
Please Don’t Serve Me On A Platter!!

An office lady somehow got reincarnated into the game she was working on as the villainess who was destined to die miserably in the End. Oh what should I do!?, runaway or- huh why is the heroine keep looking at me like that? *Breaks end*

P_Tato · LGBT+
33 Chs

So.. not a nightmare? Ch.8

Mmhnm!… where.. am I? Oh this is my room.. or Kannavis's room so to speak.. I'm still here.


My body..I feel a deep throbbed in my abdomen, I only raised my body to sit on my bed, and I felt like I was in tattered…

"So all of it was real.." I turned my head to look outside. Its body is still there, shined over by the moonlight.

"My lady!.. you're awake!"

Oh. When I turned to the side, Irene was at my bedside, she looked tired… but still brilliant...

"..How long was I out?" I asked.

"About an hour now, my lady."

"I see…How are the people?"

She went quiet. Her delightful expression from a moment ago changed.

"… Two people have lost their lives, and ten are heavily injured…"


Damn it..It was my fault! If I didn't go there… if Irene didn't follow me… she would have helped those people… I survived but they..

I bit my lip in anger. If that thing ate me, it wouldn't have come here…if only I was faster.. stronger.. I-I should have di-

Suddenly, she grabbed my hand. Her face, staring out the window with a blank expression.

"It was not your fault, my lady. All of it was neither our fault. We couldn't have known, Don't push the blame onto yourself …"

"… okay."

I see.. it wasn't just me who was going through this feeling. Irene, she definitely knows this better that anyone else.

Then, the door opened, Galium and Holly walked in.

" You're up?..How are you feeling?"

Galium?, weird of him to asked.

" mmm..Feels like I just got step on by a giant lizard, but I'm probably just imagining it."

He looked agitated with my answer as he placed his hand to feel his temple.

"Well.. it did do that to you, yet you survived long enough to get healed anyway, that's unfortunate."

We both side-eyed each other, Heh.. this guy.. you really want me to die huh?

Holly and Irene looked worried that we might caused a scene again.

He continued- " Irene informed me about how you guys encountered that wyvern, but I am curious , what were you doing in the woods at that hour? Didn't you think that it was dangerous?" He sounded worried.

I couldn't possibly tell him the reason, I won't be hearing the end of it for the rest of my life if he knows!

" I think it would be difficult for her lady to explain what happened in this condition." Irene cuts in to talk.

" I suggest that her lady should rest some more, the elixir of life might have healed her body, but her mind might be extremely exhausted right now."

Right the elixir of life, brewed only by masters in the art of alchemy. It can heal all type of physical wounds, no matter how bad the damaged were, if you are still breathing that is, then you'll be in top shape in an instant after consuming it. It's a powerful potion, only if it wasn't such a rare item, supplies are limited; therefore, only the riches and high raking-people can indulge themselves with this potion. I was lucky enough to born with a silver spoon, but those people…

"Mmm alright. I shouldn't put pressure on a weak person like that. There's work I have to take care of, so I'll be leaving first. Please take care of yourself, Irene." Galium said.

Seriously? he didn't even bid his sister goodnight, what a jerk.

"Goodnight, my lady." Holly said, then followed Galium out.

Hahhh.. this is exhausting…mmm?.. She's going to?

"Please rest well, my lady" Irene said, then she began to get up and walked away.

"W-Wait!"… wa-what am I saying? What am I doing? am I asking her to stay right now?

"..Yes, my lady?"

"..No-nothing." I turned my body away from her, and coverd myself over the head under my blanket.

Irene smiled- " I'm just going over to check with the other maids for a bit, I'll be back, my lady."

Who said I want you back?! Seriously, she's too smooth with this…




I didn't know when I had fallen asleep, the nightmare from Kannavis memories were starting to show up again.

"You're Worthless!"

" You bring misfortunes to our Family!!"

"..Why did you even born again?"

"Seriously you can't even do your work right.."

Huh.. what's this?

Before, it was just Kannavis's memories, now my memories from my past life are popping up, and only the bad ones too.

