
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
485 Chs

Chapter no.34 Suicune

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Leaf Green, a cunning thief, peered through her binoculars and frowned as she observed Austin's group from a distance. She needed to retrieve the money they had taken from her, but the task seemed almost impossible now. Not only did they possess numerous Pokémon, but she also noticed that one of them had once been a Gym Leader, which was quite disconcerting. To make matters worse, she spotted a Pidgeotto among their ranks, and she remembered that Austin had a Fearow from the Nugget Bridge. Leaf Green had never been fond of Flying Types, and she was hesitant to take them on.

Moreover, she couldn't risk using Jiggly without knowing if it would work effectively or not. "Maybe I can use Ditty to disguise myself," she muttered under her breath as she continued observing the group.

Later that evening, Austin was alone with his Pokémon—Pikachu, Rattata, Pidgeot, and Butterfree. "Alright, I'm going to let Scyther out, but I'm not sure how he'll react to being captured, so be prepared for anything," he warned them. Austin could see the determination in his Pokémon's eyes, even Rattata's, who had grown much friendlier towards him due to their recent battles against fewer bugs.

Nodding to his Pokémon, Austin pressed the button on Scyther's Pokéball, releasing the mantis-like creature. Scyther, now healed, surveyed his surroundings warily before turning his attention to the Trainer who had captured him. He raised his scythe-like arms threateningly, only to pause when he noticed the other Pokémon ready to defend their Trainer. "They'll only attack if you try to hurt me," Austin warned Scyther. "I don't want it to come to that."

Scyther shifted his glare from Pikachu, who he recognized from their battle, to Austin, eyeing him with disbelief. "Ther, Sky!" he cried out. "Look, I just want us to get along, alright?" Austin asked, giving Scyther a friendly grin.

Scyther rolled his eyes and looked away. Austin couldn't shake the feeling that his attempt to befriend the Pokémon was failing. He sighed, saying, "Well, I won't force you to like us, but can you at least give us a chance?" As he took a step forward, Scyther growled and raised his blades again, but stopped when he saw the other Pokémon tensing up, ready to protect their Trainer. "It's alright."

"No, it's not," Austin thought, trying not to show fear as he stared at Scyther's blade arms. He couldn't believe he was attempting to approach the hostile Pokémon. Despite the danger, he continued to walk forward until he was standing directly in front of Scyther, ignoring Pikachu's worried cry.

"I won't have you battle unless you want to," Austin said, and Scyther's eyes widened in disbelief. They stared each other down for a few seconds before Scyther looked away and muttered, "Ther," nodding towards his Pokéball.

"You want to go back in?" Austin asked, and Scyther nodded again. "Well, alright." Austin returned Scyther to his Pokéball and turned to face his other Pokémon, who stared at him in surprise, having not expected their Trainer to get so close to Scyther.

"That was reckless and a complete Ash thing to do," Austin thought to himself. Ever since he had arrived in this world, he had been acting differently, taking more risks. Could Ash's traits be influencing him?

With a smile, Austin turned to return his other Pokémon to their Pokéballs but stopped when he saw something extraordinary across the water. A giant blue dog-like Pokémon with a purple mane and two white streamer-like tails stood before them. "Suicune," Austin whispered, awestruck as the Legendary Pokémon stared at them.

Austin's Pokémon froze, a mix of awe and nervousness washing over them. Time seemed to slow down as they gazed upon Suicune. The Pokémon then began walking towards them, gracefully stepping across the water's surface until it stopped right in front of Austin. From the way Suicune looked at him, Austin knew it was aware that he didn't belong in this world.

Before Austin could say anything, Suicune dropped something from its mouth and cried out, turning to race away. They all watched the majestic Pokémon disappear into the distance. Looking down at what Suicune had left behind, Austin's eyes widened in shock. It was a rainbow feather.

