
Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Suddenly, a peculiar little shop called "Mystery Hatchery House" appeared on the seas. Inside were all sorts of eggs, along with magical creatures that seemed as if they had eaten Devil Fruits. They were called... Pokémon? As time passed, this shop gradually became famous worldwide. The world's strongest man, Whitebeard, was constantly sending children to "Pokémon Academy" for schooling. Garp, not only beat up his grandson all the time but also became one of the Elite Four. The Pirate Empress became one of the eight Gym Leaders of the "Pokémon League". The aloof Mihawk was driven to the brink of collapse by his own Pokémon every day. The Navy established a special operations unit called the "Trainer Corps" to eradicate pirates across the seas. The Beasts Pirates, green with envy, transformed into a Rocket Team, snatching Pokémon wherever they went. The ripples caused by these magical little fellows in the great seas didn't matter to Dak at all, because he was just an ordinary breeder. "Alright, it's about time to start the first Pokémon Tournament. Everyone, please head to the eight Pokémon Gyms around the world to collect badges first." "Everyone, the times have changed. The Pirate King is a thing of the past. Please strive towards the goal of becoming a 'Pokémon Master'." [Check Out My Patreon For +20 Extra Chapters On All My Fanfics!! For $5][www.patreon.com/zaelum] [Thank You For Your Support!] https://zaelumtranslations.com/ [+3 Extra Chapter FOR FREE]

Zaelum · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
135 Chs

Chapter 2

The moment the door opened, Dak was stunned.

What appeared before his eyes was a deck filled with noise and bustle, as if a grand banquet was being held.

If that were all, it wouldn't be too much of a problem.

But the issue was, sitting at the forefront of the deck, directly in front of Dak, was a man of terrifying stature.

The man held a giant bisento and had a white mustache that curled upwards at the ends.

If Dak couldn't recognize who this man was, he might as well give up on any grand ambitions he had.

The strongest man in the world, captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, "Whitebeard" Edward Newgate.

Dak was only stunned for two and a half seconds before he started to back away, planning to retreat back into the shop.

Suddenly, a pineapple-haired man appeared next to him, slinging an arm over his shoulder and moving forward a few steps, and then the door behind them naturally closed.

"Say, you look somewhat unfamiliar. Are you a new crew member?"

The pineapple-haired man, wearing a purple shirt and exposing his chest, seemed somewhat drunk and leaned in close to Dak, squinting at him, unable to recognize who he was.

Whitebeard Pirates' ship doctor and first division commander, "Phoenix" Marco.


Starting off at hell level, huh? Are you kidding me?

Just as Dak had been fired up with enthusiasm back in the shop, he felt as if a bucket of cold water had been poured over his head.

He felt utterly disheartened.

He was just an ordinary person, for goodness' sake. Give him some time to develop before throwing him into this place.


Darkrai hid within Dak's shadow.

Feeling Dak's panic, Darkrai was ready to teach the pineapple-haired man a lesson.

However, Dak quickly gestured for Darkrai to stop the attack.

If they really started a fight, that would truly be a hell-level beginning. Then, the Whitebeard Pirates would attack him en masse, and he didn't believe Darkrai was strong enough to fight the entire Whitebeard Pirates and still protect him.

The system had already given a clear explanation of Darkrai's real combat power, which was close to the strongest historical figure in this world.

What if that figure was a young Whitebeard, who was known as the strongest of his time?

Dak didn't know how Whitebeard's current level compared to his peak, but if a young Whitebeard was that max-level template, then Darkrai wouldn't have a chance to protect him from thousands of Whitebeard's men while fighting Whitebeard.

The situation was still relatively stable for now, depending on how he played it.

"Um, yes, I just boarded a few days ago. By the way, it seems like we're almost out of drinks. I'll go get some."

Dak smiled and made an excuse to escape from Marco's grip, heading towards a room on the side.

As long as he opened the door, he could return to the shop in an instant.

Then he would be safe!


With the fall of two rose petals.

A western sword was placed in front of Dak's face, just a step away from touching the blade.

