
Chapter 3: Debrief And Shower


The door began to open revealing light to both Shuppet and Richard.

Both of them squinted at the controlled light since they haven't really seen any artificial light since their first day and night in this cell.

"Get out."

One of the Men with team Rocket suit and began to drag Richard out, but before they could Richard used His Pokeball and replaced Shuppet inside it.

So that the Men taking Him couldn't see His Pokemon.

After being taken Richard was brought to a shower and was told to clean Himself since His room had no shower and He's been doing exercises the entire time.

Richard didn't like the cold water, but it grew on him since He had been sleeping on the cold floor with Shuppet bothe at night and when He needed to rest after training.

Once Richard reached the five minute mark on His shower a man dragged Him out where Richard finally had a look at Himself in a mirror.

Brown hair and eyes. Normal features for a normal person. Richard wasn't surprised since He felt like He had similar features in His past life.


Richard turned to the source of the sound and saw Richard's clothing thrown on the ground with Shuppets Pokeball mixed in with it.

Once Richard saw the clothing the Man began to speak, but was ignored with Richard seeing that Shuppet's Pokeball was alright.

Thankfully it was. Richard assumed that He took too much time in the shower and didn't bother drying off and decided to put His clothing back on.

Richard was accompanied by the two guards who took Him to His room to this new area.

This room had automatic doors which seemed to open like those stores like Walmart and H-E-B.

Inside was the Captain standing in front of several Cadets that looked like they also didn't have good rooms like Richard.

After looking at the scene Captain spoke "Cadet 7 take a seat."

Richard heeded the Captain's words this time trying not to impede His wrath and sat down.

Unlike the ceremony to choose our first Pokemon there were less Cadets then last time with rows of four and five columns making 20 Cadets.

Another thing Richard noticed was that none of these Cadets were at the ceremony that He Himself took part in.

"Alright. Time for the debriefing!"

Captain bellowed, getting everyone's attention including Richard's attention.

"Now this will be your first training assignment."

Captain pressed a button on the remote where then a projector turned on behind Richard showcasing an image of the Alola region.

"This is the Alola religion where your first Assignment will take place."

Captain pressed another button showing a smaller island compared to the others and continued.

"This is Project Cadmus, an artificial Island man for training Cadets on the battlefield. And now the goal of this Assignment is. War."

Everyone was confused at the Captains term of War. So He explained it stating.

"This will be a game between three teams Red, Blue, and White. Each team will fight each other and survive this war for seven days. Of course You may betray your team and join another since it is War. Just simply remember what I say."

After giving a report Captain left the room whispering something in the Guards ears. After giving the message Captain left the room to the Guards.

The guards then forced everyone to form a single line. With one guard at the front and end of the line.

After walking for five minutes the Guards lead Richard and the Cadets to a helipad with several helicopters on it.

After another few minutes more Cadets from other groups appeared. Richard saw both 19 and 27 making Him feel a little better about seeing a somewhat familiar people.

Soon each guard dispersed three Cadets into each Helicopter accompanied by one guard as the pilot.

After boarding Richard was lucky and was joined by both 19 and 27.

Richard wanted to instigate a conversation, but didn't know what to talk about and ended the thought.

After lifting off with a few minutes of flight Richard saw through the sides seeing Project Cadmus the training island.

As Rcihard and the other Cadets reached at least 50 ft away from the island the guard stopped piloting the helicopter.

At this thought Richard tried asking the pilot what was happening through the headset He was wearing, but was ignored and was then tossed a parachute.

The pilot then passed 19 and 27 their own parachutes and then brought the Helicopter to the side knocking all three of them out flying through the air.

As they began falling Richard was still confused why this was happening to Him wondering if His second life was ending before it even began.


Richard saw how close He was getting to the ground and pulled the cord on His chest causing the Parachute to shoot out His back stopping His fall.

As Richards' descending speed halted itself. Richard soon found himself in the water with the other Cadets.

At the realization of Sea water and Islands Richard didn't want to stay in the water any longer then He could in case any water Pokemon wanted to take a bite at Him.

After swimming like an olympic swimmer Richard had found Himself on Cadmus.

Covered by sand and palm trees leading into a forest. Richard wondered how this Island was artificial because to Him it looked like any normal island He Has seen.

But before Richard could take in the seeneray "Mudkip use Water Gun!"

Suddenly a small otter-like creature with a huge fin on its head shot a beam of water out its mouth towards another Pokemon.

This Pokemon looked to be an orange salamander with its tail seeming to be on fire. Richard deduced that that Pokemon was known as Charmander, the first form of the original Charizard.

As Richard saw the battle take place others soon started having Pokemon battle's and through the confusion Richard took the slip going through the forest trying to find a place to hide.