Unbeknownst to Austin, Leaf Green had been watching the entire encounter, her eyes wide in disbelief. She had been about to confront him when the Legendary Pokémon appeared. Never in her wildest dreams had she imagined witnessing a Legendary Pokémon from the Johto Region approaching someone as casually as Suicune had with Austin. She quickly snapped a few pictures, knowing they would be valuable to the right people. But now, she found herself staring at Austin, her curiosity piqued. Who was he? Why had a Legendary Pokémon chosen to approach him when most trainers went their entire lives without ever seeing one?


[ Pallet Town - Ketchum Household ]

Delia Ketchum couldn't help but sigh. Her favorite drama series " To Be or Not To Be" was airing its final episode. She couldn't wait. Just 10 minutes before she finally finds out who wins the heart of the main lead, Antonio.

Switching on the tv, a news broadcast was airing.

The spire of light that appeared in Cerulean City between 10 and midnight could be seen from all over Kanto and the strange phenomenon was soon called: The Shine. The source of this anomaly is still unknown. Rumors say that some kind of Pokémon created it while other people claim that Rayquaza might have something to do with it. As of now, there's an abundance of theories swarming the web and while we still are waiting for an official response from the League we have confirmation that Suicune moved from Johto to Kanto this morning."

The news reporter that stood in front of the crater waited in silence and brushed a hair lock out of her face as she waited for the camera crew to get their shit together.

The broadcast changed and a bad-quality video started playing.

There was a big blue surface and although the quality of the video was around the same one you have in UFO sightings, I could still make out it was water.

A black streak shot over the screen and just like that it was over. The video was rewinded and paused the moment the black streak was visible. It zoomed in again, lowering the quality of the video once again.

If someone narrowed their eyes they could vaguely make out the shape of a Pokémon one might describe as Suicune.

The newscast went back to the reporter in Cerulean City. "Is there a correlation between Suicune's arrival and the Shine?"

She smiled. "Only time will tell. This was Lissa Thunders from Kanto. Now, back to you, George!"

"Thank you, Lissa." A fat man with a fancy suit replied, "Now we have some eyewitnesses..."

Delia Ketchum rolled her eyes. Every news channel liked to spout out the same nonsense that some Legendary Pokémon had a connection to the latest news.

Just a month prior, when the fog had engulfed the east coast of Kanto. People claimed that the weather on the coast resembled a spiral and the spark was lit. Many channels claimed that it was the work of a baby Rayquaza e.t.c. even though the weather change had resulted in the death toll of a migrating flock. Despite this tragedy happening, these people still didn't want to convey facts or statistics rather they wanted to convey a fake story along the lines of just a theory.


Over the next three days, Austin was plagued by questions about Suicune and the rainbow feather. He knew the feather was required to encounter Ho-oh in the games, but why had Suicune given it to him? Had Ho-oh deemed him worthy of meeting it in battle? And if so, why now, and not when he had seen Ho-oh from afar? What was Suicune's role in all of this?

Despite his burning curiosity, Austin had to put these questions aside for the time being. He had a Gym Battle to focus on, and he couldn't afford to be distracted. "I hope we got enough training," he muttered as he remembered how strong Brock had been in comparison to his anime counterpart. If that was any indication, Misty would be a formidable opponent.

"I'm sure you'll do fine, Ash," Brock reassured him. "You've done more preparation than many trainers do for a Gym Battle."

"Yeah, and you won the first Gym with type disadvantages. You'll win with Pikachu," Yellow chimed in, excited to witness another Gym Battle.

"For all we know, the Gym Leader has a strategy to counter advantages," Austin pointed out, well-aware that Misty was likely prepared for Electric-Type Pokémon and Counter-Shield tactics.

"Chu. Pika Pi!" Pikachu declared, a determined look in his eyes as he clenched a paw, eager for his first Gym Battle.

With newfound resolve, Austin entered the Gym, where Misty awaited him, smirking confidently. "Finally, you showed up. I was beginning to think you wouldn't," she taunted.

Austin took a deep breath, steeling himself for the battle ahead.