[A/N : Yay! 1k Collections, Here's a Chapter to Celebrate.]
After the quest was completed, I received the Random Box, which I chose to open right away.
[Do you wish to open the Random Box?]
[<Yes > <No >]
I pressed <Yes >.
[You got x1 Armor Fossil from the Random Box]
"What? A Fossil?"
"Armor Fossil? Never heard of it. It must be from another region."
"I wonder what Pokemon I'll get from this. But I'll have to wait to find that out since I can only revive the Pokemon much later."
Putting the Fossil in my backpack, I moved past the wooden fences.
It was a straight path with nothing on it except for some ledges.
Soon, I was in front of a building similar to a Guard House.
Inside the building was just an empty space, unlike the Guard House. There were two NPCs, one wearing a lab coat similar to the one inside that lone house, and another one looking like a martial artist wearing red clothes, a red headband, and a red cap.
Walking up to the martial artist looking NPC.
"Once a Pokemon learns <Flash >, you can get through 'Rock Tunnel'."
'Shit, I forgot about that. In the game, 'Rock Tunnel' is pitch black, and the player can only see themselves. Only by using <Flash > to light the surroundings can the player see what is around them.'
'I can't go to 'Rock Tunnel' without <Flash >. Who knows how dark it is going to be inside the tunnel.'
'But where am I going to find <Flash >?' I begin to panic thinking about the pitch-dark environment of 'Rock Tunnel'.
After a few moments of panic, I forced myself to calm down.
'I am sure I missed something, or else I would have gotten <Flash > already. That just means I need to go back and look a little more carefully.'
"OK, New task, Find the HM for <Flash > as soon as possible."
After my thoughts cleared, I decided to quickly complete everything here and return back.
With that in mind, I moved to the second NPC who was wearing a lab coat.
"Hi, Remember me? I'm one of Professor Oak's Aides."
"If your PokeDEX has complete data on ten species, I'm supposed to give you a reward."
'So, He is one of Professor Oak's Aides. I do have data on ten species, I wonder what reward I will get.'
"Professor Oak entrusted me with HM05 for you."
'HM05? don't tell me it's the one for <Flash >. I mean, What else could it be, because I am confident that I didn't miss anything.' I thought.
"So, Dipper, Let me ask you." said the Aide as he moved closer to me.
"Have you gathered data on at least ten kinds of Pokemon?"
Just as the Aide asked the question, a window appeared prompting me to select an answer to the question.
[<Yes > <No >]
Looking at the options, I pressed <Yes >.
"Great! You have caught or owned 34 kinds of Pokemon." the Aide said with a huge smile and excitement in his voice.
"Congratulations! Here you go." the Aide presented me with an HM.
[You received HM05 from the Aide.]
"HM05 contains the hidden move <Flash >."
'I knew it.'
"<Flash > lights up even the darkest of caves and dungeons." he explained.
"Now, I wouldn't take more of your time." said the Aide as he moved back.
After receiving the HM, I exited the building from the other side.
After exiting the building, I was still on 'Route 2', and I had completely bypassed 'Viridian Forest'. The area where I was, was on the other side and was inaccessible to other players unless they have <Cut >.
The area didn't contain any Tall Grass, so I continued to move along the path.
[You found one Sharp Beak]
[Sharp Beak : An item to be held by Pokemon. It increases the power of Flying-Type moves by 20%.]
Looking at the information about the item, I chose to give it to Hoothoot since Hoothoot is the only one who knows a Flying-Type move.
[You gave Hoothoot <Sharp Beak> to hold.]
After giving Sharp Beak to Hoothoot, I continued.
[You found one Parlyz Heal]
Soon, I reached the end of the path where two Small trees stood, which connected this side to the other side of 'Route 2'.
"Two more Random Boxes for me." I said, excited about what I would find in the Random Boxes.
[New Quest]
[Quest - No Viridian Forest 2 {Unique}
Description - A Small Tree is blocking the path which allows people to bypass the 'Viridian Forest'. Because of the Small Tree, people had to go through 'Viridian Forest' to get to the other side of 'Route 2'. Find a way to cut the Small Tree and open the path.
Reward - 1x Random Box
Deadline - Until someone else cuts the Small Tree.
Failure - None]
[<Accept > <Reject >]
'It seems I was right.' I thought as I looked at the name of the quest which contains '2' in it.
Pressing <Accept >, I used <Cut >.
[This tree looks like it can be CUT down!]
[Would you like to CUT it?]
[<Yes > <No >]
I pressed <Yes >.
[The effect of this action is permanent and will affect the quests of other players.]
[Do you still want to proceed?]
[<Yes > <No >]
"Yes" I said as I pressed <Yes >.
Oddish appeared and cut down the tree.
[Oddish used <Cut >]
[Quest - No Viridian Forest 2 {Unique}
Description - A Small Tree is blocking the path which allows people to bypass the 'Viridian Forest'. Because of the Small Tree, people had to go through 'Viridian Forest' to get to the other side of 'Route 2'. Find a way to cut the Small Tree and open the path.
Reward - 1x Random Box
Deadline - Until someone else cuts the Small Tree.
Failure - None]
A Random Box appeared, which I decided to open later with the other Random Box.
Moving to the other Small Tree.
