
Please Don’t Serve Me On A Platter!!

An office lady somehow got reincarnated into the game she was working on as the villainess who was destined to die miserably in the End. Oh what should I do!?, runaway or- huh why is the heroine keep looking at me like that? *Breaks end*

P_Tato · LGBT+
33 Chs

Night guides you to the moon.Ch.19

The Helios city, capital of Lilium Kingdom. Locating at the center of the country, and south-west of the Leo territory. The capital populated millions and is a place where talents are gathered to compete.. precisely for three insignias which are the sun, the moon, and lastly, the eclipse. These insignias represents the three houses and grant special properties to those that were chosen. Even if you're not of the noble blood from the house, with these insignias, you ought to become a part of the family, and ascend to greatness.

So, how does one aquire to hold the titles of such favored? Well, every year, a tournament will be held at the capital's colosseum to select three champions. As per the selection process, it begins at the start of autumn or so they called it, The Maytime Festival. Around this time of the year, it will become lively around the urbs, and each Academies will held their own festivities to select champion's candidates for the tournament. It's a fan favorite, but these type of settings are the ones that are bound to be a problem the most.

Even though I have no skills to be in these bothersome tournament, I'll still automatically be selected for my status as the lady of one of the Houses… haaa…how can I get myself out of this?

"Miss Kannavis?" A girl with a blonde ponytail called out to me. Ah- she must be one of Kannavis's underlings… I can't remember her name…

"You've been awfully quiet.. miss. I heard the manor was attacked? My condolences .. and oh! It must have been daunting to spend your summer with that wretched commoner.. Did you teach her manners well? That wench broke Leslie's arm last time… she should have been expelled for this!!" Leslie?… oh then this girl must be Monica… these two are a handful pair.. They only stick around with Kannavis because of her name, behind her back, the talk is all the same…

"Huu…" I walked up, out of my seat and tried to make my way outside of the classroom.

"Ah! Miss Kannavis wai-" Monica tried to follow along, but she was stopped, frightened as I glared at her- Don't follow.


"I need to get some fresh air…" as I strolled around the Academy, I realized just how amazing it is. The academy building is like a dark castle… the interior has a mysterious vibe to it, the walls are made of naturally dark woods, built in with black metal bifurcated stairs, statues of strange looking people, animal heads hanging on the wall, and beacon stands lantern.. all of this is gothic as heck.. so stunning…

I walked a bit further to the outdoor area, there's a big open-field, being organized for the festival. A huge structure like stadium was being construct, and seatings were being arranged. Just seeing this make my tummy ached.. Afterwards, I explored further and stumbled in to the school backyard garden… a familiar sound was heard, and out of instinct, my body went and ducked behind a bush between two pillars. I took a peek out.

There were two people in the garden whom I recognized, a goddess of a girl, and another a young man. He's got a lean physique, having blonde golden perm hair. His irises was crimson-red making it almost scary to look at. But something about the way he put himself out.. his aura was gentle and exuded confident that draws people in. He's none other than the second Prince of the House of Leo, my fiancé… and the male lead, Cercis Leo.

He's the most popular male lead out of the three, his route has the most romance scene… anybody that see him would just be sweeped off of their feet… except for that he has a witch for a fiancée… extra hate for me I guess. *Cough.. anyway what are they doing here anyway? Is a scene occurring right before my eyes?

"Irene.. it's been awhile." Cercis spoke with a delighted expression.

"Greetings, your highness." Irene bowed to Cercis.

"How was your summer at the Corvus? I hope they treat you well. If they were being indecent, report to me about this. They may be great, but they can't abuse their powers like that." Cercis said, his eyebrows raised up, turning in to a worried expression.

Irene smiled but looked away from his gaze- "It was fine, your highness. There's no need for you to worry about a commoner like myself."

Cercis got close and grabbed Irene hand, placing it on his chest.. hey… why are you touching her? Irene looked surprised by it, but Cercis continued "Irene, you being a commoner doesn't matter to me.. if there's anything wrong, I want to help you through it…I want you to know.. I truly care about you."

Their gazed locked in to each other for a moment, but Irene pulled away.

"Thank you for your consideration, your highness…but this isn't an appropriate thing for you to be doing. You are engaged to Miss Kannavis… it wouldn't be wise for you to worry so much about someone like me."

"N-no.. that is politically arranged... I don't have any romantic feelings for her..the only one I am truly in love with is you-" Cercis confessed.

"Your highness… you can't be saying such things." Irene spoke in a worried manner as she slicked back her hair.

"Yes I can, Irene. For you, I will do anything.. even if it means annulling this engagement." Cercis said, his expression showed that he was serious about this.

"Wait.. your highness.. really?" Irene looked happy as he said that, but quickly hides it.

