Aussie dropped into the Pokémon world without so much as a ‘how do you do’ into the body of some orphan kid. Let’s see how Gideon tries to pull a life together in a world with more danger and less friendly people than the anime ever showcased. I don’t own Pokémon or the cover picture
Sweet baby Jesus this thing has heal pulse!!
It just became priority that I get this thing to join me, heal pulse is a literal life saver, from what I learned through the grape vine, heal pulse is an insanely rare and quiet frankly, overpowered move
It's the mainstay of the Pokémon centre and the the joy family who run it, while other trainers have Pokémon capable of using heal pulse, they are few and far between, and they can charge and arm and a leg for patch ups for peoples Pokémon who aren't near a Pokémon centre..
Heal pulse is pretty much a fix all cure for any non massive and life threatening injury, I don't remember how they explained that it worked, but it comes down to Pokémon nonsense at the end of the day.
It can easily reenergise a tired and worn out Pokémon who's been in a battle for hours on end, repairing torn muscle, giving a kick of energy to get the Pokémon heal pulsed back into the fight…
Or better yet, it can speed up training!!, not that anyone I asked about it mentioned it…
Man, all i need now is a Pokémon capable a using gravity and boom! An Ironman style training routine for my mons to bring their conditioning up to snuff in record time!..
I asked a few old and extremely inebriated trainers subtly about an idea I had about possibly training with gravity, they said it was the dumbest thing they ever heard, and when I asked how they trained their Pokémon they hushed up real quick..
Apparently it's rude to ask another trainer his or her training method, every single trainer keeps their secrets close to the chest..
But a lot of them did tell me a Pokémon grows in power under pressure and hardship, so I'm pretty sure gravity training should work…and I'm sure I'm not the only person in the world to think of this but it's not spread around, sooo I guess I'll just have to try it and find out how well it works..
I keep a pretty collected look as I watch meowth and the hopefully soon to be mine slowpoke eating the corpse of a giant magic piranha with relish like Christmas came early…well meowth is anyway, slowpoke doesn't show anything…
I don't really know how to approach this guy…girl?….what ever it is, should I go the "let's be friends!" Shtick?, or just be upfront with him like I was meowth?..
I think I should stick to what's worked in the past….
"Hey slowpoke….."
He turns to look at me with his lazy expression and still chewing on his last bite, which was fine but…..his face is covered in blood and that was a little unnerving…..they did not show this side of Pokémon in the anime, that's for sure…
I take out an empty pokeball from my pants, and press the button to unshrink it..
" I was wondering if….uuuhh….ya wanted to join my team?"
I was thinking about everything I could say to convince him, pokemon are actually very expressive with their faces, so you can usually kinda tell what they're thinking….but I'm getting nothing from the slowpoke, he's stonewalling me…
As I'm starting to go over possible bribes in my head, he makes his way over to me and presses his nose to the empty pokeball before transforming in a blob of soft red light before disappearing….
Wow, really?…..just like that?
Not a few second later while I'm still processing just how rare a find I found, slowpoke let's himself out and moseys back over to the Carvanha to continue his meal with meowth…while meowth started communicating with him in a pretty friendly manner, while slowpoke just listened with his face down
Did that really just happen?, he captured himself with no effort what so ever, and just went right back to eating?….
Ok, I guess that settles that then…
I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth though, this is a total win for me…
I would have thought slowpoke was way more powerful than he actually was if I saw that heal pulse before the fight, but I also did ask a few questions about Pokémon moves and how they learn them before…
There are no "levels" apparently, so pokemon don't just get level 35 and learn some ground breaking move…some Pokémon never learn certain moves they should naturally and some others learn them faster than they had any right to…
There was no "potential" grades for Pokémon, not really, I mean offspring of strong Pokémon are always worth more because they have a better chance of being strong themselves, but there are no absolutes….and so far no one has figured a way to measure how far a Pokémon can go..
So slowpoke having heal pulse could mean he had just knew how to use it since he was born, maybe seen another Pokémon do it and figured it out him self or even he's some insane slowpoke prodigy, I have no real way of knowing until I spend time with him…and even then I may not figure it out..
I want to say he's some kind of rare slowpoke prodigy, but truthfully…..he looks kinda dumb, but, he has heal pulse and that's all that matters at the moment.
I hope he takes to training the same way meowth has, but I kinda feel I'm going to have to be on top of him, more often than not making him train…..that's the vibe I'm getting…
Another 30 minutes roll by and the Carvanha is nothing but bones at this point, they are everything else….innards and all….both have faces and paws covered in blood as they finish up.
I don't really want to wait till we get home to clean all that blood off, so I take meowths water bowl and a rag from cart and start wiping off the blood from his meowths face and paws…
The blood comes off surprisingly easy….like their fur is designed to get blood off it easily…which would make sense given what Pokémon actually do in the wild, if blood didn't come off easy, I'd say maybe 80% of wild Pokémon would be covered in blood stains all the time..
Once meowth was cleaned off I quickly tied another stone to his tail and sent him back off to train…now it's time to clean off slowpoke…
Meowth isn't watching him like a hawk which gives me some confidence in him being chill…but I also just watched him slowly and methodically tear apart a Pokémon corpse…sooo…
"Hey buddy, welcome to the team….I'm gonna clean off your snout and paws alright?"
He doesn't nod or shake his head…just stares at me blankly with his mouth kinda open and his tongue kinda hanging out the side…
Well, here's hoping he doesn't bite me….
I knelt down and slowly started wiping his snout, and he's just keeps staring at me the whole time not making a sound….
I finish that quickly enough and move onto his paws, lifting them up to my knee one at a time and cleaning them with wet wet cloth….still nothing….
But as I finish the final paw, he just nods at me and then walks over to my pull cart…a rope and stone float out with a shimmer of pink energy and he makes his way back over to stand in front of me….
"You…..uhhhhh….you want to train as well?"
A slow nod is my response….I guess he's down to train as well..I'm pretty sure slowpoke can learn iron tail, so this should work out just fine.
So with a stone tied to his tail and a set of basic instructions he walked his chonky bod over near meowth under the shade of another tree and started his tail strengthening..
Things settled in for a few peaceful hours of training and water breaks, with slowpoke using heal pulse on himself and meowth only when they were sore and tired…
And just like that the sun was starting to set and we called it for the day, tails released, water drunk and food snacked on we prepared to head home.
Meowth took his position on his personal chariot ready to leave…and slowpoke lumbered over and lifted himself into it as well nearly tipping it too the side, and sat squished up against meowth who wasn't liking the experience from the look on his face….but he said nothing and let slowpoke do his thing…
I thought it was pretty funny…until I had to drag meowth and the chonk monster of a slowpoke home….holy fuck he was heavy….