
3 days

It's been 3 days since I woke up here, my consciousness somehow transferred into some random kids body, I spent most of the first morning of my "reincarnation" pretending it was a dream and just going with the flow..

"This can't be right" I thought at the time….This had to be some sort of super lucid dream, and so I tried the ol reliable and slapped myself a few times which only gained me reddened cheeks and a foreboding sense of dread that all of this was real.

Which it was….

Which lead to me sussing out the situation of the whats,where's and who's of my situation

What happened?…I either died or some random ROB sent me over to another world or sent me back in time with a face change? I always had black hair and blue eyes, but now my eyes are green and I'm not chubby….I was a chubby kid, my new body looks severely underfed….

Where am I?…..Pokémon world apparently, I found out that wee bit of information as I was sitting outside under a tree trying to work through my existential crisis, and saw a bird not 10 feet away cooing at me "piiiidddggg", I thought it was just some massive dyslexic sparrow, but nope…..it was a pidgey...

Who am I?...well my name is Gideon, no last name…my name before was also Gideon but my last name used to be fo- well I suppose that doesn't matter now does it….I'm apparently an orphan on the outskirts of Viridian city in the Kanto region living in some run down shit shack of a building with 20 other underfed ratty kids trying to get by…

We are looked after by 3 women who make it very clear they hate their job with the constant scowling and physical abuse in the form of "punishment" of the kids who even make a peep out of line…one of the "caretakers" even has a few scars on her face….sus….real sus, we don't even know their names, we are to refer to them all as just "miss" followed by a letter, so miss A, Miss B and Miss C

Turns out I'm about 9 years old give or take, most of the kids aren't too far off that age as well, youngest being 7 and oldest 13….

The clearly not motherly women do bare minimum to keep us alive with 1 maybe 2 meals a day if we are lucky, and those meals are just gruel warmed up that tastes like cardboard and sadness..

We all wear beggar clothes and have little to no interaction with the outside world, it's punished harshly if we try to leave the compound/orphanage. Mainly just beatings

Not that you would want to leave anyways after some of the stories I got from some of the kids….turns out people are just as shitty in this fantasy world as they were in my old one, I mean I probably was one of those shitty people to be fair but still..

Unless you got money or are a half decent trainer, people just don't give a fuck about you, they would rather avoid you and go about their day than lend a hand to a starving kid according to some of the stories I've gotten so far…from multiple kids, all saying pretty much the same thing

And no I didn't receive any memory from the previous kid, I had to find all this out over the last 3 days trying to stay as low key as possible, but it turns out I was always low key…or this kid was…doesn't matter anymore though, it's my body now, sorry kid

And over these 3 days I've convinced myself that this "orphanage" is some rinky dink gang recruitment scheme for children due to the fact that the 3 women who have yet identified themselves constantly put shit on the "league" as minor conditioning to the young minds of the kids, while subtly telling us there are easier ways to make it rich when we are old enough.

Being Kanto region it's probably team rocket, and I highly doubt it's the Jessie and James fun and quirky kind of team rocket….I'll have to bail as soon as I can…

Not that I know much about this world, for all I know the league might be major dick holes and rocket are just a bunch of great people trying to write injustice….but I'd like to figure that out on my own..

It's not that I'm opposed to joining rocket even if they were a bunch of thieving twits, I'm sure joining them would afford me some decent resources that would be hard to come by other ways, but I just want to keep my options open for the moment.

To be honest it best to just assume everyone but me is a major prick and live my life out of view, I'm not really looking to join sides, hopefully it never comes to that

These kids aren't exactly wells of information but I did learn a little from them about generally known info about this world, one being trainers normally don't start their "journeys" until they hit 16, which is fair enough….who would send out a 10 year old into the wild with magic animals that could kill them before they knew what hit them…

Another thing I found out it is pretty expensive owning Pokémon, which wasn't really shocking but it was good to learn, it's not really about items to increase a Pokémon strength or potential, it's more just general every day items like potions, pokeballs and Pokémon food that's really pricey…

I was always a casual fan of Pokémon, watched it as a kid, played up to like gen 6 and read the odd Pokémon fanfiction here and there but this is the real world and I'm pretty well and truely fucked….

I've been looking to see if whatever that dropped me off here left me something to give me a leg up in the word, but nothing, nada, I'm completely running solo on this….. no system, pokemon scanning, nothing that would make this a potential cake walk….

So I had three days to wrap my head around the fact I'm stuck here, and now it's midday and I'm again sitting under this withered and dilapidated tree where I first saw a Pokémon running through some plans in my mind that may lead to me not dying or forced into becoming some rocket grunt.

Again, not putting shit on rocket, for all I know it might be the best option but I'll try and avoid it for now.

I want to get out of here but honestly I don't think I could survive on my own, this world isn't the happy go lucky anime where Pokémon are friends and everything will work out ok if you just believe in the heart of friendship….people die all the time, both Pokémon or people related deaths.

With my current near emaciated body and being a child I doubt I would last longer then a few days before I'm dead on the side of a road somewhere and with what I've been learning through the kids I don't think I can count on the random kindness of strangers so I'll have to try and plan this out better than just taking off in the middle of the night.

While I was never a paragon of virtue in my old life I did have a few loose morals I lived my life by, never having a great childhood and all.

But I can imagine I'm going to have to loosen up those morals even more before I can get a little more comfortable in this world, the first thing that comes to mind is burglary and theft…

I did burgle a few places when I was in my younger teens but that was more out of falling into the wrong crowd rather than survival, but it made me a good amount of money and showed me a few tricks to scout a place and pull off a clean job

But those experiences never included Pokémon in the house and potentially being tracked by Pokémon, I doubt I can do much more than be as thorough as I can with leaving scents and finger prints I guess…..so gloves and bleach…..and pray there are no Pokémon home…

I'll have to bide my time while trying to get out of here though…..it's autumn now but but I could imagine winters being pretty brutal when you're a homeless kid in a world filled with magic monsters… so I'll be stuck here for atleast 4-5 months but that gives me some time to prepare…

Hopefully I'm just being paranoid from reading to many fanfictions about this orphanage being a gang recruitment scheme and it's only just a terrible place run by terrible people…

I guess I'll start by trying to gather things but by bit so no one notices, essentials for survival….