
Pokémon Chronicles: Path to Legends

In the shadow of his legendary sister Cynthia, Sinnoh Champion, young Aiden embarks on a daring Pokémon journey to forge his own legacy. Venturing alone, Aiden battles fierce opponents, befriends wild Pokémon, and conquers personal challenges, each step transforming him from an aspiring Trainer into a formidable force. Join Aiden as he encounters new allies, powerful adversaries, and untamed creatures, all while striving to prove himself and step into the spotlight.

Harman_Singh_2059 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

The Eterna City Robbery


Aiden entered Eterna City with Riolu, Shinx, and Treecko by his side. The city's mix of modern buildings and lush greenery created a serene atmosphere, but there was an underlying tension that Aiden couldn't quite place. As he walked through the bustling streets, he noticed several posters of missing Pokémon pinned to bulletin boards and walls.

"Looks like something's going on here," Aiden muttered, examining one of the posters. A Pikachu, a Roselia, and a Machop had all gone missing in the past week. "We need to find out more about this."

He headed to the Pokémon Center to gather information and prepare for his upcoming Gym battle. After checking in, he approached Nurse Joy at the counter.

"Excuse me, Nurse Joy," Aiden began, "I've noticed a lot of missing Pokémon posters around the city. Do you know what's happening?"

Nurse Joy's expression turned serious. "Yes, it's been a troubling issue lately. Several trainers have reported their Pokémon being kidnapped. The authorities are investigating, but they haven't found any leads yet. Everyone's on edge."

Aiden frowned. "That's terrible. Do you have any idea where these kidnappings are happening?"

"There have been reports from various parts of the city, but most of the Pokémon were last seen near the outskirts or in the more secluded areas," Nurse Joy explained. "Please be careful if you're going out at night."

"Thanks for the information," Aiden said, determined to help. "I'll keep an eye out."

After healing his Pokémon and preparing for the day ahead, Aiden decided to explore the city and see if he could find any clues. Riolu, Shinx, and Treecko were ready for action, their eyes gleaming with determination.


Aiden spent the afternoon walking around Eterna City, asking locals if they had seen anything suspicious. Many people were worried and eager to share what they knew, but concrete information was scarce. As the sun began to set, he found himself near the outskirts of the city, where the forest met the urban landscape.

"Let's check this area out," Aiden said to his Pokémon. "It seems like a likely place for something shady to be happening."

They walked through the quiet streets, their senses alert for any signs of trouble. As they turned a corner, Aiden spotted a group of shady-looking individuals near an abandoned warehouse. He quickly ducked behind a bush, signaling his Pokémon to stay quiet.

"Looks like we found something," Aiden whispered. "Let's get a closer look."

Carefully, Aiden crept closer to the warehouse, using the shadows for cover. He could hear the men talking in low voices, their conversation confirming his suspicions.

"These Pokémon will fetch a good price," one of the men said. "The boss will be pleased with this batch."

Aiden's eyes narrowed. He needed to find a way to rescue the kidnapped Pokémon without alerting the kidnappers. He scanned the area, formulating a plan.


Aiden decided to wait until nightfall to make his move. As the sky darkened and the city grew quiet, he and his Pokémon approached the warehouse again. The guards were fewer now, and the cover of darkness would work to their advantage.

"Alright, team," Aiden whispered, "we need to be stealthy. Riolu, use your aura to sense if there are any hidden traps or more guards inside. Shinx, use your keen eyesight to watch for any movement. Treecko, be ready to use your speed to help us out if needed."

Riolu closed its eyes, focusing its aura to detect any potential dangers. Shinx's eyes glowed faintly as it scanned the area, and Treecko crouched low, ready to spring into action.

Aiden and his Pokémon moved silently, slipping past the guards at the entrance. Inside the warehouse, they found rows of cages filled with frightened Pokémon. Aiden's heart ached at the sight.

"We need to free them quickly," Aiden said. "Shinx, use Spark to break the locks. Riolu, be ready to defend if anyone comes. Treecko, help guide the Pokémon out quietly."

Shinx's fur crackled with electricity as it used Spark to shatter the locks on the cages. The Pokémon inside looked up with hope as the doors swung open. Treecko gently led them towards the back exit, where they could escape unnoticed.