"Of course, I'm certain of my decision. I will announce it after the welcoming party of the start of our seniors year. I've been thinking about it during summer, the only person I see fit by my side is you, Irene Briar." Cercis said as he kissed her hand.

F*ck this is so annoying to watch.. so did she really fell in love with this guy? Is this how it is? My body was shaking, my feet was tapping all around.


My thoughts were in disarrayed. As I lean my body on my shoulder, I didn't realized the floor was slippery and I slipped on my chin, making a loud noise that alert them.

"..??! Who's there? Show yourself !" Cercis yelled out. Sh*t I'm doomed. What am I going to do?

Cercis tried to get in close to investigate, but Irene grabbed his hand.

"It's probably just some small animal, you may not pay any attention, your highness.. plus this conversation has gone on for too long. We should leave before people come." Irene said as she stared at my direction.

Cercis was still a bit cautious, but follow through with it, and they both head back the other way. Huu… I'm saved… now that I think about it.. did she notice? No… I'm thinking into it too much.. anyway my chin's bleeding…

The walked back to class was horrendously long. All I could think about were the conversations from earlier. I knew it was an inevitable plot line, Cercis will cancel our engagement, and Irene.. she will end up with the male lead one way or another.. just look at her expression from earlier…

I bit my lip in anger…. I should be glad.. but why does it hurt?

I was lost in the moment and didn't look my way, then I bumped in to someone. Ack!

"Oh are you alright, miss?" The man asked.

Huh? Another familiar voice? As I looked to see who it was, a sinister face looked back at me… Crap it's this guy..

"Oh..I'm sorry, Lord Hedera." I said.

He smiled- "Ah it's alright miss Kannavis!.. and you don't have to address me as a lord, in here, I am your professor." Hedera said.

"ahh.. I understand… wait what?" I asked, did I hear that correctly? As I scanned to look at him properly, he seemed to be in a professional attires..

"Oh? Didn't you hear?This year, I will be teaching your class alchemy! Aren't you excited? I really hope you don't fail my class, miss Kannavis." A devious smile was formed on his face as he said that. what the hell..? Goodness I am so not looking forward to this…

Before I knew it, the sun was gone, owls are hooting over the academy, everyone departed to their dorm and I am lost…

"Heh..Where am I?" A single tear dropped out of my eye.

Earlier this afternoon, it was the new semester orientation, There wasn't much briefing about the school ground because we're second years and..

"Oh Miss Kannavis, we're heading to the dorm, would you like to join us?" Monica said as she was going with Leslie.

"Oh it's fine, I'll get back later." It became a habit to go home late while I was working in the office. My task at the desk was to research and built a world for the game, so I had to read a lot. Lately, I've been graving to read some stuff and this academy got a heck of a library with almost an infinite amount of books, I couldn't help myself. At certain point I realized I missed one small detail.. Even though I stayed here for the first year.. I can't seem to remember where the dorm was…

"everything looks the same!" I said anxiously while biting my fist. Everybody is gone! Is it past curfew hour? I might get in trouble if the head of the dorm find out..Let's just walk around for a while.. maybe I'll find it.

The atmosphere reminded me of my first day working. It was a lot for the first day as I were overworked past midnight and missed the last train. I wondered around that night on the streets, just aimlessly walking, the night breezes brushing through my skin, and I hopelessly staring at the empty night sky that has no star shining out in the city. Although now, it's a bit different.. upon this night, I am under the grace of the moon and constellations, here it shines for me… oh stars, may you guide me to the right place.

I walked for awhile and stumbled to this old European-style building, it seemed to have 3 floors, and at the ground front door, There's a wooden board attached with metal chains, hanging down with a sign that said- Linnaea Female's Dormitory. Horray….!!! Thank God, I thought I'll be sleeping on a bench tonight!

I rushed up the quarter turned, bricked stairs, heading for the 3rd floor. As I reached the top of the stairs, suddenly someone unexpectedly came out of the corner and I bumped in to them.


I lost my balance and was falling backward… Oh Crap… I'm going to break my neck..

Immediately the person instantly grabbed my hand and pulled my waist toward them.

"Are you okay?…my lady"

W-wait.. this voice.. I examined the person in front of me, it is a girl with godly features, her fair skins shining under the night, her long strands of silver hair falling down over her shoulders, a pair of violet eyes shining like amethyst, her arch shaped eyebrows raising in on each other as she expressed concern for my safety. An indescribable of a beauty that I've been avoiding like the plague has rescued me again.

"Ah.. Irene.." I said. This is some messed up coincidence…

No chapter releasing tmr. school is working me up 8-5. I think the next chapter will be worth the wait, thank you.

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