

After a long day of calculating Foxx ha to finally push the notes aside and give his brain a rest. As he did this he heard the phone in the main part of the lab ring even though he wasn't close enough to answer he wondered who would be calling this late and if everything was okay? Oh well he had to collect his pokemon for the night anyways. So with a yawn he walked over to his pokemon waving at Silvia, who'd answered the phone, as he passed by.

Just then as he recalled his last pokemon except for Joy of course Silvia poked her head out of the lab's side door panting and sayin, "The call is for you I was trying to get your attention as you passed by but you just waved and kept walking."

"Oh, sorry Silvia I've been a bit distracted lately are they still on the phone or did they leave a message?" asked Foxx as he picked up Joy and started walking towards the door.

"She's still on the phone, said she really wanted to talk with you and didn't know when the next time she'd be near a phone would be." replied Silvia which made both Joy and Foxx perk up seeing as there was only one of their female friends slash parents who would not be always or almost always around a phone and that was Dawn.

"Hay Dawn, long time to talk. What have you been up to?" asked Foxx as soon as he reached the nearest phone to take the call. "Ash isn't pushing you too hard is he?"

"No everything is fine, Ash is doing good and has almost cleared most of the region's gyms. I've just missed you and last time I called you were off the island." replied Dawn with a hint of sadness in her voice.

"Yah sorry about that everyone seems to think I needed to do the stupid island challenge while I was here instead of just my research." replied Foxx "Oh and I've missed you too and so has Joy."

"Speaking of Joy has she attacked any girls with her death glare." teased Dawn with a smile.

"Oh yah in fact Professor Ivy sent me and one of her aids to have them try the island challenge and for the first half I had to do it alone without Joy because she was being stubborn. In the end I had have a little heart to heart with her." explained Foxx.

"Was she afraid someone else was going to take your love from her?" asked Dawn.

"Actually she was upset that I was forgetting about you and giving my love for you to some new girl and she wasn't going to let me hurt you like that." replied Foxx with a sigh.

"I see, so you forgot all about me already and were moving on to some other girl like I was just some caterpie or weedle." teased Dawn

"Not one moment. In fact as I was on the boat over to these islands from Pallet Town I considered just forgetting about my research and coming after you." confessed Foxx with a sigh before adding, "Yet I had a feeling that if I did you'd just send me back to my research."

"Only because I would know it would eat at you until you finally made it there and figured out as much as you could." replied Dawn with a smile before she got thinking to which she asked, "Foxx dear if Joy wasn't coming out for the first half of the challenges does that mean you had to do the challenges with just Eevee or have your caught any new pokemon?"

"Not exactly caught. There was a trainer who was being disrespectful of Joy and my pride kind of took over and I got in a winner takes all battle with him of Joy vs all six of his pokemon which I now regret seeing as I almost lost Joy." explained Foxx, "In the end one of his psychic pokemon caught on to the bound between Joy and I to which it surrendered thus ending the battle. I gave the trainer a second chance with his pokemon yet this time it was his pride that got in the way. Thus I gained six new pokemon."

"I see. Did you get a chance to find anything out concerning your research?" asked Dawn not really wanting to talk about pokemon battles.

"Yes, it seems the G.S. Ball is from farther south. From another set of islands in a region known as the Alola region." replied Foxx.

"I take it you're wanting to go farther south then to that region." sighed Dawn as she began to become sad yet she tried hard to hide her tears.

"No, I figured that maybe we could both go there together." replied Foxx. "In fact tomorrow after I battle Fantina we both will be heading your way."

"Wait Fantina is in the orange islands? That could explain why her gym is closed for the time being. Ash was upset seeing as she is one of the few gym leaders he has left to challenge before he'd be able to enter the poke league." replied Dawn unable to hold back her joy at the fact he was coming to her.

"I can just wait in the city where her gym is when we get there and meet up with you when Ash gets there to challenge her." replied Foxx with a smile.

"That would be nice and would also give me about five days to get you a gift." replied Dawn with a smile.

"Dawn you don't have to get me anything." replied Foxx with a smile.

"Yah, is that because you don't want to get me a gift or do you really not want me to get you a gift?" asked Dawn.

"I'm saying you don't have to get me a gift. If you still want to I can't stop you seeing as I'm a six day journey away just by ship not counting the walking that will still be needed to for me to do so I'm just saying you don't have to but you can." replied Foxx with a smile.