
Pokémon Breeder In One Piece!

Suddenly, a peculiar little shop called "Mystery Hatchery House" appeared on the seas. Inside were all sorts of eggs, along with magical creatures that seemed as if they had eaten Devil Fruits. They were called... Pokémon? As time passed, this shop gradually became famous worldwide. The world's strongest man, Whitebeard, was constantly sending children to "Pokémon Academy" for schooling. Garp, not only beat up his grandson all the time but also became one of the Elite Four. The Pirate Empress became one of the eight Gym Leaders of the "Pokémon League". The aloof Mihawk was driven to the brink of collapse by his own Pokémon every day. The Navy established a special operations unit called the "Trainer Corps" to eradicate pirates across the seas. The Beasts Pirates, green with envy, transformed into a Rocket Team, snatching Pokémon wherever they went. The ripples caused by these magical little fellows in the great seas didn't matter to Dak at all, because he was just an ordinary breeder. "Alright, it's about time to start the first Pokémon Tournament. Everyone, please head to the eight Pokémon Gyms around the world to collect badges first." "Everyone, the times have changed. The Pirate King is a thing of the past. Please strive towards the goal of becoming a 'Pokémon Master'." www.patreon.com/zaelum [+20 Extra Chapters!]

Zaelum · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
216 Chs

Chapter 111

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"In another universe, there exists a world with an environment similar to this one."

"This world was created by a Pokémon named Arceus, who not only crafted a world capable of nurturing life but also created countless Pokémon."

"In that world, humans and Pokémon coexist peacefully, helping each other. Every aspect of human life involves Pokémon, from Electric-types running power plants to Fire-types developing heating systems, to Flying-types transporting goods."

"Because of humans, Pokémon began to experience a richer life, moving away from their primitive existence and battles with other predatory species, trying different ways of living alongside their trainers."

"From this emerged Pokémon battles, coordination contests, Pokémon movies, Pokémon grooming, Pokémon aromatherapy, and various other activities involving cooperation between humans and Pokémon."

"In that world, because Pokémon ensured safe living conditions, and humans benefited from the conveniences Pokémon provided—even against natural disasters—peace prevailed like a dream. Hardly ten thousand people died annually across the entire world."

"The reason I stand before you, in this world, is to create a new era themed around 'peace and coexistence.'"

"You may not believe it, but I will make it happen. One day, peace will descend upon these seas."

"All those who commit mass murder and grievous crimes must die."

This was the first time Dak publicly declared his stance before so many people, representing the stance of the Mystery Hatchery House as well.

His previous words had brought new ideas to Sengoku and others, helping them understand that Pokémon could assist in life beyond just combat.

As for most of the ordinary people present, they were utterly shocked.

Most initially didn't believe it. With so many pirates and the existence of Celestial Dragons, how could peace ever be achieved? Even the Navy couldn't manage it.

Most were unaware that the Navy relied on the World Government for funding; without it, the Navy couldn't be established. The so-called 'justice' of the Navy was first to uphold the justice of the World Government and the Celestial Dragons, and only then their own.

In this world, there was no true 'official' or 'righteous' power—just different organizations with different standings and strengths.

Ordinary people tended to support the Navy because it seemed better than pirates and other villains.

But after their initial disbelief, many started questioning why they doubted.

Could the World Government create an entire world? If not, how could it oppose the Mystery Hatchery House?

Many ordinary people were too overwhelmed to react because they might never have left Water Seven in their lives, living on this small island, constantly surrounded by the 'grandeur' of the World Government and Celestial Dragons, which stifled any thoughts of rebellion.

Who dared to openly oppose the Celestial Dragons and the rule of the World Government?

1. People like Zoro and Luffy, who had never heard of Celestial Dragons and didn't care about them.


2. People like Sabo and Dragon, who had experienced the filth within 'noble circles' and awakened upon seeing commoners oppressed by nobles.


3. People like Tesoro and Kuma who had directly suffered oppression and cruelty at the hands of Celestial Dragons.

These people either pursued their dreams according to their desires or joined the Revolutionary Army under Dragon's leadership to resist.

What Dak intended now was to mobilize the world's largest and most potential power that no one else had touched—the ordinary people.

The Revolutionary Army had always tried to inspire ordinary people worldwide to take up arms and revolt.

They understood the principle that 'the water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it,' but the efficiency was too low.

