
please reset the booktitle LOST_ANNE 20231218092329 61

Ivy Miller isn't a mean kid. She is bad yeah not mean. When she see's her ex-boyfriend what do you thing she is gonna do about it? Will she be happy to see him? OR Will she be made/sacred to see him?

LOST_ANNE · วัยรุ่น
7 Chs

Backstory! Part 2!!

I woke up and realized I wasn't at home. I looked at the time on my phone and it was almost time for school. So I took a hot shower, brushed my teeth and washed my face an ran downstairs. I went in the kitchen and saw the boys and there mother. "Morning ma'am" I said and she turned around and smiled. "You can call me Winter" She said and went back to cooking. "We don't get a good morning?" The boys said at the same time. "Good morning Jason and Alex!" I said and rolled my eyes and they smiled. I sat down next to Alex and Winter gave us our food. "Thanks Winter that was good" I said and put my dish up and she smiled. "Your welcome, Oh it's time to go to school" She said and grabbed her keys and we went in the car and she took us to school.

"Bye have fun!" She said and we walked into the school. I walked to my locker and Alex and Jason followed me. I put me things in it and slammed it closed and looked at Alex and smiled. Then the bell rang and I walked to class.

~Skip to lunch~

I walked into the cafeteria and grabbed my tray of nasty lunch which is pizza, milk, and a nasty green apple. The green apples are to sour. I saw Alex and Jason calling me over and I walked over to the table and sat down. Jason took my apple and Alex took my pizza. WAIT MY PIZZA!? "Hey Give me my Pizza back Alex" I said and tried to get from him and he ate it. "YOU ATE MY FLIPPING PIZZA!!" I yelled and everyone went quite.

I smacked him on the side of the head and looked at Jason and he still had his pizza. "Can I have your pizza Jason?" I asked and he gave it to me. "This is why I like Jason more then you" I said and started eating the pizza. "What? How about I take you to Windys?" Alex said and my head shot up. "Windys?" I asked and he shook his head. "Cool, but I will still like Jason better then you" I said and the bell rang and we got up and throw our food tray away and went to our next class. Jason and I have the same class.

Jason and I walked into class and sat down at the back then the bell rung and we waited for the teacher to come. "Why were y'all fighting over a pizza?" Jason asked laughing. "If I didn't eat anything I would be hungry the whole school period" I said and the teacher came in.

"Morning class! I will be your new teacher because the other teacher got fired" She said and I put my head down. "When I call your name say 'here" she said and started getting some paper off her desk.

"Jason Carter" She called his name and his head shot up.

"Here" Then he put his head back down.

"Ivy Miller?"


"Kaysee Jones" She said and looked around.

"Here ms." She said back.

~Skip Attendance~

"Ok class you will pick your partners and do a robot project" She said and Jason and I looked at each other. "Wanna be my partner?" Jason asked and I shook my head. "Kaysee can be my partner" I said and started laughing. "What?" He asked. "I said yes I will be your partner" I said still laughing. "Ivy and Jason got anything to say?" The teacher said. "No we don't" I said and stopped laughing. "Then quit laughing" She said and the bell rang.

I walked to my locker and saw Alex already there. "Hi Alex" I said while opening my locker and putting my things in it. "You still want Windys?" He asked and I smiled. "Yeah I do" I said and closed my locker and we waited outside for winter to come.

When she pulled up Jason and I got in the back seat and Alex in the front. "I'm taking Ivy to get Windys" Alex said. "How nice of you. How about you Jason?" She asked him and he looked scared/confused. "I'm taking her to the mall after she eats then" He said and she laughed. "She's using your money right?" She asked and he facepalmed himself. "Yeah, my money then" He said and she laughed. She stopped and we was right in front of Windys. "Y'all two can go call me when y'all are ready to get picked up" She said and Alex and I got out and made our way in the store.

We walked in an went to the counter. "Welcome to Windy's can I take your order?" A guy that looked my age said and he was looking at me when he said it. "Yes can I have the 4 for 4" I said and he nodded. "Is that all?" He asked and I nodded. "Yes" I said and we sat down. "Did you see how he was looking at me?" I asked Alex and I realized he was at the counter talking to the boy.

"If you ever look at her like that again Imma make sure I see you at the hospital" He said and the boy looked scared but he nodded. Alex came back smiling. "I just fixed it" He said and I just laughed. "You didn't need to do that" I said and he just shrugged. "I'm ready to go" I said and we stood up and Alex grabbed my arm and I elbowed him and saw him smiling and looked at the boy. "SHE'S TAKEN!! SO HAVE FUN GETTING BEAT UP!!" Alex yelled and the boys eye's went wide. I started laughing and we walked outside.

Alex called his mom to come pick us up and after a few minutes she came. "Jason your turn" Winter said and Jason rolled his eyes. She stopped at the mall and Jason and I got out.

"Where to?" Jason asked as we entered the mall. "To Victoria's secret!" I said excitedly and Jason rolled his eyes. After two hours of shopping we went to Jack n the box for something to eat. We sat down and waited for them to bring our food. We got our food and I had taco's and a sprite. When we got done Jason paid and we called Mrs. Winter and she came to get us and it was turning dark at this point.

"Did you have fun Ivy?" Mrs. Winter asked and I smiled. "Yeah, I think they're broke now!" I said laughing and Winter joined. We pulled up in the house and got out the car and went inside. Alex and Jason helped me with my bags and I put them up in my room. I sat on my bed and called Emily.


EMILY: Hello?

ME: Hey girl!

EMILY: Oh hey, I'm still packing up

ME: It's ok, just checking to see how my best friend is doing.

EMILY: Your best friend is fine thanks😄

ME: Well good night and let me KNOW! when you LEAVE! Got it😆

EMILY: Yes mom!🤣


EMILY: Bye bye girl😂


"Ivy!" I heard Winter call me. "In my room!" I called out and she came running in crying."What's wrong" I said and she sat next to me. "Your mother got int a plane crash! She is in the hospital right now" She said still crying. I rubbed her back and told her it will be ok. "Good night, You have to go to bed ok" I told her and she nodded and left.

I took a hot shower and brushed my teeth and washed my face, put on my night clothes on and went to bed.

Thank you sooo much for reading my other book got 1.29K views. I'm so greatful!


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