
Pokémon : A Rough Start In Kanto

Aussie dropped into the Pokémon world without so much as a ‘how do you do’ into the body of some orphan kid. Let’s see how Gideon tries to pull a life together in a world with more danger and less friendly people than the anime ever showcased. I don’t own Pokémon or the cover picture

Love_dem_fanfix · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
51 Chs

Grand theft auto

The next morning I was showered and fed just as the sun was beginning to rise, ready to face the day of menial labour transporting supplies with a mid sized garden cart that has to be one sturdiest things this world has ever produced…

Ive transported a dam fridge with this thing, it had to exceed carry weight by a hefty amount and it didn't even so much as groan at the weight..

It's just sad that this thing has almost run its course in usefulness because this thing has been with me almost since I got to the world, and literally carried me to success…

But enough about that I suppose…

I left as the sun was just shining through the clouds, heading into the city with cash in my pocket…I'm going to need maybe 8 bags of pokemon food, not even mentioning food for myself and Becky..

So that's me having to drag over 80 kilos of Pokémon food before taking anything else into account…I know the cart could handle that but I don't think I can…

I've actually brought ropes for when I actually make it out of town, I'm going to have meowth pull it along I think like a mule

We ended making good time into the city in an hour and some change, the pokemart was standing ready and eager to drain me of my hard earned cash..

I bought all the same food for meowth and slowpoke as last time, it was pricey but they liked it… machop was easy to buy for, he was plain fighting type so his food was pretty straight forward, it was a little more expensive for some reason at 220$ for a 20kg bag, but I bought 2, same as the others..

Ferroseed was a little trickier being that I didn't actually want anyone to know I had her at all…I spent maybe 40 minutes harassing some poor employee about food for grass types and how it's effected as a dual type, followed by asking about steel types with the same questions..

Basically it came down to me buying a carnivore grass types food with also buying minerals rich pellets to help out her steel typing…buying plenty of each or set me back another 700$ so she better fucking like this stuff.

I didn't even bother going near the heavily guarded silph co side branch of the store where they sell al sort of owner tech like the bag of holding….even the basic model would set you back a cool 400k, so i won't even tease myself pretending I'll have one anytime soon….

Working things out, it's going to cost me roughly 3-400$ a week EACH to keep my Pokémon fed and watered under extreme training, that includes treats that they like, so that 150k isn't seeming like a whole lot anymore…

It needs to be said that the average non trainers income in this world is about 700-1000$ a week, which is pretty decent but you couldn't afford to train even one Pokémon seriously and keep a roof over your head at that kind of money..

I'm pretty sure I'm going to have to burgle a few more places….maybe I can find another under guarded gang base or something?

"Hey did you watch the news last night?"

I hear a muffled conversation from the next isle over which didn't really interest me until I actually heard the topic..

"Yeah, another gang war has broken out into the streets!, the police were commenting on how they had it handled….but I heard that they found more than 30 people dead in the streets with their Pokémon in under 3 days!?"

They were loudly whispering as if what they were discussing wasn't to be spoken about in polite company…

Heh, gang war huh….maybe I could fish in troubled waters?….no….that's a stupid idea, I don't have the strength or know how to pull off something like that…

I continued on shopping pick up nearly 10 litres of MooMoo mill for meowth….the stuff is close to 10$ a litre so it's pricey, but he loves the stuff so it's worth it..

I even found this worlds version of Nutella which blew my mind, it was my guilty pleasure back in my old world…I made sure to buy 4 big tubs of the stuff…

I avoided berrys for now purely because I don't know what ones my mons like and I wasn't willing to gamble that much money to find out….not yet anyway..

Eventually I was done with my shopping and wound up with so more more than I could ever hope to transport with my pull cart…I would need to make multiple trips and that just wasn't going to happen..

