
please reset the booktitle Schneizel_Viktor 20231218092329 90

The Holy Aurican Empire is an empire in all but name. An Entity spanning the continent, struggling under the weight of its own immensity. Nobility dominated the land like petty tyrants, ruling without the constraints of law. Imperial Officials coveted and schemed, crushing the peasants beneath them. And Ducal Houses ruled its territories like Kings, waging war and sowing chaos in their domain, grasping for ever greater power. Each and every one a cog, systematically draining the Empire to its knees. Damien Magna, the thirteenth Imperial Prince of this Empire will change that, drowning himself inside the flood of intricate lies and strategic bets, hoping to change the Empire for the better.

Schneizel_Viktor · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs


Delilah took a seat in her empty halls.

The place that was once filled with whores and lustful men now laid empty. It was one of the countless brothels scattered throughout the city. This one was hidden beside the city's forgeries. A perfect place for a meeting.

The plan then came to her mind, the gamble she was about to make for her family, a gamble that'll depend on a single man. Images of darkness then flitted across her memories. The sight of Damien, the boy she once called a grandson, now lay dead beneath a man warped by the darkness of the Golden Throne. The man that will make or break all that she has built.

She emptily wondered if Bella could ever agree with her actions.

The threads on her fingers itched at the thought.

"Grandmother, they're here." Lilith's voice then made her tense, it was time.

The door to her establishment bursts open. Tens of men strided in, armed to the teeth with caellum swords, spears and rings. The terrifying ensemble of men headed by the three influential figures of the city, each one silently sat at her table, while their men stood beside them, guarding.

Delilah smiled, "Gentlemen, I'm sure you all know why I brought you here. The latest decree from his majesty has forced our collective hand. Our cooperation suddenly threatened."

"Yeah, so? What the fuck are we supposed to do?" A man spoke up, face covered in a grimace, eye scarred as he slammed his fist in frustration.

He was a veteran of the peasant revolts twenty years ago, the head of the underground casinos and one of the most prominent debt collectors in the city, Andrew Simmons.

A man sniggered in front of him, his face arcing up in a greedy smile as he tapped his finger. "Heard it from my agents, the king himself has decreed that we all lose a quarter of our profits."

One of the biggest smugglers of caellum, with connections traversing the Cordelian seas, owner of one of the competing merchant companies operating within Aurica, John Edwards.

"Queen Seline has started giving me assurances." A man remarked dryly, blue eyes shifting around in thought. "I heard that six months from now, House Aranae could arrange a veto against his decree, we just need to hold out long enough."

The biggest importer of coca, a man that has connections to nobility. His influence, far and wide. He has pushed the four of them into great wealth. Unofficially, one of the few richest men in the city, Deaton Shae.

The four of them have made each other richer than ever before. It was a shame that such an agreement was to end for her inevitable victory. But things must end to improve, she thought to herself.

And so, Delilah nodded as her finger twitched, the caellum threads crawling around the hall, planning to strike at a moment's notice. She smiled, "My husband should support you in the next council. Though I've heard something of import."

John nodded, "Yes, I have heard the Emperor gave it to one of his children."

"Yes, that is quite troublesome. Our deal with house Aranae could be forced into jeopardy if another family tries to squeeze in their influence. I hear Queen Lianne has amped up their conflict, business has taken quite the hit."

"BAH! Let them fuck each other up, as long we fuck off their way, we get to live our lives as kings. Even without those shitty and fancy titles of theirs. If anything, we should start working with Imperial officials."

John rolled his eyes at the man's impetuous rage, "Ignoring your continuous desire for revolution. I have noticed, they've started buying up land near the commercial district. They've started carving the city, it seems. Queen Selene even asked for a favor if we sabotage her competition."

Deaton nodded, "Aranae and Striggs has started digging in their heels. The other houses remain outside of this conflict. But it is only a matter of time before they start throwing in their bets, we don't have the same money they do."

"Oh my, that is quite the conundrum, indeed. I mean truly, with House Aranae and Striggs now biting at each other's throats. It should only be a matter of time before your connection to them gets you three pulled in." A voice loudly replied.

Tens of men tensed as swords erupted in flames, spears burst in loud gales and the rings around them erupted in tendrils. The room drowned in chaos as all focus turned to Damien's heel clicking against the floor.

"Oh goodness me, did I surprise you?" He giggled, he held his hand over his chest. "Well, since I have your attention now, I suppose it would be best if I introduced myself, yes?"

Red eyes came alight as he grinned, "My name is Damien Magna. The twentieth in line to the throne of the Holy Aurican Empire and is the man responsible for Aurica's continuous safety and security."

He waved at them. "I am glad to make your acquaintance."

Delilah sighed at the sight and complete disrespect, eyes flickering across the men beside her. The loose threads tightened around all of them, her plan for when things go south. The act. a burden on her mind.

Andrew stood up in rage, "Delilah! What the fuck does this mean? You told us this place was safe!"

Delilah raised her hand in conciliation, "I decided to find an alternative."

"Bullshit! You sold us out! You fucking whore." Andrew glared at her before turning to his men, "Take that bast-"

"I would like to listen to his proposal." John interjected, silencing Andrew's impending rage. A smile wormed its way up to his face, "What? Isn't a merchant supposed to find every opportunity to make money?"

Andrew opened his mouth before Deaton silenced him, "We're not going to lose anything by listening. So, sit down."

"Oooooh, good choice, sir Deaton." Damien clapped, "Now, some of you may understand that I am a weak prince, one without a family to land on. I plan on having the three of you as my powerbase. In response, I shall help you in kicking out every other competitor you have in this city."

"And you can do this, how?" said Deaton, eyebrow raised "Forgive me for my impertinence, your highness. But what makes you so confident in your capability in kicking out the influence of every other house out there? I'm sure Aranae alone can take us on if they put their mind into it."

John chuckled, "And bearing in mind your fancy little speech. You have nothing to offer us or assure all four of us with your capability. For all we know, this could be a simple plot of his Imperial Majesty."

"And you are absolutely right!" Damien smiled, hand spread out at the table as the tensions eased and the weapons lowered. "I have no money, no land and no men to offer the both of you." He raised his right arm, "But I do have something none of you could ever hope to attain."

Andrew snorted on his right, "And what is that?"

His expression morphed and twisted into that of a devil as his right arm blackened and his red eyes illuminated like a bleeding moon, he sliced his right arm up as hundreds of spheres erupted from his arm and blood followed right after.

It took a second for Delilah to process it all, even with her experience, her eyes remained stuck at the scene of carnage. Heads hollowed, throats pierced, the tortured groans coming out from the dozens of men before them, each one battered with holes as blood flooded their senses.

Andrew locked eyes with Deaton and John as he reached for his throat and took his last shuddering breath.

Damien stood up as all the men fell in their pools of blood, his right arm raised as hundreds of black spheres floated back into his arm. "This is what I can offer you, gentlemen. I can offer you power. Power that only the House of Magna can hope to have."

He grinned at them like a devil, "Do we have a deal?"

If there's any question to update shedule.

Every other day, hopefully.

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