Now, Dak had laid the power of Pokémon before everyone and also pointed them towards a goal and direction; it remained to see how many would be inspired to pursue such a world.

The number might not be vast, but it certainly wouldn't be small.

All those oppressed by nobles, bullied by pirates, or who had lost families to war and seen the cruelty of this era, would undoubtedly yearn for a peaceful era.

Some might realize this was just pie in the sky, and Dak knew he was indeed painting a big picture.

But how did the Akatsuki in the neighboring Naruto world come to be?

Not Pain's Akatsuki, but Yahiko's.

They had nothing but fervent dreams and a distant blueprint, yet they managed to establish an organization in a war-torn era, among small countries between major ninja villages, that even the demigods of the ninja world couldn't ignore.

Because they felt pain deeply.

So they wanted to destroy pain.

"Lord Dak! May I join?!"

In the crowd, someone stood up suddenly, holding a Pokémon Egg in one hand and gesturing towards Dak with the other.

A smart person.

Dak could feel the individual's emotions. This person had no particular animosity or hatred towards the World Government or Celestial Dragons and only harbored a mild hope for the peaceful future Dak spoke of.

This must be someone who had always lived in a safe environment.

But he was also perceptive, realizing that the Mystery Hatchery House was like an icebreaker opening a new era, and he wanted to board this colossal ship to sail into the new era and reap more benefits.

"Of course, that's fine!"

Dak immediately agreed.

Dak didn't care what these people's motives were; as long as their common goal was to establish the 'Pokémon Era,' that was enough.

If he couldn't offer benefits, why would anyone help him?

"From now on, the Pokémon League I initiate is hereby established! The League has one purpose—to bring about peace!"

Dak raised one hand, and the four screens in the tournament venue simultaneously displayed a logo.

It was a sphere, black on the top half and white on the bottom.

Essentially, it was a Pokémon Ball icon.

However, this wasn't a regular Poké Ball from the Pokémon world but the original version of the Poké Ball Dak would later issue in this world, which couldn't forcibly lock a Pokémon inside.

As for the traditional red and white ball, Dak had no plans to release that kind of Poké Ball.

As everyone stared blankly at the logo on the screen, Giratina, which had been hovering in the sky, descended at that moment.


A deafening sound woke everyone up, making them cover their ears and look towards the sky.

A two-hundred-meter-long, silver-gray Pokémon descended from the sky, casting a large shadow below.

This was Giratina's first public appearance before the crowd, bringing an unparalleled shock to this world. Some even found it hard to breathe after seeing Giratina.

Giratina, with its massive and elongated body, circled around Dak, who floated in mid-air.

At first glance, Dak appeared like a king standing within a silver whirlwind.

Swallowing sounds continuously resonated throughout the venue.

Dak knew that after this, few would doubt the words he had just spoken.

But it wasn't enough.

Dak was well aware that he still lacked one crucial thing—showing his power.

He needed everyone to recognize the strength of the Pokémon League, to know that the League was the strongest, so more people would put aside their reservations and boldly join the Pokémon League.

"All who wish to join the Pokémon League are welcome, but there is a simple test beforehand to see if you are suitable."

"What kind of people are unsuitable?"

"Spies from other powers or those who have committed heinous acts."

As Dak said this, he specifically glanced at the Navy, the Revolutionary Army, and Doflamingo.

These crafty individuals would surely think to plant spies within the League to gather intelligence for their organizations.

"I'll be upfront—if you're sent by another power and we find out, you and your organization as well will disappear from this world; if not, then rest assured and come join. Members of the Pokémon League will enjoy benefits only available to our members."

Merely killing an individual wouldn't suffice, as these powers wouldn't care much for the lives of their agents. To deter them, the entire organization had to be implicated.

Dak knew he had to offer carrots as well as sticks, so he added,

"All League members and their families will have the right to permanently reside on Pokémon Island. You'll never need to worry about your family facing danger. I will create a residential area here, where everyone can live peacefully."

"Not only that, but our League members will also have priority in interacting with Pokémon. If a Pokémon approves of you, then you can become a Trainer."

Dak released two significant benefits.

Especially the first one, which made countless people rush to dream of a beautiful world without pirates, nobles, Celestial Dragons, and with lovely Pokémon.


The venue erupted in cheers.

(End of Chapter)