
The Day You Left Me

Dear Han Jiang

You were my best friend before you were my boyfriend. You knew better then anyone. I was a open book to you. We went through the best of moments together and the worst of moments.

But who knew the one that knew me the best can hurt me in the worst way possible. You broke my heart to little pieces like it was nothing.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember it was a rainy day. It wasn't any kind of rainy day it was the rainy day you Han Jiang broke me in the worst way possible. I remember you told me to meet you under the cherry blossom tree we first met under. I was their a hour earlier then the time we agreed because I was to excited to see you. But two hours passed but you still didn't arrive, I was about to leave. Then I saw you in the distance.

I was running to you but stopped because I felt something was wrong. Then I waited but you didn't came me Tian Tian[1], which is what you call me every time you see me. So then I knew something was wrong. I don't remember how long I waited their maybe for seconds, minutes, or even hours. But I was happy because I got to watch you for that moment because I knew had a feeling everything going to change after today. So I started to speak before you.

"Jian Jian[2] what's wrong."

"I can't do this anymore, I just can't. I just can't be with you anymore."

I don't know when it started but my eyes started to blur. But why does Jian wan't to leave me why now. I don't understand what did I do wrong.

"Jian why, why do you want to leave me. If I did something wrong I won't do it again. I will change just please stay with me."

"You want to know why then fine. It is because I am tired of you. Also because I never loved you or never will. That's is why I want to break up."

I just couldn't stop it I had to let every tear out. I just couldn't hold it in anymore. And when I saw you walking away like nothing happened over theses 10 years. I just couldn't take it. But I didn't notice when but you stopped and just stood their and said those words. Those few words really broke me. I still remember those words till this exact day.

"Oh by the way if I see you again, I won't hesitant to kill you in the worst possible way you can think of."

Then after you said that you just like disappeared after that. I don't know what I did wrong but at that moment nothing mattered not even me. I just wanted my Jian Jian back, because I knew that couldn't be you. I just couldn't I hated that man that walked and broke me. But I knew that man wasn't you.

With love From,

Feng Tian

TianTian[1]– A Chinese phrase meaning "Day-Day.", with a good wish of having a good mood every single day.

Jian Jian[2] – "Kiddy-Kiddy", usually used by Cantonese and Wu Chinese. A similar term for girlfriend will be "囡囡 (Nan Nan)."