Suddenly, a guard entered the room, spotting Aiden and his Pokémon. "Hey! What do you think you're doing?"

"Riolu, Quick Attack!" Aiden commanded.

Riolu darted forward, knocking the guard off his feet before he could raise an alarm. Aiden quickly tied the guard up and continued freeing the Pokémon.

"Almost there," Aiden said, working faster.


Just as they were freeing the last few Pokémon, more guards burst into the room, having been alerted by the commotion. Aiden knew they were running out of time.

"Shinx, use Spark on them! Riolu, Force Palm! Treecko, Quick Attack!"

Shinx's body glowed with electric energy as it charged at the guards, shocking them with powerful sparks. Riolu's Force Palm sent another guard flying, while Treecko zipped around, striking with incredible speed.

Despite their efforts, the sheer number of guards was overwhelming. Aiden and his Pokémon were being pushed back. It was then that Shinx began to glow brightly, its form shifting and changing.

"Shinx, you're evolving!" Aiden exclaimed, watching in awe.

The light grew brighter, and Shinx transformed into Luxio, a larger and more powerful version of itself. Luxio roared, its newfound strength surging through its body.

"Luxio, use Spark with all your might!" Aiden commanded.

Luxio's fur crackled with intense electricity as it unleashed a powerful Spark, stunning the guards and giving Aiden and his Pokémon the upper hand. The remaining guards fled in fear, leaving the warehouse in chaos.


With the guards dealt with, Aiden and his Pokémon finished freeing the remaining Pokémon. The frightened creatures quickly followed Treecko's lead, escaping through the back exit.

"We did it," Aiden said, breathing a sigh of relief. "Let's get out of here before more come."

As they made their way out of the warehouse, Aiden noticed one of the guards had dropped a keycard. He picked it up, suspecting it might lead to more information about the kidnappers.

"Come on, let's find a safe place for these Pokémon and figure out our next move," Aiden said, leading the way back into the forest.

They found a secluded clearing where the rescued Pokémon could rest. Aiden took the opportunity to call Nurse Joy and inform her of the situation. She promised to send help to retrieve the Pokémon and ensure their safety.

"You did a great job, Luxio," Aiden said, patting his newly evolved Pokémon. "Your evolution couldn't have come at a better time."

Luxio purred in response, its electric fur crackling gently. Riolu and Treecko also received praise and treats for their bravery and teamwork.

As they waited for Nurse Joy's team to arrive, Aiden examined the keycard he had found. It had a logo of a sinister-looking 'G' on it, which he didn't recognize.

"This could be a clue to who's behind these kidnappings," Aiden mused. "We'll need to investigate further."


The next morning, Aiden met with Nurse Joy and the authorities who had come to take care of the rescued Pokémon. He handed over the keycard and explained what had happened.

"This logo looks familiar," one of the officers said, examining the keycard. "We've heard rumors of a criminal organization operating in the region, but we haven't been able to track them down."

"Do you think this could be related to Team Galactic?" Aiden asked, recalling stories his sister Cynthia had told him about the notorious gang.

"It's possible," the officer replied. "We'll investigate further. Thank you for your help, Aiden. You've done a great service to Eterna City."

With the authorities taking over the investigation, Aiden felt a sense of accomplishment but knew his journey was far from over. He still had a Gym battle to prepare for and more mysteries to uncover.


After ensuring the rescued Pokémon were safe, Aiden turned his focus to his next challenge: the Eterna Gym. Gardenia, the Gym Leader, was known for her powerful Grass-type Pokémon.

"I know we can do this," Aiden said to his team as they stood outside the Gym. "We've come this far together, and we won't back down now."

Inside the Gym, Aiden was greeted by the lush, indoor forest that served as the battlefield. Gardenia stood at the far end, smiling confidently.

"Welcome, challenger," Gardenia said. "I've heard about your heroic deeds. Let's see if you can match that bravery in battle."

Aiden nodded, determined. "I'm ready. Let's do this."

The battle began with Gardenia sending out her Turtwig. Aiden chose Luxio, confident in its type advantage.

"Luxio, use Spark!" Aiden commanded.

