
please reset the booktitle BukunmiOloyede 20231218092329 62

Mylar Rodriguez a waitress at Gentleman's club, a famous night club in Brooklyn, New York city finds herself in a huge mess when her boss reveals his intention of keeping her with him for as long as he pleased with the excuse of making her pay the loan of $80000 she took from him to save her mother life some years back. While looking for ways out of this mess, she finds herself in a much bigger mess that involved young billionaire Camilo Wylder, son of Julian Wylder, best business man in the whole of New york. She got pregnant for him after a one night stand she did out of compulsion. She didn't want to go and tell him knowing how he is or perhaps how people portrayed him. But months after taking care of the pregnancy on her own, she realised that it was difficult. So when her only friend Vida from Gentleman's club advised her to tell Camilo, she agreed and the went together. Luckily for her, at the time she came Mr Julian was pressuring his son to get married and have his own child, so when she came into the picture he happily accepted her but they were to have a contact marriage that would last for three years. Camilo hated her so much for coming into his life and ruining all his fun. So severally he tried to frustrate her out of the house but in all his attempts, he made himself suffer instead. Mylar becomes famous with the help of Camilo's younger brother. Elio, Camilo's younger brother and Mrs Camila, Camilo's mom liked Mylar very much and treated her like family but some others hated her especially Miss Emelda, Camilo's nanny and confidant. Elio falls in love with Vida and a new love story is formed. Mylar's curiosity reveals all the family's dirty secrets. Mr Julian's love affair and his plan to make Mrs Camila totally crazy by giving her the wrong drugs just to keep her properties for himself. Mylar saves Camilo from being killed by Mr Julian after he found out that he isn't his dad. Mystery finds it way into romance and romance finds it way into Mystery.

BukunmiOloyede · แฟนตาซี
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"How can I be pregnant." Mylar asked pulling at Vida's arm as if she wanted to cut it off.

Mylar placed her hands on her face, her face began to squeeze slowly as she started crying.

"Jesus, I have never seen you this ugly whenever you cry before. Can you please stop." Vida pleaded with her, Mylar look horrible, her face all reddish and her eyes all puffy and Vida didn't like the way she looked at all. She got up and went to get a tissue box for Mylar. When she came back, she passed the box to Mylar who took out few of the tissue papers and wiped off her tears.

"What do I do now?" Mylar asked still sobbing quietly, Vida started patting her back gently and then replied. "I really don't know."

They both hug each other and Vida continues to comfort her. Later on they took a cab to Mylar's house.

"That idiot doesn't even know that he is going to be a father." Vida said as they got inside Mylar's room, Mylar was laid on the bed and Vida sat by her side, when Mylar heard what she said, she got up quickly.

"Out of all the men in the world, I had to get pregnant for that asshole." Mylar said and started crying again, Vida got irritated by her tears and yelled at her.

"Hey, will you stop it already. We are both in this mess together, so let's find a solution rather than sitting down here and crying."

Mylar stopped crying and they both sat down thinking of what to do. After a while, Vida said.

"One thing is certain and that is, you can't abort the child, Jesus doesn't agree with that."

Mylar nodded in agreement, she also didn't think she had the courage to abort an innocent child even if it dad is an asshole.

"We are going to take care of that child together." Vida said, she placed her hand on Mylar's hand with a reassuring smile on her face and Mylar thanked her.

"Thanks a lot Vida, I really appreciate you."

After helping Mylar prepare her dinner, Vida went home promising to see each other at the club the following night.

"Ozzy, you can't do do this to me." Mylar said in tears.

"Ozzy you being really evil right now." Vida also said feeling bad for Mylar.

Earlier, when Mylar arrived at the club, she and Vida went Ozzy to talk to him, to their surprise, Ozzy fired Mylar, his excuse was that he couldn't allow his customers to see a pregnant woman working in his club, for that very reason, her services were no longer required.

If Ozzy had fired her months ago she would have been super happy and feeling on top of world, but in this condition, Ozzy's decision was rather too harsh for her and she had no idea as to how she was going to survive without this job. Vida went on pleadings on her behalf while Mylar was totally lost in thought, Ozzy kept on refusing Vida's plea, slowly Mylar turned around and walked out of the club in despair.

