
Player 0, Sacaroth

"Where am I? Where's Ymir, Zaser?" Sacaroth, I, thought to myself. I had been in the dragon santcuary, Dragonroost, before I had been knocked unconscious, and I woke up here, in a pitch-black room, warm, cold, but I can see my body? "Dispel Illusion." I try to cast. (Failed.) Fuck. "Be not afraid! I'll quote, earthling, or are you?" I hear. I can't move my body. Fuck, A divine's divine. "Yes, Aiden, I'm aware. Yes, I know your real name, but you shouldn't worry. You are dialated by 1-500,000,000. To your world you were in. You'll be back before your kids even knew what happened."

SacarothIsWriting · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs


"I'm sorry, but i wish to journey alone. I do not wish for a soul who has so much ahead of them to move on this soon. The souls i must reap here, will move on. I do not know about you, or others. Please, head home. Sorry for bringing hopes up for stories. Maybe I'll ask a god here to pass down a few stories, if they wish. Head home, witch bitch." I say, rudely. It would suck if this young miss had gotten injured by an foe, she seems to be a good soul.

Meanwhile, mine is tainted by gods unknown.

I have yet to see a world smothered by divine energy. I feel a light breeze of it, in the air. Not enough, but miracles are still possible.

"Sorry, but I must study you. As a fellow scholar, you'd understand, right?" She implies. I sigh.

"Keep up." I say, forming wings, making my armor light and hollow. Wings are probably ten feet off each side. I enchant the armor, so its a bit more durable.

"Nice trick, geezer." She says, rising into the air, like nothing.

"Bit limited. Most of my abilities were sealed, for what I'm guessing is entertainment. Making do with it. Bitch." I add. I make myself 75% lighter using gravity magic, and use flame jets to propel myself.

I work on the drag while in air, and soon, I'm flying at around 80 miles an hour.

Bitchy Witchy is using a short range teleport spell, which seems to do just fine.

Too bad I can't utilize a psychic body, I'd see if she could respond.

Be easier to speak if i could. Eh, doesn't matter.

In any case, we're on course to a small town, about 30-45 miles from the base of the mountain.