Kristoph was a man who had lost everything even his own emotions in a war torn world that was reborn in the world of Pokémon. Now reborn as Shuichi follow his story as he tries to regain his emotions and become the trainer he's always dreamed of being! A/N Fanfic is currently on hiatus
Caroline was still a little peeved that none of her researchers could guess it, "Seriously, why do we even bother researching all these things?" She ranted.
"Seems like some people are only interested in fame or something like that." Cheryl joked which caused Caroline to give her a look, "You might be joking but that's exactly what's happening."
"Just because we discover monumental history doesn't make us celebrities, the only thing I wish for is that our research is being used to teach the kids not to get fame or money," Caroline explained.
Shuichi and Cheryl both could respect that, it was very likely that some of the stories that were told during Shuichi's time in school were because of Caroline's research.
"Still, we need to prepare for the next one." Shuichi brought the topic back to the current which caused Caroline to nod while Cheryl looked a bit confused, "What do you mean?" She asked.
"As I said before, the tests are based on their characteristics and we can assume the last one is Azelf. A test of willpower." Shuichi explained. Azelf was the being of willpower and its test would surely portray that.
Caroline looked nervous, "Willpower is such an ambiguous concept, yet it could be tested in a lot of ways and almost all of them are dangerous." Cheryl understood the danger and nodded seriously.
Shuichi also agreed that if it were a test of willpower in the form of withstanding some sort of pressure, he would have the easiest time. If it was some other test then he would think twice about it.
They reached the third path while passing the main hall, they gave a quick look and noticed that two lights were indeed currently on. With the help of Munchlax, they spotted the final switch and pressed it.
Azelf's statue was similar to Uxie and Mesprit with the eyes and head as the only changes, its eyes were wide open and its 'hair' came together at the top in an upside-down pyramid shape.
Caroline told the researchers there their conjecture and one of them volunteered. A female researcher put her hand on the statue, her eyes faded for a few moments before they returned.
Before anyone could even ask anything she suddenly shrieked very loudly and fell back hyperventilating, she crawled back until she hit the wall as tears stained her eyes. It was clear that she was in a panic attack.
"Come out Chansey and use Soft-Boiled!" Cheryl said as she released Chansey, Chansey came out and created a small droplet of energy from her egg in the pouch. Chansey didn't fully master the move yet but it was enough to create enough for a human.
One thing to note is that humans could receive healing from Pokémon, however, one needed to do it in a small dose or else complications could arise. It was pure energy to an extent and Pokémon could take on a lot more.
Chasney gave the small droplet of energy to the female researcher who calmed down immediately, she looked around and gave out a big sigh of relief. Caroline asked what happened and the female researcher looked a bit nervous as she recounted what happened.
"I put my hand on the statue and I was suddenly taken to a forest," She said, confusing everyone, it was clear that she didn't move. The female researcher continued, "I looked around for a bit before… encountering… them…" She began to grow fearful again as she got to the end.
"Well, what was it?" Caroline asked, causing another shriek from the female researcher. "Ariados everywhere!! I'm deathly afraid of them!" She yelled out nearly in tears again.
('Just a horde of Ariados? Was it really that simple?') Shuichi thought it couldn't be this simple right? One of the other researchers volunteered after hearing that saying, "No worries! I've grown up with tons of bugs and I'm not afraid of Ariados!" He said.
The researcher had already put his hand on the statue before Shuichi could even stop him, the same happened to him as his eyes returned to focus after a bit. Instead of screaming the man turned as white as a sheet and he suddenly vomited on the ground.
"I-It was height, I had to walk across a narrow beam with nothing but a black void underneath me. If I didn't do it fast enough then the beam would crumble." The researcher explained. They didn't need to ask if he succeeded because the statue was still inactive.
First, it was Ariados and next it was height. Shuichi had an inkling of what was happening, but Cheryl also voiced it before he could. "Is it targeting our fears? A test of willpower where you have to face your fears?"
Facing your fears, some were unaware of their fears while others knew exactly what their fears were. No one disagreed with Cheryl's theory and everyone hesitated if they should face the test.
Even Shuichi who had gone through war and more was hesitant to face his fears, he knew exactly what his fears were. Losing his emotions once again, thinking back to his actions and how he was still gave him the chills.
