
Chapter One

It was a chilly spring morning, the air so cold you could see your breath in the forest. Emerging out from the bushes walks a beautiful wolf her fur so red it almost looked like a fire, her eyes so blue they almost looked like ice, desperately trying to find a den to have her pups she knew it wouldn't be long before they came looking for her. She knew she was almost out of time before she gave birth, but she didn't want to have them there near her pack. She wanted at least a few hours with her pups. She knew they would take away any pups they didn't think was strong enough or was disformed. As by her alpha had passed this law recently because he didn't want weak wolfs to be apart of his back. She knew it wasn't right that all the pups who were strong enough to survive should be allowed but her new alpha didn't see it that way. She stumbled on a tree that had a huge hole under it she knew that was gonna be about as good as she's gonna get. "Well at least it's sheltered from the cold and the wind" she thought to her self. She quickly climbs down in to it, right as she gets inside she felt the first contractions start. She knew giving birth was gonna hurt but it would at least quick as this would be her second litter of pups. She hopped these pups will be strong enough to survive as all of her last pups died of some sort of sickness she wasnt to sure what it was but, she knew it had killed a lot of pups and elders of the pack. After a few hours she had 4 tiny pups crying at her side 2 gray like there father one red and a tiny white pup who seemed to be the runt of the litter. As she took a even closer look at her pups she saw that the two gray and one red pup where normal but the tiny white pup had her back right paw messed up. It looked like it was twisted not enough to make it useless but, she knew they where going to take her away. She knew she be punished for running from the pack fraya. "At least I'll get to keep 3 of my pups" she thought to her self. Just as she was about to drift off to sleep she heard a noise outside her den, she knew who it was before she even spoke. "You gave me quiet the chase didn't you Ember" the Fraya said. "I wanted to check my own pups out without you there" she responded claimly

The Fraya stood over the she-wolf. "You know the pack law you will be punished for running and I'm sure the alpha won't have mercy on you" she said. Ember slowly blinked and whispered "I know he will but you understand why I did it right?" She asked. The Fraya sighed "I do understand but pack law is pack law and we must all follow it, now let me look at your pups" she said softly. Ember tensed not sure if she noticed the paw on the small white pup "maybe she won't notice it as it's so minor" she thought to her self.

"I'm sorry Ember but the small white pup has to go." the Fraya said to Ember with a look of sadness in her eyes. "There are 3 pack warrior's outside that helped me track you down, will now help you take your 3 pups back to the pack and to the alpha " Fraya said unhappily. Ember sighed knowing all to well that this was coming so she gently licked the small white pup on the head and whispered to her "Stay strong little one and find your way back home safely to me". Ember then gently grabbed one of her pups and two warriors entered the den and grabbed the other two and led Ember away from her small white pup who was now to defend on her own.