
Deciding to Leave

Wurmple's habitat, Terrance and Rina hid behind a tree, quietly observing the lively little creatures in front of them.

As Terrance explained things to Rina, he silently sighed, realizing that the overall development of these Wurmple wasn't very good. Raising them would be quite challenging.

It was probably due to the environmental factors of Fallarbor Woods. From Terrance's perspective, the Wurmple here were at least a level below those in Petalburg Woods in terms of overall quality.

In such an environment, it would undoubtedly be difficult to catch one or two ideal Wurmple.

Terrance's Beautifly was also not in a very good condition during its Wurmple stage, but thanks to his meticulous care, it slowly made up for it later. However, this was a process that required a lot of effort. If a Pokémon and its Trainer don't share a special bond, most Trainers would naturally prefer to catch smarter and stronger Pokémon.

At this moment, Rina was nearly in tears. She had only come out with Terrance for a brief outing, yet she suddenly felt like she had become an expert on Wurmple!

She even had the feeling that she could easily raise a Wurmple now, with a clear direction in mind.

As the sky darkened, Terrance glanced at the tired Rina and said, "Let's head back."

Upon hearing that, Rina immediately perked up and cheered.

"Finally, it's over..." Rina was speechless. Looking at the four whole pages of information she had written on Wurmple, she shivered. She will never become a Breeder in the future!

Breeders are all monsters!

In just half a day, with Beautifly and Mismagius constantly searching for the habitats of Bug-type Pokémons, Terrance had roughly figured out the basic situation of Fallarbor Woods.

He had completely memorized the growth levels of the Bug-type Pokémon in Fallarbor Woods. While he did find a few that had grown well, he wasn't in a hurry to capture them just yet.

Terrance needed to visit more places and make comparisons before choosing the best ones.

Initially, he only has five slots to fill, and he wouldn't catch more than that.

In the early stages of preparing for his Gym, Terrance planned to capture five Bug-type Pokémon. These five would be housed in the Gym, where their main task would be to battle challengers.

"Butterfree, Beedrill, Beautifly, Dustox, Masquerain, Venomoth..."

Terrance's ideal goal was to raise five Pokémon from these six species. The first four have short training periods and grow quickly, while the last two will take a bit longer, but they still fit the criteria for a Bug-type Gym.

Aside from those, he also considered other Pokémon that lived in this area.

Scyther, Pinsir, Ariados, Heracross, Shuckle, Forretress, and Nincada were also options, but without a doubt, these would be harder to raise and capture compared to the others.

Still, the most important thing was for Terrance to run into a Pokémon that felt right to him.



On the second and third days…

Terrance continued to explore around Fallarbor Town. From Fallarbor Woods to the northern mountains and grassy areas, he observed all the nearby Bug-type Pokémon.

Wurmple were the most abundant, followed by a few Caterpie, Weedle, and Surskit.

These were the only four types of Bug Pokémon he found, and aside from their evolved forms, Terrance didn't discover any other Bug Pokémon.

After Rina's experience on the first day with Terrance in Fallarbor Woods, the next day, she refused to accompany him to write any observation diary.

Terrance didn't mind and instead dragged along Taiga, Chisana, and Myu…..

However, it didn't take long before they too strongly resisted writing any observation notes. Listening was fine, but writing down so much information was just too tedious.

Of all the kids, only Chisana stuck with Terrance until the end.

Scarlet was studying Pokémon Referee knowledge on his own, trying to get a basic understanding of this profession before entering a referee training school, while Ayan had returned to work at the construction site, while Grandma Arlan was in charge of watching over the Old Green House. Just like that, time slowly passed, and soon, it had already been half a month since Terrance returned to Fallarbor Town.

One day, while Terrance was preparing breakfast, Myu was sitting groggily in her chair. Suddenly, she seemed to remember something, "Brother Terrance, are you going to leave again...?"

Myu had been nearby when Terrance contacted the various companies, so she remembered that he had a meeting scheduled soon.

In just a few days.

Terrance replied with a wry smile: "Yes….My meeting with the Big Eater Catering is coming up, and after that, I have appointments with Pokémon Watch, Poké Ball Stickers and a few other companies. My schedule is completely full." [*I had translated Big Eater as competitive eating before. I'm changing it now.]

"Ahh, you're leaving again?" Rina rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Terrance had only been back for half a month.

"Can't be helped." Terrance glanced apologetically at Scarlet, Taiga, Chisana, Grandma Arlan, and the others. "I'll stay in touch regularly."

Though they knew Terrance would leave, they hadn't expected it to be so soon. But now, three years had passed, and the children had grown up quite a bit. They understood a lot more and didn't show too much sadness this time.

Scarlet said, "Don't worry, Brother Terrance. I'll definitely pass the professional referee certification exam within three months!"

The others also assured Terrance that he needn't worry.

Terrance smiled. This farewell was much easier than the one three years ago. At least this time, he wasn't under as much pressure. Even with the Gym evaluation ahead, Terrance had a fair amount of confidence.

Unlike three years ago when he had set out, Terrance, besides a head full of knowledge, only had Beautifly, who hadn't grown up yet, by his side. At that time, both of them were very cautious about everything they wanted to do.

Now, he had Altaria, Mismagius, Arcanine, and Castform—four reliable partners by his side. With them, Terrance felt much more confident of facing any challenges ahead.

During the half-month, Terrance had been quite active in Fallarbor Town. The townspeople knew he had returned, bearing the honor of Top Coordinator.

Though most people didn't really understand what that title meant, appearing on TV and stepping onto the award podium with such a grand spectacle made many people look at the boy from Old Green House in a new light.

"He's really grown up!"

"The kid from the Old Green House isn't bad at all..."

One family even used Terrance as an example to teach their children.

"Ayan is still at the construction site due to Machop. Taiga is taking care of the fruit orchard at the Old Green House. Scarlet is about to take his professional referee exam, while Chisana is continuing his Coordinator training, hoping to make a name for himself. Rina and Myu, those two are the most troublesome, but luckily, there's still plenty of time." Terrance had a feeling that, although this visit hadn't drastically changed the current state of the Old Green House, by the time he returned next time, not only would the Old Green House but also all of Fallarbor Town would have undergone significant changes.

"Now I have a clear understanding of the growth conditions of the Bug-type Pokémon near Fallarbor Town. When the Gym is established, there's no need to worry too much about suitable Pokémon watching over it. There are some among them with excellent growth potential."

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