There was one person who stepped forward, Cheryl came forward and looked nervous and she held her hands. "I-I will face this test." She said although it sounded like she was talking to everyone present to Shuichi it sounded different.
('She's convincing herself.') He realised. Shuichi knew that Cheryl wanted to prove herself as a treasure hunter and even though she had gotten more serious about it due to the battle with Pierce it wouldn't eliminate fears, If anything one could argue that it was even worse.
Cheryl put her hand on the statue but strangely enough, nothing happened. She looked around and noticed she was still at the cave, "Did…Did it not work?" She was baffled, according to what she heard she should be somewhere else.
"Did you do it?" One of the researchers asked in anticipation but before she could even explain Caroline cut them off, "Of course not! The statue's still active."
"Wait, something is wrong!" Cheryl wanted to explain but her pleas fell on deaf ears, "And here I was expecting something of Harold's granddaughter but it seems like his dreams died with him." Caroline coldly told Cheryl.
Cheryl's heart began to speed up, this wasn't supposed to happen. She looked at Shuichi who didn't look back, he didn't need to for her to understand he was disappointed in her. "Seems like I'll have to clean up the mess again." He said as he put his hand on the statue.
A little while later the statue lit up and everyone cheered, everyone but Cheryl. It was all going so fast, that she couldn't process one part before the next one had already arrived.
Caroline thanked Shuichi for his help as they collectively moved to the middle to collect the treasure that appeared, Cheryl was still left standing as everyone forgot about her. Reporters came and interviewed Caroline and Shuichi but she was left alone.
"To think such a great treasure was hidden there all along, did you also see the moment they solved the statues?" One researcher asked Cheryl, "I-I also did something." Cheryl tried to speak up.
"Huh? Oh yeah, you failed at the last statue. How did I forget, even after you proudly said that you wanted to face the test." The researcher couldn't hold it together anymore as he mocked and laughed at Cheryl.
Cheryl wanted to say something but the words got stuck in her mouth, she looked desperately for help when she spotted people she knew. She quickly excused herself as she went over to them.
Pierce and his butler were watching and discussing the treasure, "As expected of my rival, he was able to find the treasure of the ruins." Cheryl almost did a double take, since when were they rivals?
"Rivals? What do you mean? He had beaten you last time." Cheryl asked Pierce, Pierce looked annoyed as Cheryl talked to him. "Who are you?" He asked her. Cheryl was getting angry as she said, "Don't you remember? I fought with you before you fought Shuichi!"
Pierce still looked confused and even more annoyed as he said, "Do you think I'll remember every insignificant peasant who didn't accomplish anything?" Cheryl was hurt, was she really that insignificant?
She looked down at her feet and started to walk, no one paid her any mind as she walked. She reached the Pokémon Center before she knew it and saw Shuichi already packing his belongings.
Were they going somewhere? "Hey, where are we going?" She asked him. Shuichi didn't even look at her as he said, "Not 'we', just me alone." This came as a great shock to Cheryl, "Wait, why!?" She desperately asked him.
"Because you'll only slow me down, I thought you would be able to pull your weight in the ruins but I was only left with disappointment." Shuichi coldly said, Cheryl wanted to argue but she couldn't.
"Please, just give me one more chance." She squeaked out on the verge of tears. Shuichi didn't listen as he said, "You've had your chances, farewell Cheryl." And with that statement, he left her standing alone in the room.
It felt like the whole world was suddenly against her, she didn't know where to go. After standing there for an unknown amount of time she started to walk again.
It felt like days had passed in a flash as she was walking, not sure of where she was even going. She suddenly stopped and looked up, she was back at her grandfather's house. She walked in and kicked up a small layer of dust that had settled.
Cheryl went into the living room where she had put up a few photos of her and her grandfather together, "Grandpa, I-I I'm sorry." She apologised as she couldn't stop the tears anymore.
"I thought I could be like you, I wanted to be like you. But in the end, I only failed." Cheryl said in between her tears. She began to mull over her decision even to touch the statue, "Why did I even do the test anyway?"
However, she knew why. Shuichi had done the first test and Caroline had done the second one, she was the only one of the three who hadn't done a test. She wanted to prove that she had what it took, not only to them but also to herself.