She walked through the lonely alley without even knowing it, before she used to be scared to walk through here alone. Her heart was heavy and it felt like a huge weight was placed on her and she was suffocating, the pain was excruciating. At long last, she got home, laid on her bed but couldn't sleep a wink, she sobbed quietly for hours and when she got tired later, she fell asleep.

Camilo's nanny walked into his room after knocking on his door for some time without didn't get any response. He was sleeping lousily on his bed, after last night party at his dad's ranch house, he was totally drunk, some of his friends brought him back home in the early hours of morning. She pulled the curtains on the large glass window of his room apart and the bright sunlight shunned on his face making him turn around uneasily, he suddenly started speaking in his sleep.

"God! I told you I don't want to drink that small glass, I want the bigger one." He murmured in his drunkenness.

Seeing that he was not waking up, she tried another method, she went into his bathroom and poured some water into the glass cup she took with her to the bathroom, she then came back to where he was, still sleeping with his face turned away from the sun and poured the entire glass of water on him. He jumped up in a fright and started cleaning off the water on his face while swearing at his nanny.

"Even though I love you so much, you shouldn't have done that to me." He said to her, he was quite upset by what she did.

"Your dad has been waiting for you in his study for over an hour now, that was why he asked me to come and wake you up. I have to wake you up in anyway i can if your dad orders, right?" She asked him with a little smile, Camilo then said to her. "Fine, i commend you nanny Emelda. You did the right thing."

"Thank you. Now get ready quickly and go to your dad, don't keep him waiting." She said and left the room.

Emelda Castro was a novitiate before Camilo's dad hired her to be his son's nanny when his wife, Camilo's mom had PTSD (Post traumatic stress disorder) that was caused by an incident that happened several years ago. Emelda is the only person Camilo loves and trust because she's always supportive when it comes to any decision he makes, she took care of him and brought him up the way she wanted the child she never had to be.

Camilo knocked slightly on the door of the study and his dad called him inside, instead of sitting down on his chair going through books like Camilo always saw him doing whenever he came to the study, he was pacing forwards and backwards, he seemed stressed. Camilo hesitantly walked inside and stood before his dad.

"I called you here because I want you to do something very important for me." Mr Julian said after a while of silence and staring at Camilo.

"And what is it that you need me to do, you know that I am always at your beck and call. Just say it and I will try my best to get it done." Camilo said with a strong and confident smile.

"This isn't for me, it's for your mom." Mr Julian said to him making his face turn pale, his dad barely speaks about his mom and because of the things he has seen, he didn't think his dad cared about his mom anymore. Mr Julian continued talking not minding Camilo's silence.

"Your mom wants a grandchild and a woman she can talk to in the house, a woman like your wife."

Camilo started laughing uncontrollably and Mr Julian heard him say while laughing.

"The crazy woman wants to have a grandchild from me, how great is that."

"Don't you dare gib your mom you ungrateful son of a bitch, you don't have the right to do that because you are at fault for everything that ever happened to your mom. Out of love for her child, she did everything she could to save you." Mr Julian said yelling at Camilo, Camilo suddenly became quiet with his gaze away from his dad.

"She wants a grandchild and a daughter in-law, so get her one."

"But dad how do I do that? I can't just go out there and get someone pregnant, that will be crazy considering my statues."

Mr Julian was starting to get annoyed by Camilo words and so he told him his final decision.

"Are you still thinking about your goddamn statues? Look here Camilo, I am not asking you to do it, I am ordering you. So get your mom a woman to have your child or get the hell out my house. You know you became something only because of my support and I only supported you because of your mom even after everything that happened."

After saying this, Mr Julian stormed out of the study and left Camilo alone with his anger and bitterness.

Fuck!!! He suddenly yelled after a while and stamped his feet on the ground.

The bright sunlight woke Mylar up the next morning, she got up from her bed feeling weary and her feeble mind couldn't think of anything at all.

"What do I do now." She cried out.

Tiny drops of tears came out of her eyes and she quickly wiped them off and said to herself.

"Girl, you ain't gonna cry anymore."

She went into her tiny bathroom and took a warm shower, she got dressed in a lovely pink long arm gown and wore black boots, she then went out of the house in search of jobs to do.

