
who am I??

it hurts... I feel like I'm dying ...my whole body is hurting... I can't keep myself consience anymore.... Xiao xi i want to see you before I die, i want to hear your angelic voice while calling me with your sweet tone ... I am sorry but I don't think I am going to be able to keep my promise to you ... I am sorry .... please forget me and continue with your life... goodbye my dearest.

my head hurts so much .... I try to open my eyes but my vision is blurry .... I try to look at my surroundings to know where I am... I see a nurse who is shocked then she called the doctor ... where am I ?? after a minute the doctor came to me in hurry he checked my pulse then he sighed and said

- thank goodness your pulse is normal

- mmm doctor who am I ?

- what oh my goodness well that's expected since you have an injury at your head and an internal bleeding it's a miracle that you even survived , well sorry boy but I don't know myself but I will call the person who paid for your medical traitement maybe he knows

- I see well thank you doctor for saving my live

(well I am unexpectedly pretty calm in this situation I don't seem to remember anything expect for the name xiao xi who is she?? and why do I feel pain as I try to remember her )