She eventually walked to an attic in the house, in the attic were a lot of items. These were all treasures that her grandfather had managed to collect over the years, there was one empty spot, however.
Cheryl got a bit of enchanted honey that she had collected and placed it in a small jar, "At least, I've fulfilled your last treasure grandfather." She said, Cheryl stepped back and admired the scene.
The room looked a lot more complete, and it had a mysterious feeling. Cheryl scanned over the items and she now realised something after collecting the honey, every item had a story.
She focused once more on the honey and an odd feeling crept up inside of her, "Am I just going to give up after only one failed treasure hunt?" She muttered feeling conflicted.
Every story was fraught with upsides and downsides, even her grandfather had to try multiple times to be a successful treasure hunter. Why was she so insisted on stopping after only one try?
"This- This isn't right," Cheryl said as she shook her head and the feeling was starting to intensify. "No!" She suddenly yelled. "I won't give up, I don't care if the whole world is against me or even if I lose friends along the way. I will become a great treasure hunter just like my grandfather!"
She continued to speak and the odd feeling exploded, "No, not just like my grandfather. I will become an even better one! Even better than my grandfather!!" She shouted. Instantly, cracks started to appear in the air around Cheryl.
"What-!?" Before she could even say anything the entire attic shattered into a black void, a voice suddenly said. "Willpower has been proven, well done." The scene shifted in Cheryl's eyes as she was back in the cave touching Azelf's statue.
She was breathing heavily as everything came at her, she also understood her fears. She was afraid of failing and being left alone, she was afraid of giving up her dreams. But now she had faced her fears and promised herself to do even better than before.
Azelf's eyes lit up with a blue glow signifying the passing of the test, before Cheryl could even explain a rumbling started to appear in the cave. "Quick, everyone, let's go back!" Caroline said as she understood that something happened in the middle.
Shuichi nodded and he glanced at Cheryl, he noticed that she was still a little out of it and he grabbed her hand. "Well done, let's go!" He said to her, this seemed to snap her out as she smiled and nodded.
They ran back to the main hall where the three lights shone and met in the middle, soon everyone was there including the researchers who were left behind as they also noticed the rumbling.
The light in the middle shot down into the ground which caused the ground to sink, the light faded after a bit and in the epicentre was an item that wasn't there before. Nobody moved until Caroline did, she looked closely at the item and picked it up.
Shuichi could see that it was a light blue glass-like orb in Caroline's hands, he had a feeling that he had seen it somewhere before. Caroline audibly gasped and said, "There's no doubt about it, this is the Lustrous Orb!"
Everyone was speechless for a second before cheering began, this was a monumental find! Shuichi recognised that name, the Lustrous Orb was an item that could empower the legendary Pokémon of space; Palkia.
Caroline turned to Shuichi and Cheryl and walked over to them, "Thank you, both of you." She said before turning to Cheryl, "Without you Cheryl, we likely wouldn't have found the statues and completed the final test. You will make your grandfather proud, I know it."
Cheryl smiled brightly, she was still reeling a bit from the test and the amount of emotional whiplash she was receiving was overwhelming thus she didn't say much and only smiled.
Caroline wisely moved on to Shuichi, "And I didn't forget you Shuichi, without you we likely would've gotten stuck on the first test." She didn't forget Shuichi either as he easily passed the first test.
Shuichi felt like he didn't earn the praise, he passed the first test but that was mainly due to his experience in sensing emotions which coincidentally was because Mesprit itself blessed him.
"Alright let's get to the surface, we've got to present this thing to the public and deal with the media and all that stuff." Caroline summarised. "And don't think you two will be getting out of this either, I know a certain someone will come rushing over here who will grill you with questions." She said to Cheryl and Shuichi.
And with that word spread fast and the media came rushing over, Shuichi's past life experience allowed him to deal with interviews fairly well. Cheryl on the other hand was struggling to keep up as she grew tired quickly.
One thing to note was that her grandfather was basically a hermit who lived alone in the woods, now she began to understand why he lived like that. It was to not deal with interviews and endless questions.
Four days passed like this, Shuichi and Cheryl stayed at Celestic Town. They would've loved to set out already to Solaceon Town however Caroline urged them to stay for this 'special' person who Shuichi already had an inkling to who it was.
