
please reset the booktitle miam_writes 20231218092329 53

Rafael Jones returned to the Philippines due to the death of his older brother James. He never imagined that his brother would be killed in a car accident, and he can't accept his death, so he tries to figure out why he had that accident. He finds out that James' girlfriend had another man and discovers that his girlfriend—Diane, is cheating on him. Then James was drunk and got into an accident. Rafael wants to exact his revenge on the person who murdered James. He does not believe that everything is an accident. He abducted Diane to punish her for what she did, but she insisted that she was not Diane; instead, she was Michaela. He didn't believe it. Michaela wakes up in an unknown place, and a man abducts her because of Diane's faults. She didn't know what Diane had done, and Rafael hid her and brought her to his island. He keeps asking what he did to James or what sin he did to make everything end up in tragedy. Until Rafael realized he was falling in love with Michaela while they were on the island. Will he go for revenge or love?

miam_writes · สมัยใหม่
14 Chs

Chapter 1: Kidnap

I just woke up in a dark place, trying to stand up, but I couldn't. When I held my hand, some string was attached to it. How did I end up in this situation?

I only remember that my sister took me to a party with her boyfriend, Macky Cruz. They drank and danced while I was in a corner drinking juice. It is the first time they have taken me with them. My sister Diane Clementon is my half-sister. I know she has a grudge against me, so I can't believe she brought me to the party. Couldn't she have planned it all? Suddenly I heard the door open, and I immediately closed my eyes. I hear footsteps coming towards me.

"Are you sure she is to blame for my brother's death?"

"Yes, she is Diane Clementon."

Diane is what they need, but why did they take me, and what sin did she commit? I'm confused, and I can't think straight.

"Alright, untie the ropes on her hands and feet. Feed and bathe her. She stinks. Make sure you present her to me cleanly before I talk to her."

I can't help but be annoyed with this guy. I smell good. I tried to smell myself after loosening the ties on my hands. Why did I smell like alcohol? I don't drink alcohol. I'm trying to think about what happened, but I still can't remember. My head hurts. Suddenly there was light, and I immediately closed my eyes.

"Mother Linda, Rafael ordered you to bathe and feed her."

"What happened to his girlfriend? Why does she smell like alcohol?"

Girlfriend? They thought I was my sister Diane and now it's Rafael's girlfriend. I was always mistaken for my sister in almost everything, and everyone always knew her. Only my best friend Lance knows me.

My name is Michaela Clementon, 21 years old, my mom is the second wife of sister Diane's father, but Daddy hid us from her for a long time because Sister Diane didn't want to have a replacement for her mom even though she never since her. So when she fights with me, I don't fight back because Daddy scolds me anyway, and I am always the wrong one.


I was surprised when Mother Linda held me by the hand, and I opened my eyes because she seemed kind. Looking around, I was in a large room with many paintings on the wall. I was amazed because of the depth of meaning that the pictures convey. I see a man standing with his back holding a withered Rose. My heart suddenly throbbed. Maybe the person who painted it was sad because I felt the pain he wanted to express in his drawing. In the second, two boys were smiling, and in the third, I was shocked because the one in the picture looked like me and was holding roses with many thorns.

"Miss, are you mute?"


"I've been calling you for a while. Come, I've prepared something for you in the kitchen."

I just followed. As we walked, I couldn't believe what I was seeing. There is a lot of room in this house, and it's like a mansion, but the atmosphere here seems sad. There is no life around, and why doesn't it seem like there aren't many people here?

"How did you and Rafael meet? Do you know you were the first girl he brought here?"

"I don't know him," I whispered, looking around.

"What did you say?"

"I don't even know why I'm here," I said while avoiding her eyes.

"What?" her eyes widened.

The atmosphere was silent then suddenly, the older woman smiled. I still thought she would help me to get out of there.

"Rafael is a naughty boy. Maybe he likes you, so he just asked his staff to take you."

"It doesn't look like that. Can you—"

I was suddenly cut short by the appearance of a very handsome man at her back. His appeal captivated me even though he only wore shorts and a plain white t-shirt. I couldn't help but be amazed by his bright eyes.

"Nanny Linda, I'll take care of her. Thank you." He said.

"Rafael, you are very naughty. You even kidnapped the girl you wanted." She answered, giggling.


"Alright, Rafael, I won't bother you anymore. I will leave you both." She answered but looked at me, "But wait, can I know your name?"

"It's Michaela," I said.

I saw the surprise in Rafael's eyes, and he glared at me.

"It's beautiful, and it suits you." She smiled and added, "I am going now,"

After Nanny Linda walked away, Rafael faced me. "Are you kidding me? Diane, if you think I'm going to believe your bullshit, you're wrong. You can't get out of here until you pay for what you did!" He shouted.

"I don't know what you're talking about; Let me go!" I screamed.

"You had a chance earlier with Mother Linda; why you didn't run away?" I gulped down.

He was right. I should have run earlier to escape, but why didn't I? I didn't move and looked at the door. Do I prefer it here, away from my sister and my parents? What they're doing to me is still fresh in my mind.

I'm like a maid in their house, and even more painful is that even my mother treats me like I'm not her child; she's more on Diane's side. I still remember when it was just mom and me together. We always pass by Daddy's house, but she always stares at Diane.

"Diane!" Rafael shouted and called my sister's name. I looked at him in shock.

"I'm not Diane." I insisted.

"Don't manipulate me as you did to my brother." He hissed.

"What? I didn't do anything to anyone." I tried to convince him.

"Wow!" He clapped his hand and added, "you are a great liar. Eat in the kitchen and take a shower. You stink, but your behavior is even worse."

His words struck deep into my heart, but I just let him because I could feel the burden of his heart. I just followed his orders. When I went to the kitchen, I saw so much food. There are different chicken dishes, and there is even sushi. My eyes lit up, but I suddenly swallowed. Am I going to die here for feeding me delicious food? I trembled with fear at the thought.

"Michaela, eat well. I didn't know what you wanted to eat, so I just cooked a lot."

"Thank you," I answered shyly.

I'm still hesitant to sit down because it may have put poison on it. Mother Linda noticed my hesitation to sit down.

"Miss, you don't like the food?" I felt guilty and sat down.

"It looks delicious. I'm just not used to eating alone. Join me."

"Are you sure?" She asked, smiling.

"Yes," I answered.

She sat down, and we ate. She told me about Rafael happily and was sad when she said the last.

"When his brother died, he never smiled again."

Is Rafael's accusations against Diane true? What happened to his brother and Diane?