After walking around for a long time without finding any work or anything fun to do, she got tired and sat on a park bench to rest for a while. From where she sat, she noticed the tall library building and smiled.

"I guess I could go to the library and read something, maybe that will cleared my head and get some shits off my mind." She sighed softly and got up, she slowly walked towards the library. Looking at it, you would think the library was just close by but in reality, it was quite far away. Finally she got there and entered the building, the librarian was an elderly woman with grey hair, she had a frown on her face and was keeping an eyes on everyone in library like a hawk, perhaps hoping to catch any law breaker.

"Hey young man speak softly, this is a library and not your home." She was also ready to reprimand the law breakers.

"I see Miss Linda followed me here." Mylar said with a smile, she was talking about her old landlady.

She walked through the book shelves looking through each of the books to find the one she wanted to read then after a while she picked out one book

"Brooklyn story by Suzanne Corso." Mylar read aloud.

She found a more secluded place behind the huge shelves and got herself settled down and then started reading the Novel.

She finished the entire Novel by five thirty in the evening and got up to leave, she put the novel back in its place and while she was going out of the library, she saw a flyer containing a vacancy advertisement and read through it. It was a restaurant, they were in need of more crew members and the pay was $27,387 per month and $13 per hour.

She immediately called the restaurant, she was invited to come over the next day.

Mylar got hired and whatever she got at the end of day, she used in taking care of herself and her 'little foodie' as she called her unborn child but still she was getting short on rent money and money for other stuffs as well. After a month of working, her stomach started getting bigger and her appetite increased, her taste in food also became different, before she liked eating sandwich, salads and fries but now she eats chinese noodles, hot dogs, she likes eating fruits even the ones she hated before and even tamarind, that is so sour.

"How are you coping girl?" Vida asked when she came to visit Mylar, she looked at Mylar's face, Mylar looked very tired and little dark cycles were around her eyes.

"I guess I am doing great, just chilling." Mylar replied with a false smile.

Vida moved closer to her on the bed, holding her hands, she apologise to Mylar with tears in her eyes.

"I am so sorry that I couldn't help you in any way. I'm really sorry."

Mylar couldn't hold back her tears anymore, she let it all out flowing down her face. She said to Vida while crying. "My life is so terrible now, I thought I was suffering before but now it's way worse than before."

"Hey, don't say that. I know that everything will be fine soon, just have some faith." Vida said trying to comfort her. Mylar looked at Vida and said to her.

"Off course you can say that when you are still beautiful and you only have your mouth to feed. My biggest problem now is that my stomach is getting bigger and i keep getting tired and mostly sick."

"Do you get nauseous and keep vomiting?" Vida asked and Mylar nodded.

"That means you have HG (hyperemesis gravidarum). Gosh you are so frail." Vida cried out.

"So what do I do about this HG doctor Vida?" Mylar asked her, Vida help feeling sad for her friend, she didn't like the way Mylar looked now.

"You will be needing constant hospital treatment and that means money. Girl, don't you think you should inform Camilo about your pregnancy, I think you need help, you can't do this alone."

Mylar looked away, she didn't think this was a good idea. Camilo isn't a responsible person and she couldn't even think of how he will react to this. She turned back towards Vida after thinking it through and said.

"I don't think he will accept the child."

"Why not give it a try and see, what if he accepts?" Vida ask. Mylar looked at her big tummy and back at Vida.

The next morning, Mylar and Vida went to the subway station and took the train to Carnegie Hill, upper east side Manhattan and to Julian Wylder's Mansion, one of the most beautiful houses in Newyork city. The house was absolutely gorgeous, tall oark trees and other types of trees, trim flower beds, flower stones and other beautiful flowers with different amazing frangrance could be seen everywhere, each house was far from the other and a long desolated clean road lead to the house. The Mansion was designed like an ancient royal palace but looking at it, you would know that it is very expensive, it looked so perfect that it became Mylar's dream house at that very instant.

They went to gold metal automatic sliding gate, it had a phone doorbell intercom system on the wall outside, such advanced technology they've never used before. Then they used the gate call box to call and patiently waited for someone inside to answer them.