His inkling became true as Caroline asked for them to come, once they arrived at the museum a woman was there alongside Caroline. The woman had grey eyes and long blonde hair down to her thighs. She was dressed in black heels, black pants and a black shirt all topped off with a black coat.
Shuichi and Cheryl didn't need any introductions to know who this was, this was the champion of the Sinnoh region; Cynthia! Cheryl was honoured to meet her while Shuichi could feel something, it was a feeling he hadn't felt in a very long time.
Shuichi could feel a faint pressure coming from Cynthia, it was a similar pressure he would emit but also different. ('She's the real deal, no doubt about that.') He had no doubts about her strength before but seeing it in person was different.
As Shuichi and Cheryl were checking out Cynthia, so did she. Her first instinct was to look at Shuichi, she didn't know why the younger of the two caught her eyes first but as she looked closer she began to understand.
('He's interesting, it's faint but I can feel it.') She could also feel his pressure but she was confused, why would a young child have such pressure? Luckily, she wasn't in the habit of digging into people's secrets as she moved on to Cheryl.
She couldn't feel anything from Cheryl but from what she heard from her grandmother her grandfather was one of the greatest treasure hunters of Sinnoh and she was bound to have a good future as she passed the test of willpower.
"Well you three have stared at each other for long enough, say something already!" Caroline interjected as she began to feel a bit out of place.
Cynthia nodded, "Quite, I've heard a lot about you two from my grandmother but I still would like to ask you two about your thought process in the caves." Shuichi and Cheryl nodded, they didn't have a problem with her questions.
They answered her questions to the best of their abilities, Shuichi didn't tell her about his experience with emotions and just chalked it up to instinct. She knew he wasn't completely telling the truth but she wasn't going to press on it.
"Well I suppose I don't have any more questions, I was hoping to learn something more but it isn't all worthless," Cynthia concluded her questioning. "Alright now that we have the boring stuff out the way let's get to something more fun." Caroline suddenly said.
Everyone looked at her in confusion, was there something else? "Shuichi, how would you like to battle my granddaughter?" She said, shocking everyone, Shuichi battling Cynthia. The champion?
Shuichi had half expected this question to pop up but was still surprised at the ease of the request, he had thought of the answer beforehand. Initially, he was going to turn down the battle but this could be a good opportunity.
"If the champion is down for a battle then I'm also down," Shuichi said, putting the ball in Cynthia's corner. Cynthia was still intrigued by Shuichi and his pressure, maybe a battle would allow her to learn more. "Alright, how many do you want to battle with?" She asked.
Shuichi said, "Just one." The request surprised Cynthia, ('Was he that confident? Or was he planning something else?') She didn't know what it was but she nodded and agreed to the one on one.
They moved back near the ruins, there wasn't anyone around and as long as they kept their battle contained nobody would notice anything.
"Are you ready Shuichi?" She asked him as she pulled out her Pokéball, there was no referee as this would be a friendly match. Shuichi nodded and also pulled out a Pokéball as he got ready.
"Garchomp, battle dance!" Cynthia said as she released her Pokémon, it was her star player Garchomp.
Garchomp was a bipedal draconic shark-like Pokémon, coloured mostly dark purplish-blue. It had a red underbelly, extending from its mouth to its belly, which ended in a yellow triangle-like shape. There were spikes all over its body including its claws which was a singular spike on each arm.
Garchomp was fierce, Shuichi even could feel it from a distance. This Pokémon had been through so many battles that it exuded experience and strength. Shuichi wasn't unhappy that she didn't hold back.
('This will be a perfect lesson for her.') He thought as he threw the Pokéball and said, "Blaziken, go hot." Blaziken materialised and roared, she was getting frustrated that she wasn't going into battles and finally had a chance to let loose.
She looked at her opponent and although her eagerness didn't diminish in the slightest she still was a little wary, she had plenty of experience as well and could tell that this opponent was no slouch.
"That right there is the champion also known as one of the strongest people in the world," Shuichi said as he pointed at Cynthia, Blaziken followed his finger and looked at Cynthia.
"I've told you my goal since we met and now you have a chance, if you beat him then you'll have proven yourself as the strongest in these lands and you will have proven that you don't need me anymore," Shuichi explained as he shifted the attention onto Garchomp.