[New Quest]
[Quest - No Viridian Forest 1 {Unique}
Description - A Small Tree is blocking the path which allows people to bypass the 'Viridian Forest'. Because of the Small Tree, people had to go through 'Viridian Forest' to get to the other side of 'Route 2'. Find a way to cut the Small Tree and open the path.
Reward - 1x Random Box
Deadline - Until someone else cuts the Small Tree.
Failure - None]
[<Accept > <Reject >]
[This tree looks like it can be CUT down!]
[Would you like to CUT it?]
[<Yes > <No >]
[The effect of this action is permanent and will affect the quests of other players.]
[Do you still want to proceed?]
[<Yes > <No >]
[Oddish used <Cut >]
[Quest - No Viridian Forest 1 {Unique}
Description - A Small Tree is blocking the path which allows people to bypass the 'Viridian Forest'. Because of the Small Tree, people had to go through 'Viridian Forest' to get to the other side of 'Route 2'. Find a way to cut the Small Tree and open the path.
Reward - 1x Random Box
Deadline - Until someone else cuts the Small Tree.
Failure - None]
Now I had two Random Boxes in my hands. I opened both of them.
[Do you wish to open the x2 Random Box?]
[<Yes > <No >]
I pressed <Yes >.
[You got x1 Mysterious Poke Ball from the Random Box]
[You got x1 Leaf Stone from the Random Box]
Two items appeared from the Random Boxes. One was a green color stone, while the other one was a normal-looking Poke Ball, but unlike normal Poke Balls, this one was glowing golden.
I immediately checked the information on both of the items.
[Leaf Stone : A peculiar stone that makes certain species of Pokemon evolve. It has a leaf pattern.]
[Mysterious Poke Ball : A mysterious Poke Ball which contains an unknown reward. It has a 1/8,000 chance of containing a Shiny Pokemon]
'Can I use Leaf Stone on any of my Pokemon right now?' I thought as I looked at two of my Grass-Type Pokemon, Weepinbell and Oddish.
I opened my PokeDEX to look at the Evolution Tree of both of the Pokemon.
I first checked Oddish's Evolution Tree, which was branching off into two directions after the second evolution of Oddish, which will occur on Level 21.
Looking at the Evolution Tree of Oddish, I realised that I can only use it on Oddish after it has evolved into Gloom. But I'll have to level it up to Level 21 and only then can I use Leaf Stone on it.
Gloom has two possible evolutions one of which requires Leaf Stone, while the other one requires Sun Stone.
But this Oddish is not my main Pokemon; it is only on the Team so that I can use <Cut >.
So, no using Leaf Stone on it. I move on to the evolution tree of Weepinbell.
And to my surprise, for Weepinbell to evolve, it needs a Leaf Stone. No matter how many levels it gains, it can only evolve using a Leaf Stone.
'Now, I know which Pokemon I am going to use Leaf Stone on.'
Taking out the Leaf Stone, the system gave me three options.
[<Use >
<Give >
<Toss Item>]
Clicking on the <Use > button, the list of all the Pokemon on my team appeared.
I clicked on Weepinbell from the list, and just as I clicked on Weepinbell, Weepinbell came out of its Poke Ball, and the Leaf Stone that I was holding flew from my hand and flew towards Weepinbell.
Just as the Leaf Stone touched Weepinbell, both the Leaf Stone and Weepinbell burst into white light.
[Weepinbell is evolving!]
The white light lasted for 3 seconds, and after the light disappeared, the Weepinbell turned into Victreebel.
[Congratulations! Your Weepinbell evolved into Victreebel!]
{Image Of Victreebel}
[Victreebel wants to learn the move <Leaf Tornado>]
[But Victreebel already knows four moves.]
[Should a move be deleted and replaced with <Leaf Tornado>?]
I chose to forget the <Vine Whip> move and learn <Leaf Tornado> in its place.
[Victreebel forgot how to use <Vine Whip>]
[Victreebel has learned <Leaf Tornado>]
After Weepinbell successfully evolved into Victreebel, I put it back in its Poke Ball and shifted my focus to the other item that I got, The Mysterious Poke Ball.
"I don't know what I will get from this, but from the information of this, it says it has a high chance of containing a Shiny Pokemon, which means I will get a Pokemon from this. And there seems to be no limit on which region Pokemon I will get." I said as I looked at the golden glowing Poke Ball.
"Why the hell am I thinking too much? Let's just open it, and we will know what it contains."
Just like Leaf Stone, a window with two options appeared in front of me.
[<Use >
<Toss Item>]
I clicked on <Use >.
The Poke Ball clicked open and burst into golden light.
[Gotcha! Cubchoo popped out of the Poke Ball]
[Cubchoo was transferred to PC Box in Dipper's PC]
{Image Of Cubchoo}
<Quest Reward>
[x1 Random Box] > [x1 Leaf Stone]
[x1 Random Box] > [x1 Mysterious Poke Ball]
<Items Used>
[x1 Leaf Stone]
[x1 Mysterious Poke Ball] > [Cubchoo]
<Evolution >
Weepinbell + [x1 Leaf Stone] > Victreebel
<Team's Current Status>
[1 - Hoothoot Lv. 18 - 34/52]
[2 - Abra Lv. 13 - 30/30]
[3 - Victreebel Lv. 24 - 75/75]
[4 - Ponyta Lv. 20 - 54/54]
[5 - Charmeleon Lv. 26 - 70/70]
[6 - Oddish Lv. 06 - 22/22]