Luxio charged forward, its fur crackling with electricity. The Spark attack hit Turtwig hard, but the sturdy Grass-type held its ground, countering with Razor Leaf.

"Luxio, dodge and use Bite!" Aiden ordered.

Luxioleapt aside, narrowly avoiding the flurry of sharp leaves, and then lunged at Turtwig with its jaws wide open. The Bite attack landed, causing Turtwig to flinch and giving Aiden a critical opportunity.

"Great job, Luxio! Follow up with another Spark!"

Luxio unleashed another electrifying attack, this time overwhelming Turtwig. Gardenia frowned but recalled her Pokémon with a determined look.

"You're strong, Aiden, but we're just getting started. Go, Cherrim!"


Cherrim emerged from its Poké Ball in its Overcast Form. Aiden knew this Pokémon could change forms based on the weather, and it was crucial to act quickly.

"Luxio, return! Riolu, I need your help!" Aiden called, sending out his Fighting-type.

Gardenia wasted no time. "Cherrim, use Magical Leaf!"

Cherrim's leaves glowed with an otherworldly light as they homed in on Riolu. Despite its best efforts to dodge, Riolu was hit by several of the leaves.

"Riolu, use Quick Attack to close the distance, then Force Palm!" Aiden commanded.

Riolu dashed forward, blurring with speed, and struck Cherrim with a powerful Force Palm. Cherrim was pushed back but quickly retaliated with another Magical Leaf.

"Riolu, endure it and use Quick Attack again!"

Riolu pushed through the pain and struck Cherrim once more with incredible speed. Cherrim staggered, showing signs of weakening.

"Cherrim, Sunny Day!" Gardenia shouted.

The room brightened as Cherrim called forth intense sunlight, changing into its Sunshine Form. Its petals opened wide, revealing a more vibrant and powerful appearance.

"We need to finish this quickly, Riolu! Use Force Palm again!" Aiden ordered.

Riolu charged, but the sunlight-boosted Cherrim was faster. It countered with Solar Beam, hitting Riolu hard and sending it sprawling.

"Riolu, return!" Aiden called, concerned for his Pokémon. "Treecko, you're up!"

Treecko faced off against the empowered Cherrim, both Pokémon ready for the next move.

"Treecko, use Quick Attack!" Aiden commanded.

Treecko darted forward, hitting Cherrim before it could react. But Cherrim quickly recovered, using Leech Seed to plant seeds on Treecko, draining its energy.

"Treecko, shake it off and use Absorb!" Aiden shouted.

Treecko managed to absorb some of Cherrim's energy, regaining a bit of its own strength. However, the Leech Seed continued to sap Treecko's health.

"Cherrim, use Petal Blizzard!" Gardenia ordered.

Cherrim unleashed a storm of petals, striking Treecko repeatedly. Treecko struggled but remained determined.

"Treecko, give it everything you've got! Use Quick Attack and then Absorb!"

Treecko moved with lightning speed, hitting Cherrim and immediately following up with Absorb. The combination finally wore Cherrim down, and it fainted.

"Good job, Treecko!" Aiden praised, recalling his Pokémon. He knew Gardenia's ace was coming next.


Gardenia's final Pokémon, Roserade, emerged, elegant and formidable. Aiden felt a mix of excitement and tension.

"This is it," he muttered. "Luxio, I need you one more time!"

Luxio re-entered the battlefield, ready to face Roserade.

"Roserade, use Stun Spore!" Gardenia commanded.

Roserade released a cloud of paralyzing spores. Luxio tried to dodge, but the spores slowed it down, making it sluggish.

"Luxio, use Spark!" Aiden called.

Despite the paralysis, Luxio summoned its strength and charged forward with Spark. The electric attack hit Roserade, but it wasn't enough to take it down.

"Roserade, use Sludge Bomb!" Gardenia ordered.

Roserade launched a powerful Sludge Bomb, hitting Luxio and causing it to stagger. Aiden knew he had to act fast.

"Luxio, hang in there! Use Bite!" he commanded.

Luxio pushed through the paralysis and lunged at Roserade, biting down hard. Roserade flinched, giving Luxio an opening.

"Finish it with another Spark!" Aiden shouted.