Just seeing those two petals, Dak knew who had stopped him.

Whitebeard Pirates' fifth division commander, "Flower Sword" Vista, a great swordsman.

'I must find a way to get the Door-Door Fruit after I return!'

Dak's mood plummeted to rock bottom.

If he could get the Door-Door Fruit, he would practically be invincible from then on.

"I don't remember having someone like you on board, buddy. How did you get up here?"

Vista, wearing a gentleman's hat and a black suit, stared at Dak warily.

Sneaking onto the Moby Dick under the noses of these division commanders was no easy feat.


Marco, now fully sober, placed his arm back on Dak's shoulder, his smile slightly threatening, "Explain."

The commotion attracted everyone's attention.

When Dak felt the oppressive gazes shift towards him, he knew he couldn't escape.

"May I speak over there?"

Dak bravely pointed to a spot not far in front of Newgate.

He clearly wanted to talk to their leader.

"Marco, let him come."

Newgate heard Dak's request.

He was somewhat curious about what the young, handsome man in his early twenties had to say to him.

"Got it, Pops. You're lucky; you just happened to arrive on a day when we're in good spirits."

Marco nodded and then led Dak in front of Newgate, standing beside him to watch Dak.

Everyone cleared a path, surrounding them on both sides, treating Dak as if he were Shanks himself.

Dak almost thought he was some badass capable of going toe-to-toe with Shanks.

"Sorry for the intrusion."

Dak bowed slightly, showing the politeness expected from the land of etiquette.

He had indeed suddenly appeared at their home and disturbed their party; apologizing was only proper.

"How did you get here?"

Newgate was more interested in how Dak managed to infiltrate their base under everyone's watch.

Could it be some Devil Fruit ability?

"It's a long story, but let me introduce myself first. My name is Dak, a breeder and the owner of the Magical Breeding House."

Dak steadied his heart and calmly introduced himself.

The pressure from the Whitebeard Pirates was intense, but it was clear they were reasonable. Speaking nicely should keep him out of danger.

"A breeder? What do you breed?"

Marco asked curiously, very supportive.


"?" The word "Pokémon" plunged everyone into confusion.

Searching their brains, they couldn't figure out what it was.

"These are magical creatures, which you can also call 'spirits.'"

Dak, seeing their confusion, patiently explained, "There are many types, conservatively estimated to be over a thousand, each with magical powers. You can think of them as animals that have eaten Devil Fruits."

Dak's explanation was simple and easy to understand, especially after providing an example, even the simplest of minds could grasp the concept.

"You're saying you breed these creatures?"

"Diamond" Jozu, the quiet giant standing on Newgate's other side, spoke up.


Dak knew mere words wouldn't be enough to convince them, so he gestured to his side, "Darkrai."

Under the astonished gazes of all the Whitebeard Pirates' members, Darkrai slowly rose from Dak's shadow.

"Hey, what's that?!"

"Coming out of the shadow?"

"He's telling the truth."

"The world is truly full of wonders."

"I feel like I'm going to have nightmares tonight."

The deck of the Moby Dick suddenly became lively, even Newgate's eyes showed interest.

Living for sixty-three years and traveling every corner of the sea, he had never seen such a magical creature before.

And it was bred by humans, with supposedly over a thousand varieties.

Dak noticed Newgate's change in expression, felt certain he wouldn't be in trouble, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Now, he could start his sales pitch, attempting to sell the first egg, but first, he

had to showcase the charm of Pokémon.

The style of the Whitebeard Pirates.

Deserving of the emotional bond with Pokémon.

"What abilities does it have?"

Vista, the fourth division commander, seemed very interested in Darkrai, moving closer to ask.

Dak liked Vista's demeanor.

Because Vista had been looking at him gently from the start, Dak almost felt no pressure, as if Vista was an easygoing person.

Hearing Vista's question, Dak smiled.

It was as if the opportunity had presented itself at the perfect moment.

"Please, allow Darkrai to demonstrate."

(End of Chapter)