
Pokémon - Savage World

What happens when you go to the Pokémon universe and you realize that the adorable creatures aren’t as cute as you thought and they will just as likely kill you. Pokémon battles have casualties, strolls through the woods end up with missing family members. Join our MC as he becomes the greatest Pokémon master ever and slays women faster than he earns badges First time writing. Will do 1 chapter a week at least. ————————— I don’t own any rights to Pokémon or anything affiliated with it. ————————— Also looking for someone to create a good cover for me.

NewManagement · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
43 Chs

Sticky situation

The next morning after breakfast, we left the space and started heading toward the outpost. After a few hours of walking through the woods we came through a clearing and noticed a giant smoke plume. It was in the direction of the outpost. I put Delia in the space and pulled Storm, Slimer, Achile and Duke out to run with me. Having a mental connection would allow me to get any info from them instantly. I could sense everything within 40 meters around me. This was due to the bond between me and Storm, he could sense around him for atleast 100 meters which was a major cheat I loved.

As we got closer, we could hear all sorts of pokemon yelling and occasionally a human scream. As we got closer, I pulled everyone minus Storm into the space. We were able to hide in the shadows pretty good. When we got on the edge of the woods, I noticed a small army of pokemon. Their were spearows and pidgeys flying around attacking the people on the walls. Ratattas and Nidarans were attacking the walls trying to get through. Off to the side where the smoke was coming from, there were three vulpix burning one side of the outpost. Storm-[they are being coordinated in attacking.] B-[Who is the one in charge of them?] Storm-[Its an Alakazahm on the other side with the fire foxes] B-[Lets sneak over there, we have to be careful as it's a powerful physic pokemon.] We went back into woods and ran around the pokemon. We almost got caught but luckily Storm found the Ekan hiding under the leaves. After finishing off the Ekan we finally saw the floating pokemon. It was an Alakazam, he was one of my favorite pokemon. We got within 50 meters of it and stopped. I could hear a mental message from it. They were attacking the outpost because they thought the reason all the pokemon were disappearing in the area was from them. I slightly felt guilty. I guess I should help them out since it is partially my fault. B-[I'm going to pull us inside for a quick huddle]

After going in the space with everyone, we had a quick talk about what to do. I suggested the quickest attack possible. Everyone focus on attacking the Alakazam. Storm would try a mental attack on it then go try and sneak attack while everyone else tries a frontal attack. I wasn't sure of its level but I knew it would be high. B-"We have to take him down as fast as possible, we don't want the small army he has attacking us. Don't get too far away from me if possible, I don't want to lose anyone here. Lets go" I pulled Storm out with me and found Alakazam again and tried to get closer. We got 30 yards away and he spun around and looked at us. B-"attack!!" At that point I pulled everyone out. Storm got a good attack in on him. Even though Alakazam was a physic pokemon he was stunned when he saw 6 pokemon and another human show up out of thin air. Storms mental stun was successful. Storm dashed toward him and vanished in a shadow. The evee army launched all their attacks. Slimer shot streams of slime toward him. Unfortunately, the stun didn't last long. Only one slime attack landed before he vanished from the spot he was standing. B-[Don't come out of the shadows till you can get a good attack on him Storm] The slime didn't have any affect on him as he was hovering. The good part was he had his arms stuck to his side and couldn't move them. Daisy had vine whips flying toward him but when one would get close. He would vanish and re-appear a few meters away. Lucy and Achile were flying around launching wind attacks and leaves toward him. A few leaves left cut marks on the Alakazam but nothing to slow him down. Some pokemon had stopped attacking the outpost and came to help their boss. I sent Eve, Leafeon and Duke to fight them off. Duke was proving to be an indestructible wrecking ball.

Alakazam finally headed toward me and Delia. I bet he thought we would be the easiest targets. Delia and I were amazing fast even by pokemon standards. Slimer shot above Alakazam's head causing him to drop right above the ground and that gave Storm his chance. Storm launched himself out of a shadow. Storm launched himself strait out of the ground as Alakazam ran over him. Seeing a 500 lbs "house cat" jump out of flat shadow on the ground gave me goosebumps. Storm had hit Alakazam on his side knocking him over. The next moment was a WTF moment. I saw both Storm and Alakazam disappear and reappear a few meters away. B-"Kill him!!!!" As Storm was about to bite down, they vanished again. When they reappeared up in the trees Storm was finally able to bite down on Alakazam's head crushing it. The second he bit crushed the skull, blood and brains flew everywhere. He did not hold back. Almost instantly, many of the pokemon stopped attacking and scattered to the wind. B-"Go and capture the vulpixs." Storm hopped down from the tree with the Alakazam's body stuck to him. The slime was what stuck Storm to Alakazam. Slimer was nowhere to be found, most likely going after the vulpixs. I tried sending the body to the space, but it took Storm with it. That glue is a miracle worker. I'll just leave him in the space for now as this battle looks to be almost done. Delia and I ran through the woods toward our pokemon who had captured 2 of the vuplixs. One was dead with holes punched through its body. It was obviously the work of Duke's tail. The other two were cowering down and instantly vanished into the space. I took my staged backpack out of the space and started collecting a few pokemon corpse. Most went in the space, but me and Delia were able to pack a few good ones that we would sell. I had most of our pokemon go into our space. I had Slimer clean off Storm so he could come out. It took another hour to finish killing the pokemon in the tree line area. I wasn't passing on the easy targets. After we finished with what we wanted we left for the outpost gate.

MFVO-Well I'll be damn. Some time skipping and some fighting. Its about time we got some good shit out of this story. I wonder what will happen on the next adventure of Savage Pokemon World.

Don’t be lazy leave f’n reviews ya dirty bastards. Good ones or I’ll name you after a whore in the story

NewManagementcreators' thoughts