
Poke Professor Foxx

This is my fanfiction for my pokemon oc Professor Foxx. It is broken into season and in this case set up so each season equals a volume.

ShadowFoxx89 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
129 Chs

S3E23: Making Plans

The next morning when Jessie woke up she found Foxx already wide awake and scribbling things down on some scrap paper as he looked trough the table full of papers and journals. She slowly approached him before sitting across the table from him and looking at him through tired eyes.

"Foxx dear what exactly are you working on?" asked a tired Jessie as she watched him work.

"I'm looking over my research to see what would be the best next step for us to take." replied Foxx not even looking up from his work.

"Oh so were not going to stay here with Professor Oak for a little bit?" asked Jessie.

"I plan to be back on the road by New Years. You and father are welcome to stay here if you wish." replied Foxx looking up from his work and making eye contact with her before adding ,"I know you want to be a part of my life and I also know you'd like to settle down for a little bit. So I leave the choice to you."

"Where are you going next?" asked Jessie with a fake smile as she tried to not reveal her true feelings to him.

"South to the Orange Islands. I want to talk with Professor Ivy about the GS Ball and see what she knows about it." replied Foxx with a smile before returning to his notes.

"I hear they have a little gym league of their own why don't you try it out while you're there?" asked Jessie. "That way when you come back through you can show all of us you new badges."

"So you don't want to come with me?" asked Foxx looking up at his mother.

"Well, I do but I know your father is getting tired of always being treated as the bad guys we once were so maybe this time you just go without us and then when you circle back to Pallet Town then we can rejoin you." replied Jessie with a sigh.

"I see." replied Foxx as he looked down at his notes really wishing Dawn had stayed or even that Brock or Misty would be around.

"Hay cheer up Foxx it's not like its going to be a long time before you come back." replied Jessie with a smile. "Besides me and your father can work on getting a house here in town while we wait."

"You really want to settle down in this town?" asked a confused Foxx as he put the final bits of his plan together before starting to gather his notes and clean things up a bit.

"Why what's wrong with this little town?" asked Jessie a bit puzzled.

"Nothing it's just I saw you and father more as the big city kind of people." replied Foxx with a raised eyebrow as he gathered his things into one semi-neat pile.

"You realize me and your father can't afford anything in this town let alone the city. Well your father could if he went back home to his parents and agreed to the arranged marriage that had for him, but he refuses to return there ever again." sighed Jessie with a smile.

"I can always give you the money to get started where ever you wish to settle down at. You know that right?" asked Foxx after he'd finished gathering his things and sat back down at the table with his mother.

"I know but we're the one's who are supposed to be supporting you not you taking care of us." replied Jessie with a sigh, "And if your father had heard the suggestion he'd be greatly offended at the thought. He wants to make you a home here so both your birth parents and the man who raised you were still close by."

"I know but you should be happy as well. How about when I leave for the Orange Islands I leave you and Dad enough money for you two and just you two to go on a nice romantic get away. Maybe even finally get married." replied Foxx with a smile. "Then when we both get back from our separate journeys then we can sit down as a family and figure out where to build a house."

"I don't know dear. I mean I really like the idea of me and your father finally getting married but I'm just not really sure if its for the best." sighed Jessie as she looked down at the table.

"Why not you both love each other and deserve a break from everything even Meowlth. I can either take him with me or leave him with Professor Oak." replied Foxx, "Besides I want you two to be able to relax as a couple you should consider getting married and then before settling down we can go find my grandparents and see what they think of the matter."

"They would most likely hate the idea but I'm all for it." came a calming and loving male voice from the entryway. "Jessie we've been through so much already why not. We planned on settling down wouldn't that also be part of it?"

"How much exactly did you hear James?" asked Jessie both worried and happy.

"Enough to know that It's pointless to argue with our son about him paying for the trip though I would more then likely recommend that he takes Meowlth with him because if left with Professor Oak well he might end up in a pokeball or locked in our room." replied James with a smile as he sat down next to Jessie before looking over at Foxx and asking, "So when do you plan on leaving son?"

"After the new year. At hat same time you two can head off on your get away and I'm planning on seeing the wedding video and pictures when I get back." replied Foxx with a smile.

"No. I agreed that it wold be nice for me and your mother to finally get married but if we're going to do so I want you to be a part of it. Also I guess the Twerp and Dawn can also have a part in the ceremony as well." boldly replied James as he placed an arm around Jessie and smiled before adding, "We're a family now so we will do things as a family."

"Okay but I don't know when Dawn or Ash will be able to rejoin with us for a wedding but I'll make the plans while I'm on my journey you two just enjoy your time together and don't worry about me nor the wedding." relied Foxx with a smile.

To Be Continued...