Miss Emelda heard the sound and went to check the camera, she saw two young ladies looking into the camera, at first she wanted to ignore them because they didn't look like any of Camilo's friends or Mr Julian's business partners but then she thought to herself that she need to chase them away in case they were beggars here for alms, so that Mr Julian wouldn't meet such people at his door.

She hurriedly went into the compound and opened the gate with the remote control, which only family members had access to.

"Hello ma'am." Mylar and Vida greeted her when they saw her come out. She ignored their greetings and asked bluntly.

"What do you want?"

Mylar noticed a bit of rudeness in the way the woman spoke but ignored it, she wasn't here to fight with a rude lady, so she replied in a friendly way with a smile on her face.

"We are here to see Camilo Wylder, we learnt he lives here."

"Camili doesn't give out money to beggars, so why don't you run along and stop wasting our time."

Mylar and Vida were both left in shock, they look at what they had on, it was indeed simple but it was a decent dress. Mylar went on to speak and also tried to control her anger while talking.

"Excuse me, we ain't beggars. I am just here to tell Camilo something very important, so please just go inside and tell him that Mylar from Gentlemen's club is here."

"I don't care what club or wherever you come from, just go, leave this premises this instant." Miss Emelda said to them and turned to go back inside.

"Hey lady, are you kiddin'? You can't just chase us out of here." Mylar yelled at her unable to control her anger anymore.

"Off course I can do that, I am Camilo's nanny. I am his guardian in this house and my duty is to chase away rags who are trying to be nuisances to him." Mrs Emelda yelled back.

"I'm dead!" Vida said and started laughing hysterically at the Miss Emelda, then she moved closer to the woman, who stared on embarrassed by the way Vida was making fun of her and warned then Vida mocked her.

"You are just a maid, calling yourself nanny ain't gonna change that you are still a goddamn househelp, so don't come here acting all madam of the house with us." She usually changes her way of talking whenever she is upset.

Miss Emelda was angry with how the ladies were mocking her, she went back inside and used the remote control to close back the gate, leaving the girls outside.

"I can't believe her guts, she's unbelievable." Vida yelled angrily after Miss Emelda left. Mylar was lost in her own thoughts, she spoke after a while.

"She is annoying but still she could have helped us to see Camilo because she is his nanny. What do we do now?"

"We come back tomorrow girl." Vida said and wrapped her right hand around Mylar's shoulder with a smile. They walked a little because they didn't have much money on them but it was also part of the things the doctor advised Mylar to do for an easy delivery.

Elio crossed his legs as he sat down in his office, he took off his glasses and place them on the table, then his thoughts went back to some hours ago when he had gone home, his mom had spoken to him like a normal person for forty five minutes. It made him happy but the only thing she was talking about was Camilo getting married and starting up his own family and that really upset him.

"Why didn't she talk about me, don't I also get to fall in love, get married and start up a family of my own. Why does she always think of him, it is his fault that she is not fine anymore. Then why does she love him more than me?" Elio said sadly as drops of tears came rushing down his face.

"It's so unfair, it's really unfair." He kept saying this words as he continues to cry and he didn't even notice someone walking towards him as he laid his head on his table and continued sobbing bitterly.

Elio!!! The person called out, her beautiful feminine voice so calm and lovingly. She was wearing sequin short slitted blue dress and her face was more beautiful with a little makeover. Her long black hair left loosely on her back, Elio raised up his head quickly forgetting to wipe off his tears, he looked terrible. She placed her tender hand on his face and wiped off his tears for him, then she asked him.

"Are you thinking about Camilo again? I told you not to do that anymore right?"

"How can i stop thinking about him, when he messed up mine and my mom's goddamn life." Elio said with all the anger inside of him and tears ran out of his eyes.

"It's wasn't really his fault you know." The lady said trying to calm him down, this made Elio scoffed.

"You too Trina, you are also supporting him, that's what everyone else has been doing." Elio looked at her, his eyes red from crying and his heart was filled with rage.

"If he hadn't left the house that day because of a little thing such as wanting to go to a friend's party, then we would have never thought that he was the one who died in that accident." Elio said and wiped off the tears which were still coming out of his eyes.