My last manager from my last job, was an old acquaintance from high school, he despised me. As such, work was hell, any little mistakes were made, and I'm sure I would get fired the next day. Someday, I would get so anxious that I would just stand there at the train station, and missed my train to work. He didn't get me fired, he enjoyed making me feel that way. I was in a depressed state for awhile, I knew I couldn't keep up with it anymore and eventually, I resigned.

Soon I found another job at the gaming company, and Levanta Strings, was my first project. I enjoyed working on it, and my teams were great. I would have never guessed that I died doing what I love..Nevertheless, he still haunts me sometimes, and now he even haunts me in another life.

"Freaking hell…" what did I even do to these people… please… shut up.. Shut up…SHUT UP!! SHUT UP!!!..



"Do you want them gone?"

What!? Who said that?

"Huh!?.. who?"

Suddenly everything in my dream became pitch black, that graspy voice… it was the crow totem.. from the cemetery..

"Aren't you tired of being looked down? ..These people.. they just throw their angers at you like it was your fault? Don't you think that it's unfair?"

"…Yeah. It is truly awful.. I haven't done anything to them..so why am I being treated this way? unacceptable…Unacceptable!" I yelled in agony, I knew it was petty to think like that, but I couldn't help it.

"Well then." The crow said.

Suddenly, there's a light shining in to the darkness. It brightens a spot, and that spot has a table, a plate with a lid covered. And there it was, the crow, standing beside the plate. It looked just like any crow, but its eyes were replaced with a pair of purple sapphires.

"..What's in there?" I got close and asked the crow.

The crow opened its mouth-"Powers. Aren't you hungry? This world has always been prejudiced to you,starved you of your greatness. Don't you think you need to feed yourself well to survived?"

..That's right. I have always been weak. I want to get stronger.. maybe then I can protect my people, Holly.. or even proudly stand by her side…

I opened the lid without a second thought. It was a blood pumping-heart, it was huge, almost the size of a basket. It soaked in blood, and was still beating like it's fresh from the being.

It was a horror of a sight to see, but for some reason, I wasn't disgusted. No-On the contrary, I was starving. Before I knew, I began to chow down on that thing. It tasted extremely awful, so awful, but I continued to gulp in down like it was the most the delicious thing I have ever tasted in my life.

"..huhaHaHaHaHa! YES! Devours it! Don't even leave a single piece of MEAT on that plate!"

The crow was thrilled, it started to laugh like a maniac at the sight of me, looking at me like I was an animal.

Just like the crow said, I ate the whole thing, tendons and all.There was nothing left, I couldn't believe it, my body was paralyzed in place. The crow flew to land on my shoulder and whispered something in my ears. I couldn't hear anything. Everything was foggy around me.. w-what?



"My Lady!"

Irene grabbed my shoulder and I woke up, but I wasn't in my room anymore. There I was, standing in front of the slained wyvern, in the destroyed garden. Irene was behind me, wearing a scarf around her shoulders, she looked terrified, her eyes were wide opened, staring at me.


I examined myself. My hands were covered in blood, my cloth and my face were stained with crimson-red.

"W-what the f**k?!" I started to freak out.

"My Lady?! What Happened?!" She looked even more confused and horrified as to why I was confused.

"I-I don't know? I was asleep, then you woke me up.. and now I'm here?"

Everything was confusing..I think I was dreaming of something.., but I couldn't remember what it was..

"Whatever the case is, we need to get back inside before they com-"

Before she could finish her sentence, Galium came to the garden and brought along with him a group of men. These men, they dressed in a dark-teal suit, designed almost like a robe and a serpent crest on their ties, but among them, there was a man who stands out. He must be-

"..What are you guys doing out here?" Galium was a bit stunned to see us.

Irene hurried to stand in front of me, and covered my body with her scarf.

" It was nothing, sir Galium. Lady Kannavis just wanted some fresh air. We'll be going back now." Before we could leave, that guy stopped us.

"Ah wait!" The man was a bit taller than Galium, but built with a smaller frame. He got droopy blue eyes, a mole under his right eye, his red hair was medium length and tied back, leaving some strands to fall at the front of his face. Right, just my luck, another male lead has appeared.

mmm tune in on another episode of… what the f happened, and how did I end up here.

P_Tatocreators' thoughts