
Pokémon - Savage World

What happens when you go to the Pokémon universe and you realize that the adorable creatures aren’t as cute as you thought and they will just as likely kill you. Pokémon battles have casualties, strolls through the woods end up with missing family members. Join our MC as he becomes the greatest Pokémon master ever and slays women faster than he earns badges First time writing. Will do 1 chapter a week at least. ————————— I don’t own any rights to Pokémon or anything affiliated with it. ————————— Also looking for someone to create a good cover for me.

NewManagement · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
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43 Chs

It begins

Welcome to the world of Pokémon!

(Morgan Freeman Voice over)- Well good news is that you are about to 2nd life in a new world. Bad news is that you kicked the bucket. What did you expect being 80 yrs old and taking too much Viagra and going to Vegas like your 20. Don't worry you did enough good to deserve a second life.

Bash- Umm thanks and what is going on here.

MFVO- Didn't you hear me… You need to listen carefully, I have other people and places I need to voice over for. Not just in your head. You died on of a heart attack while having sex with ladies half your age. But from all the great work you did over your lifetime I am giving you another life in your favorite story. Just to make it a bit more fun though I am going to give you a few cheats. In-fact I will let you pick a few of them.

Bash-This is great, well first I want a storage ring that can hold living things and can sustain life. I want to have all the knowledge I have now including all my training from this life. I want my first cat Stormageddon (Dark Lord of All) as my pokemon.

MFVO- Do you want anything else? I am going to send you be sending you down there shortly. This world is a little bit tougher than what you saw on the games and cartoons. This world the pokemon who don't get captured or killed will eat you. You will get stronger as your bonded pokemon get stronger. Have fun. HAHAHAHA

Bash-What the Fuck!!

At this point our MC sees a flash of light and after looking around and getting his vision back he sees that he is in dimly lit cave. Looking around trying to get his bearings. He looks around and started walking toward where light was coming from. Looking out of the cave he could see a forest that extended for as far as he could see. Noticing the mouth of the cave was about 100 yards/meters up the side of a cliff he was pretty shocked. "There is no way I'm getting down this cliff from here." Starting to think about what just happened, Bash looked at his hands and saw a bracelet on his wrist that says (your welcome). "This must be my storage ring, err bracelet." Thinking open his mind felt like it was sucked into the bracelet. He felt like he was pulled into another world. He could see trees, hills and a river. Right in front of him was a cheap little desk with a note left on it. Walking up and grabbing the note it said, MFVO- "Hope you enjoy your 2nd life. I put some food and everything you need in here to last you a few years. You are starting your life as a 13-year-old and your old cat Stormageddon is in here as well. I gave him some upgrades since well your old cat would just be a snack in this world. He will be your first pokemon. Your bracelet has the function of a pokeball. You can use it to catch pokemon and also put people inside as well. They must be willing to go inside, so no ninja kidnapping for you. You should probably train yourself before going down this cliff. The pokemon here will eat you alive. You can upgrade your bracelet as well by giving it minerals and pokemon cores. Enjoy your time and make the most of it. Have fun"

"Holy shit this is awesome. I can't wait to get started." Thinking about the note Bash started looking around for his buddy Stormageddon. "STORM!!!!!!!!!!" All of a sudden, he hears what sounds like a lion's roar and hears something running through forest towards him. Although it sounds more like smashing its way through the forest. What he saw shocked the hell out of him. A house cat the size of tiger came running out of the woods. He looked exactly like his old buddy Stormageddon but weighing about 600lbs. He looks like a giant orange and white tabi cat with stripes on his side. Storm came running up and starting rubbing his face on Bash and they were pretty much eye to eye and Bash heard. S-"Bash I missed you so much, I can't believe I get to be with you again"

"What the hell you can talk?" S-"Not exactly, I was given the ability to talk with you and I can even share what I'm seeing with you via telepathy" B-"this is awesome buddy I can't believe all of this is happening, this is going to be amazing. What abilities did you get being a Pokémon?" Storm- "I believe the guy told me I was a dark-physic type Pokémon that had control over the weather. He told me I would have to work on my abilities to make them stronger." B-"that's awesome, I'm so happy to see you again"

Well after Bash and Storm spent some time catching up about everything that happened after Storm had died in his previous life. They left the space and came back into the cave. Bash started walking around toward the back area of the cave and noticed that it expanded into a large open area. It had trees on the outside area and had sunlight shining through different areas of the ceiling of the cave. Bash started thinking about all the training he was put through while in the military and was starting to get excite about getting into shape. He noticed his body was decent but nothing great. He looked at Storm and asked, "you ready to get started?"