
Chapter Three

Laying on the cold ground, all I could do was cry for my mother. I don't know where she's and my siblings had gone. I just know that I was warm, full of my mother's milk and then I had smelt and heard other wolfs. Next thing I know my mother scent and warmth was gone and another she wolf took me somewhere cold. I could hear strange noises all around me. I cried out for mother to come back to me or even that strange she wolf who brought me here, I begged for hours calling out for them to come back but no one came. I heard soft but quick foot steps and I felt uneasy in my chest. Then the wind blew and I could tell by the smell it wasn't mother or the she wolf, but it smelt different and I felt the fear in my chest.

I wasn't sure why I had felt such fear but I knew that I could be in danger and I couldn't do anything about it. All of a sudden I felt warmth wrap around me and the smell of milk. I was so hungry I went straight for it. The new provider for the milk was kind to me because she could of killed me if she had wanted to but she didn't. She gently whispered to me "Shh little one it's gonna be ok now."

She gently picks me up and runs threw the forest. She knew it was wrong but she couldn't handle the crys of a pup no more as she was a fox and the little pup was a wolf. She got to her den quickly and entered it, gently placing the white pup down next to her pups. She looked over the now sleeping pup gently as to not wake her up and noticed the small twist in her back paw and wondered if that was the reason they got rid of the pup. The fox smiles to her self then she said "oh well your mine now and I think you are perfect little one, what should I call you." She sits there for a while then smiles and says aloud to the pup "I know what to call you little one! From today on your name shall be Luna because you are as white as the moon it's self!" She then curls up around her pups to keep them warm.

 She looks down at her stomach with two fox pups and a wolf pup and smiles her family just grew by one more . As she lays there getting ready to drift off to sleep in the warm den she whisper to the pup "my name is Connie and your new siblings names are Jasper and Holly, we will love you for who you are Luna."