Slowpoke can't really teleport yet, he's not got the hang of it and even if he did he's not powerful enough to bring us home…

So this leaves me with one option….grand theft auto…

While cars aren't rare in this world, especially in the city's, they aren't really used as personal transport between anything more than point A and point B in the city that you bought it…

They can't really be used for travel bewteen city's because pokemon don't enjoy having a big noisy hunk of metal driving through their territory so more often than not you will be attacked for driving outside that city…

I mean you can have Pokémon defend it while you drive but it kind of defeats the purpose of having a car if you could just ride a Pokémon…

But anyways the point is, car thrives aren't really a thing so people never really worried about their cars being stolen…

There were about 30 cars in the pokemart lot and I just had to to find one with the keys still in it and I'd have transport..

I had 3 shopping carts packed to the gills that I painfully dragged into the lot to find a ride.

It didn't take me more than 5 minutes to find a little white Isuzu looking truck with wooden panel sides in the tray with its keys in it….

So I opened the door, checked around and found it was exactly what I needed, I quickly hid in between the cars and release Slowpoke..

"Buddy I need you to unload all these carts into the back of this truck and then hide in the back while I go grab the pull cart"


He only slowly called his name but I knew he was on the job as some of the items in my shopping carts started floating..

I checked for car park cameras when I first came here and found none, and as far as anyone was concerned, not that anyone was around, I was just a sweet kid helping someone load a truck..

I dashed over to get my cart from in front of the store and dragged it over to the freshly loaded little truck before muttering a quiet "load this too"

The pull cart shimmered in a pink hue and started to lift off the ground as I casually got into the car, realising I had a small issue..

I was short as shit, while reaching the peddles my head barely saw above the steering wheel… this was an issue.. but I could make it work, I could still see ahead of me just fine but from the outside it would look like the car had no driver…

But I didn't let it stop me as I fired up the little engine and drove out of the car park, no one ever looking my way..

I was lucky it was an auto, if it was manual it would be too hard to drive being this short…

But I eventually made it out of the city without being pulled over some how, but I stopped for a bit to let out the other Pokémon to sit in the back and keep an eye on the surroundings as we drove…

We made it back home in record time, the old industrial road was full of pot holes and cracked from being abandoned and pokemon using it constantly but we made it.

Not without issue though, we got set upon by a few rattata crews, dive bombed by a spearow flock who seemed to have some sort of personal grudge against my new wheels…we even saw a few sentrets lobbing nuts at us on the way past their tree..

But everything was repelled easily enough by the crew, the spearow pack which I thought would be trouble when they showed up were actually the easiest with ferroseed just hitting them with gravity while meowth and Slowpoke just bombarded them with thunder bolt and water pulse, machop just plated defence..

We had to stop a few time and hop out to clear the road, it was easy enough to manoeuvre around with a little pull cart but this little truck needed more space, machop was the guy to clear the roads, even still kinda skinny he was throwing around debris like it weighed nothing

On our arrival home I realised how little space my place had one again as we packed away the supplies, and I vowed to find a couple more fridge and close in a couple of adjacent rooms to keep us from feeling suffocated..

Also upon our arrival I found Slowpoke,that fat little fucker, has eaten 2 whole tubs of my Nutella and was passed out in the back of the truck with his face and paws practically covered in the stuff

He was laying on his back with no shame and as he looked at me with his goofy ass face and he had this glint in his eye that said "punish me if you must, for I have already won"

Oh punishment will be coming you tubby little bastard….

But as I finished unloading enough food for at least a month Becky stops and asks

"Where do you get the money to pay for all of this? It can't be cheap"

"Does it really matter"

"I suppose it doesn't, but it won't come back to bite us will it?"

"Nah, it'll be fine, just fire up some lunch, me and the crew are going for a training session…..also I was thinking about head a little north tomorrow to check out the forest, you should come with, get out of the house for a bit"

She beamed a smile and nodded her head and went to prepare lunch for me and the crew…well all of the crew except ferroseed, i hadn't introduced her yet, I plan on saying I caught her today during training..

So after a quick lunch me and the gang head down to our training ground and get to grinding…

Slowpokes training was much harsher today…

not machop and I though, we just set up some fishing gear and watched from under a tree much to machops dissatisfaction but he only has a few more days until he can dive into training..

Even Ferroseed is on the grind, working on strengthening her body with a rollout agility course I set up the other day..

But the day eventually fades into night and before you knew it the next day has arrived and it's time to go meet this butterfree gang who has the north on lock