
please reset the booktitle DaoistTxPA8K 20231218092329 91

In a serene small town surrounded by rolling hills and meadows, resides Lily Smith, a young woman who embodies resilience and determination. Having faced more than her share of hardships, Lily's life takes a tragic turn when her parents die in a devastating accident. She went into prostitution as It was the easiest and quickest way to earn money for herself but it was also dangerous as she could get STD but she was willing to take the risk after all its a win win She gets pleasure and money simply by satisfying men. However, the prostitution got her quite the fortune she anticipated if not more as she became a well known Prostitute and makes her clients satisfied. She never fails to deliver, living in luxury and getting lots of money while doing what she loves doing best 'Fucking'. However her life took huge turn, Stay tuned so you won't miss out on the huge change in her life. Lily stood outside the opulent hotel door, taking deep breaths to calm herself before entering. This was just another day at work, she told herself repeatedly. Another day to pay her bills and put food on the table. She adjusted her short black dress, revealing her smooth curves beneath. Her high heels clicked against the polished marble floors as she made her way towards the elevators. As the doors slid open, Lily stepped inside, pushing the button for the top floor. She glanced around nervously, feeling exposed despite the few other guests present. As the elevator came to a stop, Lily took a deep breath before stepping out into the hallway. The soft carpet muffled her footsteps as she made her way towards Room 2012 - James' favorite suite. Her palms were sweaty as she knocked on the door, her heart pounding in anticipation. A moment later, it swung open, revealing James standing there in a black silk robe. His dark hair was wet from the shower, glistening in the dim light. His face was angular and handsome, with sharp cheekbones and full lips curved into a smirk. "Ah, you're right on time," he purred, stepping aside to let her enter. "I've been waiting for you."

DaoistTxPA8K · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Chapter 4

It was maddening, really. Because sometimes, when she closed her eyes and let herself imagine a future with him, she could almost convince herself that they were meant to be together. That he truly cared for her and wouldn't hurt her. But then reality would come crashing back down, and she'd remember how quickly he'd slipped away from her after their last encounter. How coldly he'd dismissed her when she'd tried to talk to him about their relationship. How cruel he'd been, using his power to turn her insides out and make her question everything she thought she knew about herself.

How ever her thought was interrupted by the sudden halt of the act James was doing on her,leaving her puzzled. "Is something wrong?" She asked but he ignored her and stood her up as he found the hem of her dress and slowly undressed her, revealing the rest of her nakedness as she wasn't wearing anything underneath the gown. James stopped to look at her with a smirk on his face "Beautiful." He muttered, admiring her curves. Her nipples were erect, poking through her perfect porcelain skin. She took a sharp breath as he traced the outline of her breast with his thumb, causing goosebumps to form all over her flesh.

He started sucking and playing with her nipples with his mouth and tongue with one hand on her waist and the other cupped her other breast, gently squeezing and massaging it, With his mouth never leaving her nipple. Soon after he stood up to undress himself when lily stopped him "May I" She said as she stood up from the sofa wondering where she got the courage from, she should have just let him do the work or maybe it wasn't a bad idea or maybe he liked it, she thought as she waited nervously for his response James nodded in agreement with a smirk on his face. She stretched her hands to meet the robe he was putting on and slowly untied it while she kissed him.

He wondered where she got the new found courage from and he liked this part of her as he let her take over. She slid the robe over his shoulders making it fall to the ground revealing his bare skin and most importantly revealing his huge and erect dick. She stopped kissing him and went down on her knee then grabbed his dick, She spat on it to make it wet then spread the spit all over, then she started sucking and licking the tip of his dick gradually going deeper. This made James moaned in pleasure, shutting his eyes tight while enjoying the sensation, he put his hands behind her head, pulling her closer to him, and the taste of her saliva made him more aroused.

He put his hands on her head pushing her further down until he hit the back of her throat making her gag a bit. He slowed grabbed her hair tight pushing her head foward and back and gradually goes faster making her gag the more, her time was up and it was time for him to take Control again after all gaining power and control was his specialty. He held her head place while rocking back and forth, fucking her mouth - hard, while moaning out in pleasure.

She soon felt a vibration from his dick, he had reached his climax, "Ahhh, I'm cumin." He cried out in ectasy as the liquid gushed out into her mouth and she swallowed it. "The next round we will cum together." He said and lily nodded in agreement. "Get on the bed." He commanded and she did so. Soon he joined her on the bed, he captured her lips in a hungry kiss and she in turn kissed him back hungrily, She even surprised herself the way she craved for him, could it be that she enjoyed being his sex slave and wants to please him or she is just as aroused as he is. "Ahhhh, mhmm." her moans filled the air as he used his fingers to play with her pussy.

"Open your legs wide." He said and she complied as he inserted two of his fingers in her pussy and fucked her hard and she didn't complain as she was enjoying it, the sudden change in her behaviour surprised James but he didn't think about it too much as he kinda liked this part of her but he still prefared the calm and scared girl she was as she was more submissive, could it be because he wanted to take control or he found it charming.

He stopped finger-fucking her and went down to lick her pussy, teasing and making her moan in pleasure. "Ahh, oh yes don't stop, mhmmm." She cried out in pleasure. This made James happy that he is able to satisfy her, he didn't understand this strange feelings but he brushed the thought out if his mind to focus on what was in action.

Here's another one. Thankfully I have made it longer, I hope you like it. please keep on supporting me

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