
Meeting Tentacool

The following day Ignacio woke up while smiling before a slight cracking sounded throughout the room. Puzzled, he searched for the source, and after seeing the incubator, he stopped and stared at it for a moment.

'Wait, is the egg hatching?' Ignacio thought before quickly getting up and approaching the incubator. After arriving, he gently opened it up and raised the egg.

Ignacio's inference was indeed the case, as the egg began to crack more before it started to glow in a white hue. The light illuminated the room like a second sun for a few moments before the egg's shape morphed and grew into a jellyfish-like form.

After the transformation, the light gradually dimmed, revealing a bright silver Tentacool with a crimson gem on its forehead.

"Tentacool." The silver-colored Tentacool stated before leaping into and hugging Ignacio's face, resulting in it and him plummeting onto the bed.

"Hehe, hello, Tentacool. It's nice to meet you. I'm Ignacio." Ignacio greeted before returning the hug while smiling.

"Tentacool. Tentacool." Tentacool replied before hugging tighter.

"Hey, Tentacool, let's be great friends!" Ignacio announced while smiling.

The silver-colored Tentacool nodded before letting go and sitting on his lap.

"Tentacool, are you a boy?"

"Tentacool!" Tentacool shook her head before hugging Ignacio even tighter.

"Are you a girl?"

"Tentacool." Tentacool nodded before three knocks sounded from the door.

"Ignacio, are you alright? May I come inside?" Jacob asked hopefully.

"Uh... Sure go ahead." Ignacio replied, embarrassed while scratching his head.

The door quickly opened. However, Jacob stayed in the doorway with his mouth wide open and eyes widened.

"Is that your new Pokémon? It looks similar to a Tentacool but not at the same time." Jacob questioned as he exited his stupor before entering the room smiling.

"Yes, it's my Tentacool." Ignacio nodded before looking at Tentacool again.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool yelled before she got up and landed on the floor, looking at Jacob wearily.

"Hey, I'm not here to hurt you, Tentacool. I'm just checking up on Ignacio." Jacob hurriedly clarified while holding his hands up in a surrendering motion.

"Tentacool?" Tentacool tilted her head to the side before jumping on the bed beside Ignacio and hugging him again.

'My plans to stay unnoticed by team rocket went out the drain. However, I still should minimize the exposure I get.' Ignacio thought, seeing how unique his Tentacool was.

"Well, Professor Acacia will be ecstatic to see Tentacool." Jacob started before quickly leaving the room before Ignacio could respond.

Jacob's actions prompted Ignacio to sigh before he looked at Tentacool.

"Tentacool, would you like to play?" Ignacio asked, hoping to bond with Tentacool.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool nodded

"Hmm, what should we play? Perhaps catch?" Ignacio thought out loud.

Before Tentacool could say anything, running could be heard from the hallway. This sound prompted both Tentacool and Ignacio to look at the empty doorway.

"Ignacio! Is it true your Tentacool is unique?!" Acacia yelled while coming into view right outside the door.

"Yes, that's indeed the case." Ignacio stated

Sadly Acacia's sudden action startled Tentacool before she leaped at Acacia and smacked his face before running back to Ignacio.

"Ow! What was that four!" Acacia asked while rubbing his swollen cheek before looking at Tentacool with a wronged expression.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool yelled before standing in between Acacia and Ignacio.

"Since Tentacool hatched, we need to meet my old friend." Acacia stated before looking at Ignacio.

"Who is this friend your talking about, Professor?" Ignacio questioned before furrowing his brows, wondering who it could be.

"It's a surprise. However, we will take a private airplane to Pallet town." Acacia replied before entering the room and carefully sitting beside Ignacio.

"Pallet town, where's that?" Ignacio asked, feigning ignorance, not wanting Acacia to know he knew.

"Well, I'll show you. I hope you are ready to become a Pokémon trainer." Acacia responded with a chuckle.

'When he said old friend, did he mean Professor Oak? If so, I hope I arrive before the plot begins or after, but not during.' Ignacio thought, weighing the pros and cons.

"Ignacio, are you ready to go?" Acacia asked before he got up again.

"Well, I don't think it's fair to Tentacool to start training right now. She was just born, I may be excited to start, but I'm not heartless." Ignacio stated, shaking his head.

"How long do you want to stay and bond with Tentacool?" Acacia asked before sighing.

"Well, I'm a guest, so I have no say in how long I can stay." Ignacio replied, realizing Acacia was stressed.

"That is indeed true. How about this? I'll give you a month to bond with Tentacool. Before we go to Pallet town." Acacia offered while smiling.

"Sure, I'd like that. And thank you for letting me stay all this time." Ignacio responded with gratitude.

"Your welcome, Ignacio." Acacia stated.

After the conversation, Acacia left the room, and for the next month, Ignacio bonded with Tentacool, just having fun. No training, just playing. However, it passed by quickly as the last night approached.

"Tentacool, I need to talk to you about something." Ignacio stated before getting up and locking the bedroom door, and returning to the bed.

"Tentacool?" Tentacool replied

"I need to tell you a secret. I'm not from this world, and I'm worried about our future. And there are many powerful Pokémon and criminal organizations here. And I'm worried about our lives being snuffed out by them." Ignacio replied before tearing up a bit as his body began shivering.

"Tentacool?!" Tentacool replied, shocked, before hugging Ignacio in a comforting manner.

"Thank you, Tentacool. I'm sorry for my state, but to be completely honest, I'm terrified. I'm not sure how long I'll last. I don't have plot armor." Ignacio muttered before crying more.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool stated while hugging Ignacio tighter.

"I have a way to stay safe, but now I hesitate to use it. It would require you, when ready to evolve, for your evolution to be altered and for you to be super-sized. But I don't want to force that on you. So the choice is yours. Do you want me to do that when the time comes?" Ignacio asked before looking at Tentacool again as tears poured from his eyes.

Tentacool fell silent for an extended period before she nodded slowly.

"Thank you, Tentacool." Ignacio stated before hugging back, calming down from his panic and terror. But tears still fell from his eyes.

"Tentacool." Tentacool replied before nodding.

Ignacio continued to cry still, however.

'I'll protect you, Ignacio!' Tentacool thought before patting his back.

And Tentacool comforted Ignacio until he fell asleep before she fell asleep, also.