
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
129 Chs

S3E4: The Note

Dawn slowly looked down at the note to reread what it said:

Dear Dawn,

I know we just met yesterday but I think I can trust you. My mother is set on giving me a great Christmas and I want to help. Take my credit card and use it to pay for the gifts she can't afford as well as grab a few for me. In return you can use the card for the gifts you're short money to get.

She'll need gifts for the following people as well as here are a few suggestions to help you and her pick out a good gift;

•Professor Oak: Books concerning pokemon research I suggest newer titles that way you're likely not to get something he may already have. For me could you get him a copy of Professor's Weekly the Annual Addition?

•Gary Oak: He's always been a bragger and a bit stuck up but I think he's finally relaxing some and really could use some notebooks or a new ball holster for his belt. For me if you could pick up a portable badge display case his current one is getting a bit worn out.

•Mrs. Katchum: She likes tea pots and anything that would remind her of Ash and Pikachu. You could also get her some kind of picture frame. For her I was thinking a nice Pikachu picture frame, but only if it looks close to Ash's Pikachu.

•Ash: Well I really don't need to tell you about Ash since you've been traveling with him so you shouldn't have any problem finding something for him. As for me try to find a PokeBall alarm clock. It's a inside joke.

•Pikachu: I know it's an odd request but yes I get something for Pikachu every year. So if you don't want to get him anything that's fine but he does like little treats. At least can you pick up a bag of Pika-Chews Pokecandy for him.

•Jessie: Well to be honest I've only just started to get to know my mother but I know she like creating disguises and costumes so something along those lines should do good for her. As for me I would like you to pick up a wardrobe designer's sketch pad.

•James: If mom was hard for me to figure out dad was worse. As far as I can tell he cares about his pokemon, well they both really do, but he's also trying to become a better pokemon trainer so potions, revives, and some pokeballs should do. I want to get him a trainer bag like the one you carry but more manly and throw in a few pokeballs and potions from me.

•Me: Well in truth anything to help me with my research and or inventing will do but you also don't really need to get me anything. If you could however help my mother since she's going to panic trying to find the perfect gift that just says how much she loves me and regrets abandoning me so yah she'll need help. Thanks.

•You: Well hopefully you can give my mother a few hints to what you'd like so she can get you a gift and since I really haven't spent much time getting to know you to be able to properly select a gift for you'd like you to pick out something, really anything and surprise me with what I get you for Christmas.

I guess once you've finished shopping you two can come meet us at the hotel where we'll be staying for the night before making our trip south. I'm glade you decided to travel with us I know it can be lonely to travel alone plus it's the holidays. Thanks again Dawn and I really hope to get to know you more between now and Pallet Town.

~Foxx Oak~

Dawn looked up from the note right at Jessie who was smiling and asked, "Well?"

"He just says that since he really doesn't know me that well that I can just pick out something and surprise him with what he got me." sighed Dawn, "Not really that romantic."

"Not true. You see he really wants you to have a great Christmas as well and what's better getting something you wanted or could at least use or getting something completely useless or that you'd never really use?" asked Jessie placing a hand on Dawn's shoulder and handing the mini-toolkit back to her.

"Jessie I told you that this would be the best gift for you to give Foxx." replied Dawn confused.

"Yes but I can see in your eyes how much you care about Foxx, and yes I know you just met but still, love is love." replied Jessie with a smile. "So you'll give him this and he'll give you something that would show everyone that he also cares about your future and would like to be a part of it."

"But what if he doesn't?" replied Dawn worried that she might be right.

"Then you'd be able to tell from his reaction when you open the gift." replied Jessie.

"But I don't want to trick him it seems wrong somehow." sighed Dawn.

"Its not tricking him." replied Jessie as she tried to think of how she wanted to phrase it before smiling and adding, "Its fishing for a clue to his feelings."

"I'm still not sure." sighed Dawn.

"Trust me." replied Jessie which made Dawn give her a very questioning glances to which Jessie sighed, "Okay I know not the best choice of words but they're the only ones I know to truly fit. I may be a failed criminal and mother but I've always loved James since the first day we met and I will always regret not acting sooner. You don't have to make that same mistake. Because after Christmas you both will go your separate ways and who knows when you'll see each other again?"

"Wow I honestly didn't know you could be that emotional Jessie." sighed Dawn before looking at the mini-toolkit before sighing, "Alright you win I'll get him this while you get him some notebooks and then we can head over to the poke contest store for me to find some kind of accessory that would make a small statement."

"Good!" replied Jessie with a smile, "I still have to get something for you too so this helps."

Dawn just sighed before giving the mini-toolkit one more glance as she put the note back in her pocket. They then went to the register to pay for and get their items gift wrapped before heading off to the poke contest store.

To Be Continued...