
Please Don’t Serve Me On A Platter!!

An office lady somehow got reincarnated into the game she was working on as the villainess who was destined to die miserably in the End. Oh what should I do!?, runaway or- huh why is the heroine keep looking at me like that? *Breaks end*

P_Tato · LGBT+
33 Chs

Oh.. wah.. Ch.30

"Greetings… Ladies and Gentlemen!! Welcome.. To The Last but Not Least, The Final Matches…of the Viscum's Champions!" The commentator yelled.


It was guy in a flamboyant tuxedo, with a floating vibrant colored book infront of him. On each top corner of the arena, there's seem to be a creature on all four with a head like a dragonfly. Its mouth was long and shaped like a trumpet, and his voice seemed to echoed out of those creatures' mouth…

On a large open field, located in the prestigious Viscum's Academy, there lies a battle staged that began with the start of the spectral Maytime Festival. As a part of the celebration of such occasions, each year there will a contest held to promote and to cultivate Autumn Lands seeds which are the Insignias' Champions. As previously mentioned, highly gifted and trained people from all parts of the kingdom will gathered at the capital to participate in this tournament. To those who will triumph over other great champions will be bestowed the price of the three Insignias- the sun, representing the house of Leo, the moon, representing the house of Ophis, and finally, the eclipse, representing none other than the house of Corvus.

"It's been such a thrilling four days, full of clashes and amazing battles of the preliminaries. Our Academy's scholars have shown such incredible performances during the the starting of our Autumn Lands' Festival, and going forward to our two finalists' selections, I see we have such promising talents that are sure to attain their title to thee great insignias." The commentator said.

"Ahhh I can't wait to see who will win.."

"I'm betting on senior John."

"Ahh seriously, he's strong…"

"Yeah, but can he beat her?"

"…what? That second year? Pfft she won't stand a chance."

"Hey… her records says otherwise."

There were murmurs among the crowds, debating on the upcoming matches. There was a side balcony under the shade for the royalties and the three houses. Because I sneaked out while on my duty, I sat among the common areas making sure not to attract too much attention, I wore a disguise.

Ughh.. the heat is killing me… The sun was rising atop of the stadium. Everyone were sweating, grasping for air and fanning their face with their hands. Some students even used their magic to cast wind spells, flowing through their surroundings. Thank goodness I didn't bring Ichi with me, little one might get fried out here.

"Without further ado, let's begin the first battle shall we?" The commentator spoke.

Entering from the left tunnel, under the stage was a man with golden locs, wearing an knight amor. The plates seemed to be made of gold, and the sets weren't too big nor too small, a mid weight suits for the average size man. In his hand was a long sword with golden hilt and shield, carved out like the head of a lion.

"On the left we have ourselves Viscum's Sun, the golden boy himself… Amon Clarkkk!" The commentator announced.

"Ohh my godd, I can't believe this. Did you know Senior Clark got to go on an adventure with the imperial family last year?"

"Yeah.. Because of that he wasn't able to participate in the tournament. If he hadn't, I'm sure he would have won the championship last year, wouldn't he?"

"Exactly… and just joining the imperial elites with their mission is already a crazy achievement!"

"He's definitely going to win!"

"Heck yeah!! Whoever it is he's facing, they won't stand a chance!"

While the crowd was cheering onto Clark Amon, another guy walked in from the opposite side. He was an unusually tall figure with pale skin. His hair was white and spike up. His brows was shaved clean and his pupils was narrowed red.

"Uhh who's that scary guy?"

"Mmm I have no idea, but his performances until now was undeniably great too.."

"On the right, we have our newly transferred student from the east side, whom have shown every single of his opponents' a taste defeat and will be going against Amon Clark, the beast of the unknown, White Wolf."


The crowds were clamoring excitedly, eagerly waiting to witness the fight between the rising lion cub and a mysterious wolf from the east, which of them will hunt the other?

Huh? That wolf guy… I've heard of him before. He's a side character, relating to the Ophis, isn't he? I don't think he's supposed to be here though..

The two went on to the center, standing and face off against each other. Amon hold his swords and pointed at the Wolf.

"Let's not waste our time. Fight me with all your might." Amon said.

The wolf was unbothered as his hands were in his pockets, looking down at his opponent.

"…Hah? Why not have some fun?" The wolf said taunting Amon with a smirk.



As soon as the whistle was blown, Amon rushed in immediately towards Wolf, sending a heavy strikes upon him, and destroying the ground, sending a shockwave around and dust piled up in the air.

The arena was fogged up and you can barely see there were yellow sparks and metal clashes sounds under the veil of fog, minutes after, a pale figure jumped up out of the fog, and was followed by a golden light flashing towards him mid-air.

