
please reset the booktitle Abraham_Alice 20231218092329 33

Abraham_Alice · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

Convincing Uncle Murphy


ALICE POV: It is a Friday, Annabelle has gone to school, Uncle Murphy has gone to work, and Mrs Mackenzie has gone grocery shopping, so I was left alone in the house. I sat at the white painted sitting room. Uncle Murphy built the mansion to my taste, it was an all white mansion, I love white a lot, I don't know if it's because I'm The White Wolf. My hair is white in color, but my eyes are blue. I love to wear white clothes and they look good on me.

I was sitting at the sitting room, watching Diego Matthews pep talk on TikTok, he said funny and touching things, he really has his way with words. I wanted to meet him so bad, but until I convince my uncle to let me go to highschool, that is still a dream.

After Annabelle came back from school, I dragged her inside my room and locked the door behind me.

ANNABELLE: What is it?, I just got back from school (she said removing her bag).

ALICE: I want to go to highschool.

ANNABELLE: I know you want to go to highschool, but Uncle Murphy won't let you.

ALICE: I know, that's why I want you to help me, so we can convince him to let me.

ANNABELLE: I want you to go to highschool, I want us to go to the same highschool, but convincing Uncle Murphy is more difficult than physics.

ALICE: You always have ideas, just think of something he'll fall for, come on...., you're the Queen of Ideas

ANNABELLE:(Smiles) I was waiting for that title, Umh....(pauses) I think I have an idea.

ALICE: (Smiles) I love you.

ANNABELLE: You'll have to cry.

ALICE: (Confused) What? How is that gonna help me?

ANNABELLE: You know he doesn't like to see you cry, you have to cry and give him reasons why he should let you go to highschool.

ALICE: (Curiously) Reasons like what?

ANNABELLE: Your powers.

ALICE: (Smiles) Umh....., my powers.

ANNABELLE: (Smiles back) Get what I'm saying?

ALICE: (Still smiling) I got you.

AUTHOR POV: In the evening, after Murphy came back from work, Alice walked to him.

ALICE: Uncle Murphy, can I talk to you?

MURPHY: Sure, what is it?

ALICE: Let's sit

MURPHY: Okay (They both sat down facing each other).

ALICE:(Breathes in and out) I wanna go to highschool.

MURPHY:(Exhales) Alice, I thought we concluded on this topic.

ALICE: You did, but I haven't.

MURPHY: You aren't ready to face the world, the world is dangerous for you.

ALICE: When will I be ready?

MURPHY: When you've discovered all your powers, and can turn into a complete Wolf.

ALICE: How will I discover all my powers, when I'm locked indoors. How will I turn into a complete Wolf when you don't let me go out. (Tears falls from her eyes) I've been locked indoors for two hundred years, I didn't cross the fence of all the house we moved from, and I haven't.

MURPHY: I'm only trying to protect you, Alice.

ALICE: I know , but you're being overprotective. If I continue to live like this, I won't be able to defeat the Grunts. If we wait any longer, the Grunts are gonna kill more Wolves, Vampires and Humans. You want me to discover all my powers, you also said there are lots of Wolves and Vampires in the Human World. If I go out to the world, I'll be able to see and imitate the powers of other Wolves and Vampires.

MURPHY:(Worried) What if the Grunts find out about your existence?

ALICE: They will eventually (hold his hands) I know you don't want to loose me, the way you lost my parents, but if we continue to live like this, lots of lives will be lost. Like my mom said I am the only one who can completely put an end to the Grunts, so please let me go to highschool, I want to feel the joy of going to highschool. Please .....(she pleaded with teary eyes)

MURPHY:(Silent for a while) Fine, on conditions.

ALICE:(Smiles) Anything.

MURPHY: Especially this condition, that you will never let anyone know that you are the White Wolf, they shouldn't even know you are a Wolf.

ALICE:(Still smiling) No problem Sir.

MURPHY: Okay then, I'll prepare for you to start school on Monday.

ALICE:(Hugs him) Thank you uncle Murphy, you're the best(Uncle Murphy smiles) One more favor uncle Murphy.

MURPHY: What is it this time?

ALICE: Please transfer Annabelle to the school you'll take me to, you know she is my bestie.

MURPHY:(Chuckles) Fine.

ALICE:(Smiles) Thank you uncle Murphy, I love you.

MURPHY: I love you too (Alice walks happily to her room, when she entered the room, Annabelle was sitting on the bed).

ANNABELLE:(Curiously)What did he say?

ALICE:(Smiles) I'm going to highschool (she said in a sing-song form).

ANNABELLE:(Jump off the bed excitedly) Really?

ALICE: Yeah (They hugged each other screaming and dancing excitedly)

ANNABELLE: (Smiling) Finally.

ALICE:(Also smiling) Yeah.

ANNABELLE: I'm so happy for you, you're finally going to highschool (sad face) I wish we could go to the same highschool, uncle Murphy will probably take you to the most prestigious school in town.

ALICE: Oh come on, we're going to the same highschool, I told uncle Murphy to transfer you to the school he'll take me to, and he said he will.

ANNABELLE:(Curiously) Really?


ANNABELLE:(Screams excitedly, and they continued singing and dancing).