"Please stop, Elio stop talking about that incident please." Trina pleaded with him holding his hands. He pulled his hands out of hers and said to her.

"I can't. Mom believed that he didn't die and she went looking for that son of a bitch for three goddamn days and when she did come back home, mom was bleeding. She had been raped by three men just because she was searching for her idiot of a son who was busy enjoying his life for three days in the midst of idiots like him and different girls." Elio continued crying painfully.

"Elio." Trina called sadly, she was also in tears. She knew this story because Elio that was what Elio always talks about. She was his childhood friend as well as highschool sweetheart but they parted ways before the incident happened, Trina's parents had sent her to California where her grandmother lived to go to a different highschool. She back three months ago and now works under one of the biggest firm in Newyork city as one of it most renowned lawyer.

Elio stopped crying after receiving the most comforting hug from Trina and said to her.

"When I went home today, mom spoke to me with so much love, it's been a long time and I really miss that but all the while we were talking, what mom could talk about was Camilo, she wants him to get married and give her a grandchild, a very cute one like Camilo."

"Were you hurt by that?" Trina asked.

"Yes, very much but the thing is, I love seeing my mom happy and I am also ready to do whatever it takes to help her get well soon even if that is to force Camilo to get married to someone and start up a family." Trina saw that his confidence and strong will was back and that he was feeling much better, she was very happy to see that. Then she suddenly frowned her face and looked away from him as if upset, he saw this and tried to know what was wrong with her.

"I see that Camilo's the only one who gets all the attention here and I am not important." She said to him.

Elio smiled, he got up and gave her a light kiss on her forehead and then he said to her.

"You will always be important. You know you are the only amazing friend i have." Her heart was suddenly hurt as if hit and broken into pieces but she quickly put on smile. They gave each other another tight hug and went out of the office together to grabbed their lunch.

The next morning, Mylar got ready and sat down waiting for Vida to come, today she was more determined and ready to do anything she possibly can to meet with Camilo and even that nanny of his wouldn't be able to stop her. She heard a gentle knock on the door and hurried to open it.

"What took you so long." Mylar asked and let Vida in, they gave each other a hug and Vida asked Mylar to pick up her bag.

"I was on the internet browsing to see if I can find anything about Camilo or anywhere else we can meet him." Vida replied as they went outside the room and Mylar locked the door, she placed the key carefully in her bag.

"Wow, you now an internet guru as well." Mylar said jokingly as they went on their way.

Mrs Camila insisted on going out of the house, she was so tired of being locked up but Miss Emelda tried convincing her to stay, she didn't want Mr Julian who asked her to keep Mrs Camila away from people to be upset with her.

"It's too hot out there and Mr Julian will not like it."

"Julian is my husband, he can't stop me from doing what I want, take me out this instant or else I will leave on my own." Mrs Camila threatens.

"Why do you want to go out ma'am? Please i don't want to loose my job." Miss Emelda pleaded. Mrs Camila said to Mrs Emelda with a beautiful smile on her face and excitement in her voice.

"I want to go out and find a bride for my baby boy Camilo and then she will give me a beautiful grandchild. Wouldn't it be great to have a beautiful soul in the house."

"Ma'am please listen to me." They kept arguing on and on, as they argued Mylar and Vida stood outside calling but none of them noticed.

"What do we do, if that mean lady refuses to open the door for us?" Vida asked after a long sigh.

"No matter what, I won't leave this place until I see Camilo and let him know that I am carrying his child." Mylar said confidently, she was already getting tired but each time she thought of her child, she knew she just has to be strong. Then suddenly, they noticed the gate was opening and a white limousine came out of the house, Mylar ran in front of the car with her hands raised up to stop them. Seeing her from inside the car, Miss Emelda was furious and got out of the car. She went to Mylar and dragged her away from the car and started yelling at her.

"If this is how you behave in your ghetto, then I am sorry to say that you are no less than a rogue." After she was done shouting, Mylar spoke softly.

"If doing this important thing in my life makes me a rogue, then I am much obliged to accept that title. I came here to tell Camilo something important and I won't leave until I do so."

"Then I will call the police." Miss Emelda threatened her hoping her threats will chase her away.

