
Chapter 9: Future Planning and Parting Ways

As the days passed, Tyson settled into his new routine in Celestic Town. During this time Bertha was away on League business. Following the defeat by Cynthia's Gible, Larvitar frequently pulled Tyson to the lab for more battles allowing it to learn the move Stomping Tantrum. The loss had irked both Tyson and Larvitar, fueling their desire to become stronger. Amidst this, Tyson diligently kept up with his studies, dedicating his free time to learning when not battling or performing chores. Since arriving in this world, Tyson harbored the ambition to traverse the globe, akin to Ash's journeys, aware that it would require knowledge, experience, and strength.

Tyson was back in the training grounds, holding a book titled "Pokemon League Regulations." Fortunately, he had discovered two unique abilities within himself: an exceptional memory and keen observation skills. He could recall the smallest details of his battle with Cynthia, even though only two weeks had passed. This photographic memory enabled him to study intensively during his free time and train with Larvitar as needed. "Are you still reading?" Cynthia called out, standing over Tyson, who was resting under a nearby tree. They had finished their practice and chosen a place to relax. "I'm returning to trainer school this fall, so I need to be ready," Tyson responded.

Cynthia nodded, in agreement with Tyson's thought process, but then she asked, "So Tyson, what do you plan to do after Trainer School?" "I'm planning to travel the region and explore different places, but I haven't made any firm decisions yet," Tyson responded. "How about joining Coronet Academy?" suggested Cynthia. "The academy?" Tyson repeated, showing his interest. Cynthia smiled and began to explain the academy's existence and its purpose. Coronet Academy is one of the three prestigious academies in the world, alongside the Silver Academy of Johto and the Grand Academy of Hoenn. Its purpose is to allow trainers to advance their studies and develop a specialization. It was at this academy that Tyson's grandfather Shane and Cynthia's grandmother Carolina completed their studies and went on to their respective career paths.

"The academies boast state-of-the-art training facilities and top-tier staff," Cynthia said. "It's even rumored that their principal rivals the Elite Four in strength." Tyson was taken aback by this revelation, thinking to himself, 'This was never mentioned in the shows or games.' Despite finding the suggestion intriguing, Tyson replied, "I don't intend to devote all my time solely to academics." Cynthia, smiling at his remark, countered, "Don't dismiss the idea so hastily. The academy encourages its students to embark on travels and undertake assignments and training expeditions to better themselves. Moreover, with the array of options available, you might discover a path you're passionate about," she said, hoping to sway Tyson. Absorbing everything Cynthia had shared; Tyson pondered the plethora of information. Although he was free to travel, securing a sponsor seemed necessary. Delving into Trainer Basics, Tyson discovered that trainers today typically belong to one of two groups:

Sponsored Trainers: These trainers receive financial support from an entity in return for promotional services and the chance to gain fame. Sadly, most don't receive such an opportunity to rise and often end up becoming security guards for small businesses. Its understandable as entities prefer to back only the most talented trainers or promising coordinators. Tyson anticipated a modest sum from his grandparents to start his journey but didn't expect them to cover all his expenses, considering the substantial costs of raising Pokemon. Moreover, his grandparents' Pokemon were significantly larger than his own Larvitar.

Trainer Teams: Another path available, which Tyson learned about in Solaceon Town. Each region has a Trainers Guild that oversees the various Teams and their job assignments. The Trainer Teams are tasked with completing jobs given by the locals. Some Teams may be contracted by the towns they serve, in return for their support and strength, depending on their performance. This path is commonly chosen by trainers who have been traveling for a year or more. It was an inevitable fate as most trainers end up without a sponsor as such, they turn to odd jobs to pay for their expenses. Tyson pondered his options, thinking, 'Sooner or later, I'll have to join a Trainer Team if I'm unable to find a sponsor, and then my movements will be restricted.' He concluded, 'Coronet Academy, huh? It wouldn't hurt to check it out before deciding.'

As their conversation turned to battle strategy, Cynthia inquired about Tyson's preferences, such as his favorite Pokemon type and whether he had a strategy for the team he wished to train. The two had become fast friends due to their love of learning and Pokemon Battles and she was familiar with Tyson's personality as he tended to think things through before coming to a decision. The question was one Tyson had pondered, as his online research revealed that many trainers preferred to specialize, finding it simpler than adopting a generalist approach. Conversely, generalist trainers, with their diverse team members, could leverage a broader range of options in battle. In response to the question, Tyson admitted his uncertainty, which Cynthia acknowledged, suggesting he consider it carefully.

As their conversation extended, the sun began to set. "Well, see you later; it's time for us to head home," Tyson said as Larvitar approached from the side. Cynthia nodded and waved them off as they started their journey back. At the front door, his grandfather Shane greeted him with a wave. "How was your date, champ?" Shane asked, eliciting a look of disapproval from Tyson. He was pleased to have a friend his age to talk to, but mentally, he was twenty years old. Cynthia, despite her mature manner of speaking, was actually just a few months his senior, making her thirteen. Unfortunately, his grandfather never missed a chance to tease him whenever he returned from training.

