
please reset the booktitle writerstar0 20231218092329 47

He hates me and the feeling's mutual One says. Even us breathing the same air irks me the other says. What great love story doesn't start with two people absolutely hating each other? ----------------------- when It's time for a major promotion at the highly competitive star entertainment two people that absolutely hate each other see a reason to hate each other the more. Meet star kingston; friendly, bold, charming, heir to the star empire and a very skilled and capable manager. Now meet Nicholas Aetos; stoic, apathetic, rude, smart and also a very skilled and capable manager. Two very different people, the only thing they have in common; their hatred for each other. ----------------------------- When they have to compete against each other for a promotion at work, their hatred for each other intensifies. But when they're sent on a business trip for two weeks, they don't even know what intensifies their hatred for each other. or something other than that.

writerstar0 · LGBT+
2 Chs


star picks up the phone as soon as he see the caller Id. if his dad's calling by this kind of time it means they want him to go on an impromptu blind date.



he hates being right....

Another blind date it is but at least he get to skip dinner.



"hey starr" he hears someone call his name, turning behind to identify who.

he sees that it's murphy, Murphy is a co worker that's been hitting on him.

Murphy is quite annoying and he hates the way he pronounces his name with two R instead of R.

whirling round to finally face him with a cold icy smile on his face star replies "first of all it's star keep your mouth shut if you can't pronounce it second what?.

star doesn't even wait for him to respond, he gets into his car and drives away.



On getting to the location for the blind date with gps, he realises it's one of their restaurants, He's not surprised though.

from the description given he immediately spots the girl.

she's quite beautiful, star heads towards her and immediately introduces himself while taking a seat "star,the..blind date"

"I'm Ellen" she replies with a shy smile.

soon they start talking, ellen is quite nice, if she was a man he would have considered her.

It was all going well until star spots Nicholas

"what is Nicholas doing here" star questions inwardly, that's until he see the policemen.

Nicholas elegantly walks towards him "that's him" he simply says.

And the police are on him "sorry sir you'll have to come with us to the police station for questioning"

star is stunned, but seeing that everyone is already staring at him just to save some dignity.

he simply allows them take him not before whispering to nicholas "better die before I come out greek bastard".

Nicholas snorts but doesn't bother to even reply.