"You can go ahead and call the police but I am not leaving until I tell Camilo that important thing." Mylar said to her without any fear. Vida watched from where she stood how this two were exchanging words, she has never seen Mylar this confident and determined before, she knew her to be a gentle, sweet girl who could only say some few words when necessary.

"And what important thing is that? Tell me, then maybe I can help you out." Miss Emelda said to Mylar.

"If you want to know what the important thing is, then fine I will tell you. I am pregnant for Camilo Wylder and I need him to know that. I can't take care of a child on my own, I tried and I failed woefully. I need him to know so that he can fulfill his part as the father of the child." Mylar said out loud.

Mrs Camila heard everything she said, she opened the door of the car and came down, one look at Mylar made her smile, she looked down at Mylar's baby bump that was already so big and couldn't be hidden anymore and she felt so much joy inside of her.

Miss Emelda started laughing hysterically at Mylar, she thought to herself that Mylar was a golddigger who came here with her own ploy to steal money from the Wylder family. Miss Emelda started saying hurtful words to her, just to chase her away.

"Even though you are poor, how can you use your child to lie? You look so innocent and yet so deceitful, how low can you stoop to get a few dollars from this family."

Mylar watched quietly as Miss Emelda went on insulting her. Mrs Camila came towards them and went straight to Mylar, then she asked slowly.

"Is it true that my grandchild is inside your stomach?" Mylar looked at her surprised, she didn't know who the woman was but if she mentioned her grandchild, that means she must be Camilo's mother.

"Mrs Camila, why did you come out of the car? Go back inside, I can handle this myself." Miss Emelda said to her.

"I am talking to you dear, are you Camilo's girlfriend? Are you having a little baby for my son?" Mrs Camila asked ignoring Miss Emelda.

"She is Camilo's mom." Vida wispered. Mylar smiled, finally someone who wants to hear her out.

"Yes. It's Camilo's child, your grandchild." Mylar replied her with a smile. Mrs Camila placed her soft hand on Mylar's face and ran her hand through Mylar's smooth hair.

"I want her to live here with me, I want to be close to my grandchild." Mrs Camila said with a lovely smile.

Miss Emelda was shocked by how this was going and was also angry by what Mrs Camila was saying and so she protested.

"That's impossible Mrs Camila."

"That is what I want." Mrs Camila said slowly and calmly, she gently laid her hand on Mylar's stomach and moved her hand round Mylar's tummy with a smile on her face.

Afterwards the both of them kept arguing about Mylar staying with them and Mylar not staying with them.

Slowly three cars approached them, Mr Julian had gone to pick up his son's, Camilo only agreed to come to have dinner with his mom and everyone else (everyone else means, his brother) only after he threatened him. They quickly got down from their cars, Elio came running before the others to his mom and Mr Julian came after him.

"What is going on here?" Mr Julian asked as he held his wife's arm.

Mylar!!! Camilo called out with surprise as he got closer to Mylar, looking at her, he saw her big stomach and different thoughts started running through his head.

"Do you know her Camilo?" Miss Emelda asked and Camilo replied stammering.

"No..no..not really."

"I want her to stay here with me." Mrs Camila kept repeating, she starting to get upset. Mr Julian tried to calm her down and wanted to take her inside but Mrs Camila held Mylar's hand tightly and kept saying to her husband.

"I want her to stay here with me."

Mr Julian asked Mylar to come inside. Along with Vida they all went inside the expensively furnished house and Mrs Camila made Mylar sit next to her. Then Mr Julian spoke to Mylar after they were all seated.

"Tell us the reason why you are here dear."

Mylar was glad she was finally given a chance to speak, she explained everything to them, everything that transpired between her and Camilo. Camilo was so restless, he hoped in his heart that they will send Mylar away, he wasn't ready to accept some child especially when its from someone like Mylar.

"A classless girl." He said to himself.

After she finished explaining herself, Vida also chipped in her own part to confirm and support Mylar's story. Mr Julian looked disappointingly at his son, he felt insulted by what Camilo did, this might tarnish his and his family his entire families image. What would Camilo's grandmother say to him.

