
Pokémon : An Unexpected Journey

Austin, a die-hard Pokémon fan, is disenchanted with the series' direction post-Sinnoh. After a typical late-night binge-watch, he drifts off to sleep, only to wake up in an unimaginable reality: he is Ash Ketchum, and today is the morning his legendary journey begins. Reeling from the shock, Austin must navigate a world that is not quite the anime, manga, or video games he knows—it's something far more complex and dangerously real.

Adamo_Amet · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
485 Chs

Chapter no.2 I Choose You part 2

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Gary's iconic catchphrase might have sounded cool to a child, but to Austin, it was just bizarre.

Smell ya later?

He struggled to suppress a snicker, convinced that Gary must have some kind of weird fetish.

Austin's musings were abruptly interrupted by an elderly voice.

"So you decided to show up after all."

There stood Professor Samuel Oak, an aging man with greying hair, dressed in a white lab coat over a red shirt and brown cargo pants.

Austin jumped at the sudden appearance, stumbling backward and landing on the ground.

He gaped up in awe.

"P-Professor Oak?!"

Observing the starstruck look in the boy's eyes, Professor Oak raised an eyebrow. "Well, you look like you're ready for bed, not for Pokémon training," he remarked, amusement coloring his tone.

Austin blinked and glanced down, realizing in his panic he had mirrored Ash's disheveled appearance from the anime. "Uh... I can fix this," he stammered, his nerves jittering.

Then, a realization struck him, and a grin spread across his face.

Since he was convinced this was all a dream, he decided he might as well enjoy it as much as possible.

"But I am ready for a Pokémon."


Austin glanced around the lab, his eyes wide with a mix of awe and anxiety, as the glass panel slid open to reveal three Pokeballs.

"Are you alright, Ash?" Professor Oak inquired, his tone laced with concern. Something about the boy seemed off.

"Oh, I'm fine, Professor. Just excited," Austin replied, mustering all his enthusiasm to appear convincing.

He doubted he could maintain the facade much longer.

"Hm… Well, alright then," Professor Oak relented, deciding to drop the matter for now.

"So, who will be your choice?"

Furrowing his brow in contemplation, Austin acted strategically.

"Well, Gary said he got a Squirtle, so that's out," he stated, reaching for a Pokeball.

"I choose Charmander."

Despite knowing it was empty, Austin feigned disappointment, which coincided with Professor Oak's revelation.

"That one was also taken by a kid who wasn't late."

"Well, that's fine. Bulbasaur is a great Pokemon—" Austin continued, mimicking another letdown as he opened it to reveal it was also empty.

"The early bird gets the worm, or in this case, the Pokemon," Professor Oak remarked, stroking his chin thoughtfully.

"So… There's no Pokemon left?" Austin inquired, already knowing the answer.

Professor Oak appeared slightly conflicted. "Well, there's still one left, but I—"

"I'll take it," Austin interjected hastily, too eager to progress before reality—or his parents—could catch up with him.

Taken aback by the quick response, Professor Oak pressed a button, and a Pokeball adorned with a lightning bolt emblem ascended.

"I should warn you, there's a problem with this last one," he cautioned as Austin fidgeted.

"I'll take my chances," Austin declared.

"Very well then." Professor Oak handed over the Pokeball. Austin grinned as he pressed the button, barely flinching as a flash of light erupted, revealing the small, bipedal yellow mouse with red sacs on its cheeks and a lightning bolt tail.

"His name is Pikachu," Professor Oak introduced as Pikachu glanced their way and frowned.

"Pika," Pikachu grunted, crossing his arms.

"Hi, Pikachu," Austin greeted, extending his hand. He was about to make contact when Professor Oak issued a belated warning.

It was too late. Pikachu unleashed a jolt of electricity, sending Austin into spasms of pain.

… He had forgotten how temperamental Pikachu was in the first episode.

As Pikachu huffed, a painful realization dawned on Austin.

He just felt real pain.

This wasn't a dream.

Austin might have panicked further if not for the fact that he was still twitching from the shock.

"Shocking, isn't it?" Professor Oak quipped, maintaining a straight face.

'S-S-Screw you,' Austin thought bitterly, his body still jerking from the electric shock.


Once he regained control of his limbs, Austin glanced at Pikachu, who avoided his gaze.

Now that he was certain this wasn't a dream, Austin was overwhelmed with questions.

How did he end up here? If he was in Ash's body, where was the real Ash? Could Ash be in his body back home? The thought worried Austin—how would his parents react to someone else claiming to be their son?

'I have to find a way to fix this,' Austin resolved as Professor Oak handed him a Pokedex and some Pokeballs.

'Knowing my luck, I'll probably end up in a mental hospital when I get back.'

Curious, Austin examined the Pokedex, fiddling with it before pointing it at Pikachu, who finally looked his way, puzzled by the action.

"Pikachu, the Electric Mouse Pokemon," the Pokedex announced. "The red sacs on its cheeks store energy equal to a lightning bolt. If one finds a charred berry in the woods, it is a sure sign that a Pikachu is nearby." Austin marveled at the device, pondering how he—or Ash—had ever survived a direct Flamethrower attack. "This Pikachu is male, with the ability Static. He knows Thundershock, Growl, and Tail Whip. Age: Two years and five months."

Austin was taken aback by the level of detail, especially the age, as Pikachu huffed and looked away.

"You may want to return him to his Pokeball," Professor Oak suggested, capturing Pikachu's wary attention.

Recalling Pikachu's dislike for Pokeballs, Austin smiled.

"Nah, I think he'd prefer to stay out."

He hoped this understanding would prevent further electrocutions.

"Besides, how can I be his friend if I keep him in the ball all the time?"

Pikachu seemed to scoff, as if to say.

Yeah, good luck with that.

Professor Oak scratched his cheek.

"If you're sure, Ash."

Austin swallowed, realizing he needed to embrace Ash's identity to avoid arousing suspicion.

It would take some getting used to.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Austin tried to adopt Ash's mindset. Upon opening his eyes, he was met with a concerned look.

"You alright, Ash?"

"Uh, yeah," Austin replied with a sheepish smile. "Just trying to calm myself because I'm so excited."

Professor Oak chuckled at that. "Well, excitement is a good start for any Pokemon Trainer."