

After a few hours, the trio reached a flat area, and Ignacio put down his backpack and began setting up the tent. Meanwhile, Tentacool and Vulpix both watched him work.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool yelled, wanting to help with the task.

"Vulpix!" Vulpix yelled in unison with Tentacool.

"It's alright. Also, all of us will be sleeping in here. So it'll be warmer." Ignacio stated before sighing as he continued to construct the tent steadily.



"Go ahead and play or find something to occupy yourselves until I finish this. Then I'll try to make dinner." Ignacio stated while building the tent, feeling like he needed to hurry before the sunset.

Vulpix and Tentacool nodded before they moved a bit away. Afterward, the duo sat on two different rocks, facing one another.

"Vulpix! Vulp!"[Tentacool, when did you meet him?]

"Tenta. Tentacool."[His name is Ignacio, and he raised me from the moment I was born]

"Vul, Vulpi?"[He raised you? So he's your father?]

"Ten, Tenta." [Yes, he did. However, I learned he's not from this world. He's reincarnated, whatever that means]

"Vul, Vulpix."[Reincarnated? I've never heard of that term.

"Tentacool."[I haven't either. However, he knows about this world. And I'll protect him from all harm.]

"Vulpix?"[Protect him? How do you plan to do this?]

"Tentacool, Tenta."[By training and battling. And learning all I can.]

"Vulpix?"[That's amazing, can I help protect Ignacio?]

"Tentacool."[If you want to, however, we will need to train without Ignacio asking us to.]

"Vulpix?"[Training? Okay, I'll try to do that.]

"Tentacool, Vulpix, I finished making the tent!" Ignacio yelled, hoping they would hear him.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool nodded before running towards Ignacio.

Vulpix also nodded before following close behind.

Ignacio turned around, seeing his two Pokémon approaching him with a smile before he got up and walked toward them.

"Vulpix, can you help me set up a fire pit and find firewood? And Tentacool, can you help me find some berries for us all?" Ignacio asked while gazing at the two Pokémon.

"Vulpix!" Vulpix nodded, awaiting instructions on how to do that.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool nodded as well.

"Thank you both. To build a fire pit we will need to make a ring of medium to large-sized rocks. And we'll pick up fallen sticks, twigs, and branches to preserve the trees." Ignacio patiently explained before sighing a little.

"Vulpix!" Vulpix nodded before turning and running deeper into the forest. However, she made sure she was still in sight.

"Now, Tentacool, let's look for berries in the vicinity. However, if our efforts are unsuccessful, we'll help Vulpix first and get berries together." Ignacio instructed before he walked in the opposite direction while surveying his surroundings.

Tentacool followed Ignacio's example and walked in another direction, carefully making sure both Ignacio and Vulpix were still in sight. Afterward, she started searching for trees where berries hung.

Meanwhile, Vulpix grabbed things and branches in her mouth before placing them in a small pile near the campsite.

"Hmm, I wonder where berries are." Ignacio mumbled before looking up and seeing some yellow berries on a tall tree.

Afterward, Ignacio attempted to climb the tree. However, his attempts were unsuccessful, as he slid down the tree after only rising a few feet.

"Tentacool, can I have help? I found some berries." Ignacio asked, hoping Tentacool could hear him.

After about three minutes, Tentacool slowly appeared on the horizon before she started trying to climb.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool stated before she slowly climbed up the tree, almost slipping a few times, but she didn't fall.

"Tentacool, If you want down, ill catch you. You don't have to continue up if you don't want to." Ignacio replied, worried about Tentacool's well-being.

"Tenta, Tentacool!"[I won't back down.] Tentacool shook her head before continuing to ascend the tree.

"Alright, just be careful." Ignacio replied before sighing, hoping Tentacool would be okay.

Tentacool nodded, and once she reached the branches, she started picking berries and dropping them above Ignacio. However, the first few fell on the ground and splattered upon it.

"Tentacool, do you want me to catch them?" Ignacio asked, trying to understand why she was throwing them.

"Tentacool!" Tentacool nodded before continuing to drop berries.

Ignacio smiled before catching all the berries dropped and placing them gently on the ground. Subsequently, the duo continued to work together until all the berries were on the ground in a small pile.

"Thanks, Tentacool, leap into my arms! I'll catch you." Ignacio replied, hoping she'd accept.

"Tentacool." Tentacool shook her head before trying to climb down the tree. However, she quickly slipped and began to fall.

"Tentacool!" Ignacio yelled as his eyes widened before he leaped in her direction, quickly catching her before she could be injured.

Tentacool looked at Ignacio with a grateful gaze as she hugged him tightly.

"Tentacool, are you okay?" Ignacio asked, hoping she wasn't injured.

"Tentacool." Tentacool nodded before getting hugging Ignacio tighter.

"Tentacool, do you want to rest for a while? I can help Vulpix gather wood while you relax." Ignacio questioned, thinking Tentacool was scared.

"Tentacool."[I'm alright, let's help Vulpix together.] Tentacool stated, shaking her head.

"Alright, we'll do so together." Ignacio replied before getting up and placing Tentacool on the ground.

Afterward, Ignacio and Tentacool brought the berries back to camp, and Tentacool began getting firewood alongside Vulpix. Meanwhile, Ignacio built the fire pit a bit away from the tent.

They spent about thirty minutes doing their tasks. The fire pit was made and filled with firewood. After they finished, they ate the berries for dinner.


"Vulpix, use ember on the firewood." Ignacio instructed while pointing at the firewood in the fire pit.

"Vulpix!" Vulpix nodded before forming Ember and shooting it at the firewood.

This method worked, and the fire was lit and burned brightly.

"Thank you both for helping me with what needed to be done." Ignacio thanked while smiling.

"Vulpix." Vulpix nodded before running to Ignacio's leg and hugging it.

"Tentacool." Tentacool nodded as well before hugging Ignacio too.

Afterward, the three watched the sunset before entering the tent and fell asleep.