Amon sent a pierce towards Wolf, but he dodges it. In a suprised, Amon swinged his huge shield, hitting Wolf to the ground.

"Ooff!.." Wolf grunted. Right before the shield hit him, he blocked it with his arms and he was shaken up all over.

"Hah! That was a heavy hit!" Wolf said.

"Stop trying to act cool. If you don't use your hand, I'll break it." Amon said.

Wolf smirked at the comment and without wasting another second, Amon rushed in again, lifting his sword, about to slice at him again. Suddenly Amon noticed that there's a wand in Wolf's hand.

Wait, he's a mage? I thought he's a close combatant fighter?! Wait something's not right.- Amon thought.

In that instant, Amon switched from attacking Wolf and put a shield in between the both of them, then-


Wolf whipped his wand diagonally, sending three slashed like a claw towards Amon, pushing him back across the ring.

"Hmph!" Amon grunted. His shield was damaged with marks like claw and his face bled a bit from the side of his cheek. Amon let out a deep sigh, and activated his golden helmet.

There wasn't much of a pause and they were at it again. Amon unleashed combos of sword skills, sending projectiles of swords to negate Wolf's set of unending beast strikes, leaving the arena in a chaos.

Woah… such extraordinary strength! This battle.. it reminded of that time in my room.. those prints of cuts, chiseled deep all over.

After what seemed to be a long quarter of an hour. Both competitors were out of breaths, and their defense have weakened drastically.

"Huahahaha!!! You're really entertaining, Amon Clark" Wolf laughed pleasingly.

"Hmph! You've impressed me as well, White Wolf. I thought you're just a normal mage, but who would have thought. I applaud you truly. In honor of that, let me show you the sword I have honed of." Amon spoke.

In that moment, the ground started shaking as mana was being absorbed into his sword and it began to glowed golden.

"H-hey… are you serious?" Wolf said in a bit of nervous tone, but Amon eyes said it all, he was going to go all out.

"… You've got to be kidding.." Wolf said in annoyance as Amon's getting ready to release his sword intent which would probably destroy the whole arena.

The commentator noticed it and immediately set a protective barrier around them.

Amon held his swords up high, then its light blade extended and reached to the top of the barrier, ready to let it fall upon his opponent.

"Let it be known that an wolf like you may be a leader of a pact, but a lion would always be a king of a kingdom." Amon said.

"Hah! What are you saying dude? I'm a son of the serpent, I don't flock around with dogs." Wolf replied as he chanted a spell.

All of a sudden, Amon felt like as if something was squeezing his whole arm, inhibiting his swinging movement. When Amon took a look, he saw a hairy creature with features like a wolf but elongated like a snake, strangling his hands. What?- Amon thought.

A quick look away and Wolf was instantly up on Amon's face ready to maul it off with his hand that was half transformed into a beast claws.

Before Wolf could strike in, Amon swinged his sword down and-


The whole sphere turned into a ball of light, flashing the whole place, and the barrier was cracked up. What's left after the grand battle was Wolf falling onto his knee while Amon's pointing his sword at his neck.

"T-the match has ended… with the victory goes to… Amon Clarkkkkk" The commentator yelled out and the crowd roared with a passion, a thirst for more.

As Wolf backed away through the exit, Amon yelled out angrily - "You!.. Why did you do that?!"

Wolf just smiled and replied- "I had my fun. Goodbye." Wolf said, then waved off.

Frustrated of how Wolf responded and Amon couldn't do anything else, he stormed off with a bitter look on his face, leaving the crowd a bit puzzled out.

" He held back there."

Suddenly someone muttered something by my side.

Eh that sounded familiar, I turned to look over and there he was, Hedera, he was sitting besides me, chewing on an apple.

"Eh?! Lord-I I mean Professor?! What are you doing here?!" Kannavis asked shockingly.

"Same as you, miss Kannavis. I'm here to support the show, of course!" Hedera said with a uncanny smile on his face.


"Oh don't be so wary, miss Kannavis. I won't tell anyone about this, after all, everyone should enjoy the spirits of the festival!" Hedera said as he chewed on the apple. On the other side from him, there's seem to be a small cloth wrapping something.

"Up next, our final match for the day… we have-" The commentator said.

"Ah! Here she comes!" Hedera said excitedly.

"The flower that rose from the hill of thorns and bloomed into one of the greatest talent of Viscum's Academy, the blooming witch! Irene Briarrrrr!"

I don’t have any excuses but… I was a bit clouded, just know that I have not abandoned this story.. anyway each week might get less update though, we’ll see. I am jammed packed with schoooooll.

P_Tatocreators' thoughts