Summoning all its remaining strength, Luxio unleashed a final Spark, hitting Roserade head-on. The powerful attack finally brought Roserade down.


"You've earned this," Gardenia said, recalling Roserade and approaching Aiden with a smile. "You've shown great skill and determination. Here is your Forest Badge."

Aiden accepted the badge with pride, thanking Gardenia for the challenging battle. As he exited the Gym, he looked at his team, feeling a deep sense of gratitude.

"Great job, everyone," Aiden said, patting Luxio, Riolu, and Treecko. "We did it together."

As they walked back to the Pokémon Center, Aiden's thoughts drifted back to the kidnapped Pokémon and the mysterious organization behind it. The keycard in his pocket felt like a heavy reminder that their journey was far from over.

"We've got another mystery to solve," Aiden said, determination in his eyes. "But first, let's rest and prepare. We'll need all our strength for what's coming next."


After a well-deserved rest at the Pokémon Center, Aiden decided to investigate the keycard further. He knew it could lead to crucial information about the kidnappers.

"Nurse Joy, do you recognize this symbol?" Aiden asked, showing her the keycard with the 'G' logo.

Nurse Joy examined it carefully. "I've heard rumors about a group called Team Galactic operating in the region. They might be involved in the kidnappings."

"Team Galactic..." Aiden repeated, his resolve hardening. "Thank you, Nurse Joy. We'll get to the bottom of this."

He decided to start his investigation by visiting the Eterna City library, hoping to find more information about Team Galactic. The library was a large, imposing building filled with countless books and documents.

As he searched through the records, a librarian approached him. "Can I help you find something?"

"Yes, I'm looking for information on Team Galactic," Aiden said. "Have you heard of them?"

The librarian nodded. "Team Galactic is known for their unusual experiments and shady activities. They believe in harnessing the power of Pokémon for their own purposes. There have been reports of their operations near the Eterna Forest and Mt. Coronet."

"Thank you," Aiden said, feeling a sense of urgency. "This is very helpful."

Armed with this new information, Aiden knew where he needed to go next. He gathered his team and prepared to head towards Mt. Coronet, hoping to uncover more about Team Galactic and their plans.


As Aiden left Eterna City, he felt a mix of excitement and determination. The path ahead was uncertain, but he knew he had to keep moving forward.

"Are you ready, team?" Aiden asked his Pokémon.

Riolu, Luxio, and Treecko all responded with enthusiastic cries, eager to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Together, they set off towards Mt. Coronet, ready to unravel the mysteries of Team Galactic and protect the Pokémon of the region. With each step, Aiden felt his bond with his Pokémon grow stronger, knowing that no matter what happened, they would face it together.

As the journey continued, Aiden couldn't help but feel that this was only the beginning of a much larger adventure. And with his loyal team by his side, he knew they could overcome any obstacle.


The road to Mt. Coronet was long and winding, filled with both natural beauty and hidden dangers. Aiden and his Pokémon trained along the way, growing stronger with each passing day.

One evening, as they camped near a clear stream, Aiden reflected on their journey so far. The battles they had fought, the Pokémon they had rescued, and the mysteries they had begun to uncover all felt like pieces of a larger puzzle.

"We've come a long way," Aiden said to his team as they rested by the fire. "But there's still so much more to do. We're in this together, and I know we can handle whatever comes next."

Riolu, Luxio, and Treecko all nodded, their eyes filled with determination. They knew that their bond would carry them through the challenges ahead.

As the stars twinkled above them, Aiden felt a sense of peace and purpose. The journey was far from over, but with his Pokémon by his side, he was ready for anything.

As they approached Mt. Coronet, the air grew colder and the path steeper. The mountain loomed ahead, a formidable barrier between them and the answers they sought.

Aiden felt a mix of excitement and apprehension. He knew that Mt. Coronet was a place of legends and power, and that it held many secrets.

"Stay close, everyone," Aiden said, his voice steady. "We need to be ready for anything."

As they began their ascent, Aiden couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. The path was challenging, but he felt a deep sense of purpose driving him forward.

With his loyal Pokémon by his side, Aiden knew they could face any challenge. Together, they would uncover the mysteries of Team Galactic and protect the Pokémon of the region.