"I want her to stay here, I will take care of the baby myself." Mrs Camila said with excitement and then giggled holding Mylar's hand in hers. Miss Emelda tried to oppose but Mr Julian stopped her, he had thought about it and after thinking about it, he realised three things and those were, he has to let her stay for the sake of the innocent child and after the child is born, they can get a DNA test done to know if Camilo is really the father even though he was already certain that Camilo is indeed responsible for her pregnancy, he would only do a DNA test so that people won't look down on his son. Secondly for the sake of his wife, to make her happy and help her get well soon and lastly, it's good publicity for his son if he becomes responsible for something and will make the public to stop seeing Camilo as the way they presumed him, so he decided to accept her for those reasons.

"I will let you live in the house with us, I think you deserve it after what my son did to you."

"I didn't do anything forcefully, she agreed to do it." Camilo murmured angrily, luckily for him, Mr Julian didn't hear what he said. Mr Julian asked for Mylar's silence until the matter is settled.

"But I would like you to keep it a secret and let me handle things."

After hearing her husband's decision, Mrs Camila clapped with joy, Elio smiled seeing how happy his mom was, Mr Julian was also happy to see his wife's mood. For several years now, she didn't even want to talk to anyone let alone laughing or being happy.

"But I have a condition for the sake of my son." Mr Julian said to Mylar who was beginning to feel relieved as it seemed that a heavy weight has been lifted from her shoulders.

"What is it sir?" She asked feeling a bit nervous, she was wondering what favor he could possibly want from her.

"You two are going to get married but it will be a contract marriage." Mr Julian replied her, Camilo heaved a sigh of relief at what his dad said, he couldn't imagine spending the rest of his life with Mylar, he could handle a year or two. Mylar quietly replies.

"A contract marriage, that's fine but for how long will the contract last?"

"The contract will begin immediately after you both sign the papers I will ask lawyer to prepare and then it end when the child turns three but after that, you will be leaving the child in our custody when the time comes, you don't have to be concerned about the child, we will take proper care of him or her and give it the very best of everything. You also will receive a huge sum of money enough to start up your life." Mr Julian replied.

Mylar became sad at the thought of giving up her child, that will be inhuman of her. She didn't want to spend her life with Camilo either but still, she can't just give up her child.

"Can I be given some time to think about it?" She asked Mr Julian, after some minutes of thinking it through.

Mr Julian looked at Camilo and then back at Mylar and then gave his approval, then Mr Julian said to her.

"I will ask my driver to take you back to your house."

"Thank you sir." They both chorus and said goodbye to Mrs Camila who was still insisting that Mylar stays with her, Mr Julian assured her that Mylar would live with them and that was when Mrs Camila finally calm down. They went outside to wait for the driver to bring the car to the front.

"I didn't think his dad will easily accept you but I am glad at how things turned out." Vida said to Mylar as they were waiting.

"I am glad too but I don't really think I can let them keep my child after giving birth, it's isn't easy for me to let go of a part of me just like that." Mylar said with sadness showing on her face.

"I know it's hard but we both know, you can't take care of the child, we could just tell them that you should be allowed to visit your child from time to time. What about that?" Vida asked.

"That's a very good idea." Mylar said, she never thought of that, this way her child will know she exist.

Hi!!! called a lovely voice from behind them, they both turned around quickly and saw the tall masculine guy with the cutest smile. Vida raised waved her hand in front of her with a stupid smile on her face.

"Hi." They both replied, they didn't notice him earlier because of all the chaos.

"I don't think the driver is coming anytime soon, why don't you do me the honors of allowing me to take you to your house." Elio said with a smile.

"And who might you be?" Mylar asked and Vida pinched her hand a little. Mylar looked at Vida with both an annoyed and surprise look on her face, why would Vida pinch her like that, she only did that when she doesn't want her to talk.

"We don't really mind you dropping us off. Maybe you could tell us more about yourself on the way." Vida said and his hand, this really surprised him and Mylar.

He drove them to Mylar's house in his black exotic electric car, a porsche taycan turbo S. Vida sat comfortably in the front after begging Mylar to seat at the back, Mylar agreed and sat quietly the back. The car was super fast and so beautiful, both in and out. After a little of driving in silence, Vida broke the silence by asking.

"You haven't told us who you are yet. We are afraid you might be a kidnapper." He looked at her slightly with a smile and turned his gaze back to the road.