Blaziken now focused on Garchomp and her spirits were lifted, she was confident in her strength and she wanted to prove that she didn't need Shuichi anymore. Cynthia smiled understanding her role, Shuichi never intended to beat her.
He was only using her as a goalpost for his Blaziken, from what she could understand was that Blaziken didn't like to hear what Shuichi said and ignored his orders during battle. She could return Garchomp and call off the battle but she wasn't that type of person.
"Looks like we're going to be the mean ones here Garchomp, let's teach them a lesson," Cynthia said to Garchomp, Garchomp huffed a bit seemingly having no emotions. Shuichi however begged to differ as he could sense amusement from Garchomp, clearly it was going to enjoy what was going to happen.
Shuichi didn't have to say anything as Blaziken fired a spew of flames directly at Garchomp from her mouth, with no battles and only training it was no wonder that she had managed to learn Flamethrower.
Garchomp didn't dodge as it stood still, the flames connected but it didn't even flinch. It flexed its body and dispersed the flames not even having a single burn scratch on it. Blaziken was stunned, it did nothing?
Shuichi looked at the scene with a calm look, he had expected Garchomp to not even react. It was as if a child was going against an adult, not even a fair fight. He also didn't participate, he didn't even release his pressure.
Blaziken couldn't accept it and charged in with a Flame Charge, she kicked out the moment she got close but it just felt like she had kicked a mountain. Garchomp looked unimpressed at Blaziken as if to say 'Is that all?'
Blaziken gritted her beak and began to unleash a flurry of Double Kicks, she occasionally threw in a Shadow Claw but all of these attacks did nothing to Garchomp as it just stood there and looked at her.
Shuichi could sense Blaziken's desperation, her confusion and also her shame. She thought she had gained enough strength after evolving that no one could battle her alone anymore, her time as a Combusken nearly proved that already.
But now she realised how stupid she was, she was nothing but a frog in a well. The world was huge and now she had first-hand experience. Cynthia noticed that it was time to strike, "Garchomp, jump back and use Dragon Rush!"
Garchomp nodded and jumped back a fair distance, Blaziken didn't rush in as she only looked on. Garchomp then jumped high into the air and aimed at Blaziken, it began to fall and gained a light-blue aura as it fell.
Garchomp fell at the speed of a meteor and Blaziken barely had enough time to try and guard with a Bulk Up. Still, it didn't matter much as Garchomp slammed into Blaziken and sent her flying far away.
Blaziken landed unconsciously on the ground, Shuichi had expected that the battle would end like this. He turned to Cynthia and Garchomp and gave a respectful bow, "Thank you for helping me with my problems." He said.
Cynthia smiled and Garchomp was amused, "Seems like Blaziken was a bit overconfident, will you be alright?" She asked. Shuichi nodded, he grabbed a Sitrus berry and tossed it to Cynthia, "It's not much but take it as a thanks from me."
Cynthia had enough of these but still gave it Garchomp, even if the damage and energy used were minuscule it would still help. Shuichi moved to Blaziken and sat down next to her, he waited until she woke up.
She woke up and looked around to see Shuichi sitting next to her, without saying anything he held out a Sitrus berry for her. It was an odd feeling of deja vu as it was almost the same as when they first met.
Still, she didn't take the berry this time around. She knew what her actions the last week were and this time she wasn't under the influence of some item. She did feel a sense of shame as she looked back at the actions of the past week.
"I told you, didn't I? When we first met." Shuichi said, still holding out the berry. "My goal is to become the greatest trainer and those two are one of the goals." He continued and Blaziken looked at Cynthia and Garchomp in the distance.
"So, how about it? Will you join me or will you continue to behave like a child?" Shuichi asked her, Blaziken contemplated for a bit before acceptance finally hit her. She grabbed the Sitrus berry and began to eat it.
Blaziken wanted to apologise for her actions but Shuichi stopped her, "If you want to apologise to someone then apologise to the team and prove it with your actions." He told her.
Shuichi was glad that Blaziken finally had come around and now he looked at Cynthia, he wanted to say something to her about Team Galactic and Cyrus. Whether she would believe it or not was up to her.