
Chapter 8: Double Battle Pt.2


Richard turned His head towards the two Cadets that He shoved to get them out of the way showing hostility towards them. Three people were scared at this view of Richard, both Cadets and 27 who thought to himself 'I'm happy we're on the same side.'

Out of fear of Richard both Cadets threw out their Pokemon.



Two Pokemon came into the fray one was the poisoned Crabrawler that for some reason wasn't healed by His trainer and the second Pokemon. It seemed to resemble a blue puff ball with bat wings and a nose that had a black shaped heart on it.

Richard knew this Pokemon but before He could think of the name the Purple Haired Cadet screamed. "Woobat use Gust!"

Woobat, following its trainer's command, flapped its wings at a fast pace, kicking up dust trying to get away.

"Come 43 it's time to escape!"

"No! I'm going to beat up this turd and show him who's boss! Crabby use punch!""

Cadet 43 ignored His fellow Cadets warning and started to fight the already injured Shuppet while His fellow Cadet tried escaping only to everyone's surprise including Richard Shuppet used Psychic on Woobat knocking it into a tree.

"Wooo!!" It cried.

Richards saw Woobat indeed in a blue light and after hitting the tree only Richard and the purple haired cadet seemed to know what move that was "Psychic?!" Both called.

The Cadet that was going to run away gave up at the sight of the opponent Shuppet since it knew Psychic which would just damage Woobat if He continued to run away.

While this was happening 43's call to Crabrawler to attack proceeded. Crabrawler's blue boxing glove like fist started to glow a light red aimed at Richard since He was in the way of Shuppet.

Shuppet was smart enough to know the Crabrawlers trajectory and flew forward towards Crabrawler and Heard His trainers command "Use Knock Off!"

Two white hands appeared from Shuppet one grabbing the Crabrawlers fist and the other pushing Him back dealing damage to it. After being push back a purple bubble came off Crabrawler signaling poison which slowly damaged taking its health ever so slowly.

"Now is my chance! Woobat! Use Air Slash!"

Woobat after flying off the ground again flapped its wings but this time with each flap a type of clear wind shaped slash slowly got closer and closer towards Shuppet.


Suddenly Kecleon Licked Woobat, knocking off the Attack towards Shuppet. Then the Purple haired Cadet turned around seeing a somewhat familiar face "Ah Cadet 27. I wondered what happened to you after 43 embarrassed you."

27 felt anger from His embarrassment from The Cadets words, but was brought back from the thought with Richard's advice and took a breath and then commanded "Kecleon use Scratch!"


Kecleon's claws grew longer resembling talons and began to run towards Woobat with surprising speed. "W-woobat dodge." The Cadet was shocked by Kecleon's attacking speed and stuttered, causing His command to not reach Woobat in time.

Kecleon's claws had succeeded in contact on Woobat causing more damage to it. "43 deal with this one while I deal with Shuppet." the Cadet commanded! "Yeah. No! Deal with your own problems 37."

Cadet 37 was angered by 43's words and started His attack against Kecleon and 27 thinking 'After this your next.' "Woobat use Air Slash!"

Once again Woobat flapped its wings aiming towards Kecleon. In the same pattern against Shuppet. "Kecleon use Camouflage!" Kecleon heeded His trainers command and hid within its surroundings avoiding the Air Slash.

"Gahhh!!!" Cadet 37 screamed in anger and screamed "Woobat fire off as many as you can!" After that Woobat flapped its wings as fast as heart beats towards random directions including towards Shuppet and Crabrawler.

Shuppet easily dodged them but Crabrawler struggled from it being poisoned from Shuppets Gunk Shot a few days prior taking most of the damage causing it to faint.

"No Crabby!" Cadet 43 cried to His Pokemon.

Cadet 43 wasn't happy and wanted to punch 37 but couldn't because of the randomly shot Air Slashes. "Woo-Woobat."

Woobat soon ran out of energy from the attacks expending its energy causing it to stop Cadet 37 wasn't pleased. "What? Why'd you stop?! Keep firing!!" Woobat wanted to follow 37's orders but simply didn't have the energy.

"Kecleon now use Scratch again!" Kecleon reappeared right behind 37 which scared and angered Him for it to have been that close to Him the entire time. Kecleon then had jumped over 37 and used Him as a step ladder jumping towards Woobat with its talons reapered only for them to disappear again after contact on Woobat's body.

Woobat from the exhaustion it felt from expending its energy and from the attacks by Keclon and Shuppet fell to the ground with spirals in its eyes signaling it had Fainted. 37 returned Woobat into its Pokeball and began to run away with 43 who also had returned His Pokemon. Only to hear "Attention!!!" Over a loudspeaker.

Everyone then stopped moving and listened to the familiar voice of the Captain. "All Cadets in the top bracket are to receive rewards for their contribution to each placement they have in the bracket. In first place Cadet 56 followed in second place Cadet 7 and third place Cadet 19."

This information boggled everyone on how abrupt it was especially the bracket Richard didn't think He was in second place at most He thought He would be tenth not Second? "All other placements will be uploaded at the main lobby back at the 'Shuttle' and all Cadets are to report to the beach."

The captain finished His message causing questions to erupt in Richard's mind mostly around His placement and some questions around how all the Cadets were observed. 'But that can wait, let's go to the beach.'

On the shores of Cadmus Island Richard and 27 accompanied by 37 and 43 saw other Cadets on the beach including 19 and 56 who seemed to have teamed up and were keeping themselves away from the group.

Waves began to come to the shore as it was dragged back in. Then a huge wave washed towards the beach revealing a submarine rise from the sea with the hatch opened revealing the Captain.

As the submarine came to shore several Helicopters came into view slowly waiting for the Captain to call them in. Which He did with simple hand movement making all the helicopters nearly on the ground to save room for the other choppers.

"Get into a chopper and you will be taken back to base that is all." Captain as always stood tall and proud with the commanding voice of His image and then went back into the Submarine. Which was going back into the water.


Please throw power stones so my imagination can continue.