"What a question to ask after riding in his car for over twenty minutes." Mylar thought to herself.

He looked at Mylar in the rear view mirror, she wasn't even looking at them, she seemed busy with her own thoughts. He then replied Vida's question.

"I am Elio, Mr Julian's second child and Camilo's younger brother."

Mylar suddenly showed interest, she looked at Elio from behind with shock written on her face. It was indeed rather shocking, everyone knew Camilo have a brother but no one has ever seen him before and who could believe that his brother was such a gentleman. Vida smiled, though she was shocked but she was also glad to be privileged to meet him, he is such a charming young man with great looks as well unlike his asshole of a brother.

"Though Camilo is more handsome and sexier than him but who cares, this guy's a better person than Camilo." Vida thought to herself.

"Camilo's brother." Mylar exclaimed loudly, he heard her and smile.

"Yes I am but do not see me like Camilo because I am nothing like him. His is an exact copy of his dad and I am, of my mom." Elio said to her, he didn't want them to see him differently now that they knew who he was. After getting to Mylar's house, Elio off the engine and turned towards Mylar, then he said to her with sincerity.

"I am sorry for whatever pain my brother caused you. He's just like that, an asshole, a total jackass and fucking arrogant billionaire, his money gets into his head and makes him think, he can do whatever he wants. I need you to trust me and to also be free to ask me for whatever you and the child might need, I will make sure to give it to you." Mylar thanked him for his kindness, he got out of the car, went around and opened the door for Mylar and then went to open the door for Vida like the gentleman that he was. Vida smiled, she has never been treated like this before.

From afar, someone came approaching them with a big fake smile on her face, it was Mrs Linda, Mylar's annoying landlady. She called out to Mylar sweetly as she saw Elio carrying her bag, she felt that the father of her child was finally here to take his child and he also seemed rich from the way he was dressed, so she wanted to be nice to Mylar now.

"Mylar! You are welcome back, I have been waiting for you, I thought I check up on my pregnant tenant but it's seems the father of the child is already here to check up on his child."

Mylar remembered how the landlady called her a slut who opens here legs for every man, she even went ahead to threaten her, she told her that she was going to send her out of house soon but all of a sudden, she is now acting all sweet, it's obviously because she saw Elio and his fancy car.

"Oh that's so sweet of you. You lying old witch" Vida said mocking her.

"I might be a lying witch but we all know that Mylar's is knocked up right?" The old woman replied Vida's taunting now mocking Mylar, she had forgotten all about her plan of being nice to her.

"She isn't knocked up, she is my brother's girlfriend and they both love each other very much. It is because of their love for each other that they are having this child, don't see me as a liar, i mean whatever I say. Tomorrow morning, Mylar is leaving this house of yours to live in the Mansion owned by Julian Wylder her soon to be father in-law." Elio said in order to defend Mylar and make the old lady chew her words. Miss Linda was totally dumbstruck by what she heard.

"Julian Wylder, famous billionaire and father to two billionaires." Miss Linda exclaimed in shock. Mylar and Vida smiled seeing her reaction, Elio wanted to get her even more shocked.

"And do you even know who she is getting married to?" Miss Linda shakes her head from left in response to what he asked.

"Camilo Wylder and she is going to be my sister in-law and do you know who I am? Elio Wylder, younger brother of Camilo Wylder." Her legs suddenly became weak and she almost fell, the shock was too much. They left her in that state and went away to Mylar's room.

"Thank you so much." Mylar said with a heart of gratitude, Elio smiled and said to her.

"You don't have to thank me, that old lady kinda deserved it."

They said their goodbyes to each other and he went away. Vida placed her hand on her heart with a sweet smile on her face, Mylar looked at her and pinched her shoulder.

Arghhh!!! She yelled in pain.

"What was that for?" She asked yelling at Mylar.

"Why was your face like that? That smile, what was that for?" Mylar asked her. Vida held Mylar's hand and pleaded with her.

"Please Mylar, since he is going to be your brother in-law, can you please hook us up? I like him, his super sweet and so cute. Please!!!" Mylar started laughing and said to her.

"Crazy bitch, let's go inside."

She went inside and Vida ran after her.