
please reset the booktitle kudz 20231218092329 43

"If felicia made a choice to run away few days to her wedding it only meant one thing. She said. The good looking man smiles lightly, he had tolerate her enough and yet she was been rude, he expect her to be glad like any other girls that he choose her as his bride. but she was different. " what? " You are not good enough for her, how will you be good for me? she smiles lightly. Just let me go, cancel the deal. am sure you will find a lady better than me. He smiles and ignored her sentences. " Dinner. I don' t want to marry you Mr. Ames. She yelled with a frown....

kudz · สมัยใหม่
15 Chs

Chapter Ten: wedding night.

Emily stare at the ring at her finger. Andy walks in as she burst into tears. He had a towel round his waist, his creaming body was dripping down with water.

"Are you okay? He asked her.

" Not okay. She cried out.

All my life, I have always waited to have a great wedding, I never dreamt of having my wedding this way. A gun was point at me on my fake wedding.

" you should be glad you are famous because of me. He said teasing her. She picked up a pillow and threw at him with a loud scream. It all your fault my life was turned upside down.. it all your fault ungrateful brat.

Andy walked towards the dressing table and grabbed a bottle of wine and turned to look at her with a smiles at the corner of her lips. " Should I get you a bowl dear wife or come over here to celebrate with me.

"you jerk. she yelled throwing pillows at him, as the bottle of wine fell of his hand.

" Hey.

I will make you paid for what you did to me. " She rushed towards him just to attack him but he grabbed her hand and pushed her against the wall with a grasp looking into his eyes.

" We are married now. tell me which lady deny her husband on their wedding night? He asked as his grip moves over her hips. she pushed him with her little strength.

you think am a gay. " Dammit you are such a distraction.

His hand crept over her tight. she opened her mouth and grasp as his fingers parted and rub against her clitorises . " you look so stunning on that wedding dress, I can't even take my eyes off you dear wife.

You are a gay. " she said and swallowed hard.

Then let see if I was. " He said gravelly, he crushed his mouth with her. his tongue caressing the inside putting his hand at her neck until his left hand swiped over her left breast, while his finger moved with intent over her sex. His finger pulled and stroked and rubbed her tender fresh, she felt her muscles tighten, her breath struck in her and all the sudden he paused and looked up at her with shock.

" You are still a virgin

Emily quickly pulled away from him and hit him hard and race towards the bed and pretend to be asleep hugging the pillow.

He can't believe she had lie to him not been a virgin and Emily at the other side could not believe he was not a gay as everyone taught.