The pair entered the house and quickly sat down to dinner. Over the past two weeks, Shane had been observing Tyson and had gained a good grasp of his personality. He recognized Tyson's eagerness to learn and his keen battle instincts, but he also noticed his grandson's lack of direction. Shortly after settling in, Tyson had expressed a desire to enroll in the local Trainer School to finish his education. Therefore, today, Shane inquired about Tyson's aspirations post-graduation. "So, kiddo, what are your plans after Trainer School? Are you planning to embark on your journey right away like Cynthia?" Shane questioned.

"I had considered that, but Cynthia recently brought up Coronet Academy, so I'm thinking about the possibility of applying there," Tyson responded, eliciting a smile from Shane. "Having options is good; just be sure to talk it over with me and your grandmother before making a decision," Shane counseled, and Tyson nodded in acknowledgment. They ended the evening, and Tyson returned to his room, which was simply furnished with a single bed, a desk with a desktop computer, a mirror, and a wardrobe. Seated at his desk, Tyson began to research Coronet Academy and quickly discovered that many of Cynthia's statements were indeed factual.

"The academy appears to be an excellent place to study, offering assistance with raising students' Pokemon through a merit system. This makes Nutrient Food and Poke Balls more accessible for those pursuing a battle profession, such as law enforcement. Graduates from the academy include those who have become Ace Trainers. Considering all these factors, Tyson had decided to apply for admission to the academy. However, he must first complete his trainer studies, and he was confident about improving his grades in the final year."

(Ace Trainers: individuals appointed by the Pokémon League to support Pokémon Rangers during an outbreak. They are also relegated to guard league associated business and tourist sites)

(Outbreaks refer to instances where the overlord of a region, in an attempt to expand their territory, encroaches on human settlements.)

Tyson smiled at Larvitar, who was fast asleep on the bed. After shutting down the computer, he too quickly fell asleep. As time marched on, Tyson's daily routine became a monotonous cycle he believed would never break. However, as fall approached, so did the end of this cycle with Cynthia's impending journey and the start of his school life. On the morning before her departure, Tyson and Shane visited the local jewelry store to select a parting gift for Cynthia. "It's nice of you to pick out a gift for your friend, kiddo," Shane said with a playful smile. He had been surprised by Tyson's request the night before but was pleased to see his grandson value such a friendship.

(Note: Tyson arrived in Sinnoh in February currently it is now September)

"Even though I haven't known Cynthia for long, she's already become the first friend I've made since arriving in Sinnoh," Tyson replied. He could not believe that the menace that haunted his Diamond runs would end up becoming his friend, 'Huh small world indeed' Tyson thought as they walked down the aisles. Looking at one of the displays Tyson noticed a familiar piece of jewelry. It was a pair of black teardrop-shaped hair clips. Without a second thought, Tyson asked his grandfather to buy the hair clips, which they later discovered were a traditional item sold exclusively in Celestic Town. 'It's surprising to find these hair clips here; after all, they are Cynthia's signature accessory,' Tyson mused as they exited the store.

The following morning, Tyson and his grandfather were at the town's entrance, bidding farewell to Cynthia and Gible. Even the usually stoic Larvitar couldn't resist waving them off. "Thank you for seeing me off, Tyson, and Mr. Shane," said Cynthia. "It's no trouble at all, dear. Just make sure to visit us," Shane responded with a smile. Tyson approached Cynthia with slight hesitation, saying, "We... I mean, I got you this," as he handed her the hair clips. "Thank you!" she exclaimed, embracing Tyson warmly in a hug and flashing a bright smile. Shane watched on with a smirk, thinking to himself, 'Good going, champ.' Facing each other, Cynthia said, "I don't have a gift for you, but how about a promise?" which prompted a questioning look from Tyson. "A promise? What kind?" he asked. "How about we meet back here once our journeys are over?" suggested Cynthia. Pondering, Tyson asked, "But how will we know to meet up here?" Cynthia smiled and replied, "I left my contact details with my grandmother, so we can stay in touch and pick a date later."

Agreeing to this, Cynthia and Tyson went their separate ways. Watching her receding figure, Tyson felt a twinge of loneliness, thinking to himself, 'Parting ways is indeed common in this world.' Noticing his grandson's forlorn expression, Shane came over to offer comfort, "Don't worry, kiddo, you'll catch up soon enough," which earned him a nod from Tyson. They returned home, and with Trainer School looming, Tyson was uncertain of the challenges ahead but felt ready to face them.

Pokémon Team:

Team Rank: 1


Gender: Male

Type: Rock/Ground

Abilities: Guts, Sand Veil [Undeveloped]

Held Item: None

Moves: Rock Throw, Bite, Payback, Leer, Scary Face, Dragon Dance [Inherited], Ancient Power [Inherited], Stomping Tantrum


Upload Days: Monday/Friday 

Well off goes Cynthia soon it will be Tysons turn but first its time for the trainer school arc.

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