
please reset the booktitle DaoisteI3Umt 20231218092329 87

DaoisteI3Umt · วัยรุ่น
2 Chs


"wake up your lazy ass"she shouted

"Give me a minute"I pleaded 

"You wake up now or I will do it the other way round "she shouted

I hate her treats ,she always keeps to her word 

I angrily left the bed and made way to the bathroom.

"Oh how I hate that witch"

You see that witch is my favorite person in the world,she got my back always ,we might not be living a comfortable life but she makes sure I never felt  my parent absence..she was a mom ,a dad and a sibling to me .

"Hurry up oli'we have no time 

Oh how I hate it when she calls me that

"My name is Olivia "i shouted

"You don't tell me what to call you "she hisssd

I quickly came out of the bathroom,and put on my uniform.yes I wear a uniform ,I'm a maid to one of the richest family in California ,my aunt is the family cook while I'm among the maids .we are four maids and two cooks cooks including I and my aunt ..

The Luciano family is kind enough to let me attend school and lectures ,I work mostly on weekends .

Today is Saturday and there is lot of work to be done ,I quickly left my room and made way to the big kitchen 

"So you finally made it"Anita mocked 

I just roll my eyes and pick up a duster .I walk to the big sitting room and started working

"So you know Jamie is coming back today " Anita asked 

"Who is Jamie" I asked 

"Oh I forgot you are a new one here "she teased

I just roll my eyes and went back to work .I'm not ready for her drama this morning

"Well Jamie is Mr Luciano favorite nephew,and he decided to come to California after series of pleading from master Luciano "she said 

"Another trouble "I hissed

"Come on I know he is definitely different from Antony" she mocked

I hate that name Anthony ,I hate the name and the bearer of that name . Anthony is the only child to Mr Luciano ,he is proud arrogant and rude , despite being the same age he treats everyone like rag .we are sworn enemies , sometimes I wonder why I still have this job considering how much he hates me 

"I hope he isn't another Anthony "I replied her and went back to work.

She noticed I wasn't in the mood for morning gossip ,so she quickly left  

I finished cleaning the sitting room and made my way to the place I hate most in this mansion , Anthony's room 

I walk up to his door and knocked ,but got no reply from that lazy ass ,I knocked again and still no reply from him .

I have some much work to do today and I can't let this lazy ass slow me down .

I quickly took a deep breath and open the door to his room ,I quickly step in, and for the first time in my life I regret my action